How much value do you put into voice acting in anime?
Who is your favorite seiyuu?
How much value do you put into voice acting in anime?
Who is your favorite seiyuu?
I used to watch everything that Rie Kugimiya had a main role in. However in the past few years I've come to find she's had roles in anime that didn't appeal to me anymore.
Mamiko Noto. I could listen to her speaking all day.
Nolan North is my favorite seiyuu.
Sounds like a porn star lmao
Enough that it's the reason I don't usually watch dubs.
Also, KonoSuba wouldn't be half as good if it weren't for the voice acting. Hai hai, Kazuma desu
Funny back in her heydey you'd get called a pleb if you watch anything with her in it as it's considered to be an auto shit show just because she was in it, much like how kanahana is now.
I used to fap to Daihatsu Meika for at least 5 times whenever I watched Punchline every week.
Tomokazu Sugita is my favorite seiyuu
They're talking props just like all actors.
It's gotten to the point that I pick up shows based almost solely on their cast. Even really trashy LN adaptations get a pass if there is a VA I really like in it. I also like to pick up shows that have a lot of newbies performing.
Mark Hamill is my favorite seiyuu. Nobody can compare.
Which seiyuu's feet would you lick?
Most of them are passable desu
Tomato, who is also my seiyuufu.
Sounds like you'd like KyoAni and Dogakobo shows then.
Your seiyuufu's.
Voice acting is pretty important, if a seiyuu isn't a virgin then everything they say just sounds wrong and it takes me right out of a show.
You're thinking of Peter North.
I'll sometimes pick up something because one of my seiyuu faves is in it. Depends on who it is, though.
My fave seiyuu is Takagaki Ayahi, your faves can only dream of being as good desu. I don't care about male seiyuu as much as female seiyuu but I've learnt most of them through sports anime and non-sports fujoshit and I like Ono Kenshou a bit.
Of course, the only correct answer to the favourite seiyuu question is Wakamoto Norio.
Everything has potential to affect the final product of a show.
Often, in good anime, one aspect will disproportionately account for a larger amount of artistic direction than the rest.
In recent history, Konosuba had amazing voice acting, but ``QUALITY'' graphics, but is still amazing. Shingeki no Bahamut is known for its cinema-like direction and amazing graphics, but average voice acting.
That's not to say that you can't balance all of the aspects. I think Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei had very good balance with an ensemble voice casting and simplistic style which lent itself well to experimentation (the OPs and EDs)
what's her baby's name
It matters significantly less since I can't understand what the hell anyone is saying. Same goes for animation.
An anime could have terrible animation and voice acting but get a 10/10 rating from me due to the script. If I'm just going to be reading subtitles for 20 minutes an episode then everything else doesn't matter.
KenPro is trying to make Akane Fujita their own HanaKana.
In the lower-middle range, they have a lot of tonal similarities.
They even look alike at certain angles.
Yumiri is way too cute.
Did you watch Fuuka?
9 months
I loved the voice of Urabe, sadly it's her only role in anime.
kamiya hiroshi
Patrician-tier List:
YĆ«ko Miyamura
Megumi Hayashibara
>Cute ((male))
Megumi Ogata
>Christmas Cake/Teacher
Kotono Mitsuishi
What happened to her VA anyway? Last I checked even her acting career is dead.
Wait who is this?
my negro
Seiyuus come and go. Only the memories remain, fading much slower over time.
VA is a huge value, Some characters become really memorable due to the VA they have and create some really good moments.
Aoi on Clementine comes to mind.
Saori "Goddess" Hayami.
Was planning on watching Clockwork Planet due to Yoshino but even she wasn't enough to bear that shitshow for. Turned it off after the OP.
what's her nickname again
>She can actually sound like a boy now
Bless her.
My favorite is the voice that I don't recognize.
My least favorite is Kana Hanadzawa and that damn 2-3 guys who always play male MC's
Anyone else here who thinks Taneda Risa is the prettiest seiyuu?
Saori Hayami
her teeth irl look weird so its whatever but she always voices the best girl.
Yeah she really was pretty.
Nice ancient taste, faggot.
*is. IS!!!!
Fucking hell, she really grew up from being a 17 year old.
What's with Mimorin and her green contact?
Chiwa Saito is my favourite, damn shame she hasn't been up to much lately.
Good cast is enough to carry a show, doing the same thing as but I also like to listen to newcomers or people I haven't heard before.
There is one seiyuu that makes me instantly drop any show he appears: Hatano, Wataru
I despise his grating fucking voice, his completely wooden fucking acting and I wish he would just die already. Whenever I have to listen to his trash for more than a minute I get the urge to vomit and punch the screen at the same time, it's amazing in a twisted way
I didn't know she got fat.
I'm going to go Yuyuyu's show this week and where Yumiri tan apper on
She is tenshi
she's really good in this new zero show.
Did somebody say grating voice?
How many months has it been since she announced her pregnancy break? Is it 9 yet?
>her teeth irl look weird
not anymore, she got work done on them. hayamin went from legit scarecrow to wud fug recently.
Greating voice though.
I am still upset she isn't voicing Shimakaze in the reddit:zero prequel. How the fuck is this allowed?
We're in month 7.
Yeah, I posted Lynn in a seiyuu thread before. I liked her a bit in Sabagebu! and she was good in Saijaku although a bit squeaky at times. I fell for her hard for her Keijo!!!!!!!! performance though. She put a lot of personality into Nozomi.
