Realistically, what would happen to a crossdressing japanese student?
Realistically, what would happen to a crossdressing japanese student?
Beaten, harassed, and possibly coerced into suicide
They wouldn't get expelled before any of that could happen?
He'd get his anus forcibly dilated.
Why should he/she get expelled for dressing as the sex he/she identifies with...?
by me.
student: I want to wear the female uniform
school: you must wear the male uniform, muh rules
student: I refuse
school: gtfo
It's a girl's school in this situation so that's just ridiculous
get in line, fagtron. I called dibs on his butthole.
even worse, they wouldn't let him attend, and if he managed to get in they'd kick him out when they found out. Do you know what "girl's school" means?
It means a school for girls. Are saying a girl should not be allowed to attend a school for girls?
god damn japan is based
He'd probably get the shit beaten out of him.
Rape, that's what my doujins taught me.
Hardcore bullying until he corrects himself and becomes productive member of society, or ends it so as not to be a bother for everyone.
If she identifies as a woman then she would be allowed to attend.
No they probably won't. They find out that he's a man, they will probably kick him out and no identity bullshit will stop that.
Yeaaaaah not in Japan
That kinda shit won't flow.
Even if it did "she" would be socially destroyed.
Thankfully Asians haven't deluded themselves into thinking you could become the opposite gender just by saying you are.
>Thankfully Asians
Not in my country
If there was any brave guy with good taste, though, he'd save him and make him his qt girly boyfriend.
I assure you that where ever you are the people who believe you can change your sex is a minority compared to people who aren't deluded.
>tfw you will never get to wear frilly cute uniforms to school
why live
I'm fairly certain that newhalfs and ladyboys aren't considered "women" by any measure.
Okay, fine, I'll bite.
This is a article about zhe case of a mtf student in Japan, and tg issues in Japan generally.
Yes, it's buzzfeed news, but don't let that deter you.
"Simply, if a boy wants to wear a skirt, he should wear a skirt"
She would be allowed to play tennis with the girls. ("She's terrible, but she's so cute")
"These people aren't like this because they chose to be - it's not a fetish."
"I wish I didn't have this bit, but if I cut it off, it's going to hurt, right?"
So in other words, a pretty normal response?
I love how Japan does trans in media and irl better than the west, proving socjus is just a cancer on all fronts.
She(he) will be respected.
Girls will lover her because of how cute they are and how open they can talk about boys.
Boys will like her because she's cute and a male(which you can do sexual things)
>it's not a fetish
If anyone is interested this happened recently
Twin Angel Twinkle Paradise was a solid 7 out of 10 and only because the ending wasn't bad. I don't have high hopes for this but it looks all right.
Dunno how Rie Kugimiya is a hedgehog in this when she was a character in the original. Did Angel White get turned into a hedgehog? Or are there two creatures in this world with the same soul?
Maybe it'll be explained.
Or maybe they just gave her another role other than Cure White.
Become the girlfriend of the most popular guy in his class,
Are you people even thinking realistically? Or are you still applying anime logic to a guy dressed as a girl just because of the potential of being "cute"?
>Simply, if a boy wants to wear a skirt, he should wear a skirt
>"She" would be allowed to play tennis with the girls
This is socjus as hell. Sad that it's getting normalized.
Which country?
That was a very interesting article.
>not wanting to make traps real
you're part of the problem.
Japan is much more accepting of this stuff than the west.
Somebody was never in Japan or Thailand.
Seriously, you Sup Forumsfags are hilarious sometimes.
I want tumblr to leave.
nobody will know he is a trap bcuz, nips arent into 3d
> not being a cunt is being a swj
I want to fug the trap
>That's a guy
Fuck man, traps are evolving.
I bet you Sup Forumsshits don't even know of Tom-Dee or Kathoeys and still think Asia is your mecca of conservatism.
I see his legs in of the pictures and I it made me accept it. Wouldn't assume it was a guy if I hadn't been told from the start though.
Japan has a LONG history with crossdressing
>go to japan
>enjoy going to a humble sake bar in a basement, got the classy interior and fine selections of alcohol
>turns out all the waitresses are traps
I've yet to see a good, science grounded argument against crossdressing/trannies when science seems to be going for them.
Best is when they bring up Dr.Goldstein and his liberal papers like just calling them jewish magically makes the papers wrong.
>definitely forced into a cumdumpster
Japs hate gays but they're fine with it if they're cute.
this, just search onnagate you mongs
tbqh I got no issue against traps but with transgenderism I always wonder if there isn't something deeper that the person is trying to disassociate themselves from by switching genders or identification. That's entirely my speculation and I reinforce it with the fact that my brother-in-law had three tours of duty in Iraq as a medic and a few years after he came back from his last one he's now transitioning to female so I wonder if there isn't some trauma that he's trying to escape by changing identity or if the whole ordeal wasn't so difficult (potentially even emasculating) that that's the reason for transitioning.
Like from what I've looked up, interviews and such usually people as your brother-in-law become soldiers or other such jobs because of the dysphoria, thinking that taking a manly job would teach them that what they're feeling is just them being stupid and that manning up would get rid of it. Funnily enough it usually ends up worsening the dysphoria rather than fixing it.
From the papers I've read, it seems that being trans is actually a type of intersex condition that effects the brain, as the brain is usually more comparable to the opposite sex than their own, unlike with homosexuals who have similar brain structure as their own gender. The dysphoria stems from the brain receiving and rejecting the hormones the body produces which is why hormones are given to a patient instead of anti-depressants as anti-depressants won't have much effect.
It's really interesting to look into, it's just ashame Sup Forums just writes it off as jewish liberal money making schemes because they like posting the worst of the worst trannies.
I didn't realize that it affected brain structure, is it a condition which becomes apparent early on? Like can they detect dysphoria as early as teens or have they only examined it in adults thus far.
I blame kabuki theater
>is it a condition which becomes apparent early on?
No, it's not as cut and dry as that and the reasons for any brain differences are still heavily disputed because the data was/is limited in both scope and scale.
It could go either way, perhaps it's something determined from birth but on the other hand those differences could be shaped by experiences in the same way that abuse or trauma can. If there's still no consensus on which type causes homosexuality, I doubt that there will be one on transexuality and everywhere in between.
Faggots are thrown off buildings where I live
Wait no, I live in commiefornia we worship homos like the golden idol of Sinai
I love traps. I have no issue with traps. I have an issue with reality-deniers, though. You can't actually change your sex, it's just impossible. If you can pass, I might treat you generally like a woman, but you won't be one, and I won't pretend that you actually are.
Also, don't snip the dick. Please. The dick only makes it better