Her performance in delivering lines in Fuuka is pretty good. The fact that she got paired up against Yuusuke Kobayashi worked out quite a bit, as you can see the trained chemistry from doing Monster Strike carrying over.
Fuuka really demonstrated her ability to sing though. She's still a diamond in the rough in that area, because I think she still hasn't hit her ceiling in terms of potential, but her mid-range combined with that huskiness she never used before can make her amazing.
>There is one seiyuu that makes me instantly drop any show he appears: Hatano, Wataru
I guess everyone has their preferences. I for one find his voice interesting.
Oh yeah. I hate myself already for never having a chance with her for multiple reasons.
It's called healthy. If you look at her in some of her appearances for Shakunetsu PR she seems to have quite a decent bust and some amazing thighs.
Also, some 2.5D Fuuka
Please post more pics of her healthy self.
I wonder why she doesn't want to give her age. That used to be a common practice among Japanese in the past, but it's becoming less common among the current generation of seiyuu and IIRC she's the only one left in her generation that doesn't give her age.
She recently switched agencies. Her new group snagged her very recently and took Mai Fuchigami back September of last year.
we know she was born in 1997
Source? Japanese Wikipedia doesn't give her year of birth.
Really? If true, then wow, she's younger than I am.
Looks like plain regular clothes, but is actually the uniform from Demichan
As far as her age goes, I'm 99.9% sure she's born in 1992, based on a talk she was having with Saori Oonishi in the Keijo!!!!!!!! radio.
She's 24.
This 3dpd shit belongs in /jp/
>Japanese Wikipedia doesn't give her year of birth.
but it does.
Another one from her new profile.
>Hatano, Wataru
He doesn't really get main or even main supporting roles and he's usually in fujoshit stuff I think.
He's talking about Lynn, not Yumiri
good taste. He's my favorite part of Nichibros and Gintama. His comedy roles are perfect.
Ishida Akira
oh my bad, i wasn't looking at the post the dude was referring to
With a bunch of her roles, no Anne tho
I started both of them so whatever
Who are seiyuu who you really like but are severely lacking in roles? For me that would be Sachika Misawa.
Inoue Marina-sama.
Okay that's some delicious fat thighs.
aizawa mai desu
Wasn't Hatano the original Josuke until OnoY was cast as him in the anime? Anyway OnoY suits Josuke well so I don't mind.
In an interview she said she's the same age as Iida Yuuko. So yes, she's 24.
Seiyuu is one of the main things I look for in anime. I will often watch mediocre anime just cuz there are a few voices I like. I care more about good voice acting than good animation.
I'll watch pretty much anything with my seiyuufu in it.
Instantly one of the bests
Yes, I guess they recast and went with a better(?) seiyuu.
i put a fair bit of value in it, but it doesn't factor into my decision what to watch at all. i take it as it comes since most seiyuu are actually decent to pretty good. they're pros. that said, while i enjoy good voice acting, art direction, photography, storyboarding are much more interesting and important.
As a wannabe musician and a future linguist, sounds and speech in general is just so incredibly fun to listen to and I'm quite delighted that Japan puts so much emphasis on their VA business. Japanese is especially nice sonically and all the dialects are super interesting. So yeah, I value voice acting an awful lot. I even avoid playing certain fighting game characters if I don't like their VAs.
My favourites are the cast of Hidamari, especially Mizuhasu, Asumin and Cho.
See pic, I don't understand how she doesn't have a ton of roles after BB. Wasn't BB quite big in Nipland?
She used to play tennis. I wonder if she falls into the old stereotype.
But what's her name? Rin ____?
I'm going to marry Sumipe!
Favorite Male Seiyuu:
1. Chikao Ohtsuka
2. Akio Ohtsuka
3. Hikaru Midorikawa
Favorite Female Seiyuu
1. Rie Tanaka
2. Kikuko Inoue
3. Nana Mizuki
Keep going. My folder could use some updating.
I don't care about/dislike japanese voice acting.
Here's a little story about the life of Wataru Hatano
>forced to play fujo roles his whole life
>his own mother mentally pushes him to make more money from fujo roles, preferably being the uke
>sells drama CDs of her son getting raped everywhere, including her workplace
>embarassed on daily basis
>his only love was JoJo
>JoJo made him forget about others literally raping him in fujo
>his favourite part is 4
>his favourite character is Josuke
>got offered to voice Josuke in several medias
>happy like never before
>finally doesn't have to get taken up the ass for fujobucks
>based Sugita bought him a Josuke shirt and told him he is the best Josuke there could ever be
>didn't even get paid much for Josuke roles in games, just happy he could voice him
>Diamond is Unbreakable animu announced
>Wataru gets call
>he picks up
>it's fucking David
>they tell him he is not getting the role
>role won by a guy who probably sucked producer's dick
>mentally devastated
>dude is legit crying because of it
>back to fujo hell after Eyes of Heaven, starting with Arslan
>even took role of Metal Bat in OPM just because he looks like Josuke
>just to be Josuke again
>he is an empty shell now
Given how she's half-American, wouldn't be surprised if her given name actually is Lynn.
I can't help but pity him now, wow.
Well I guess it's no surprise that he always sounds like he is dead on the inside, he really IS
I've just been downloading pics off of twitter and her profile. I didn't actually save any before. It's unfortunate that I never took her old ones from when she was at Swallow.
too bad, she's easily in the top five for prettiest seiyuu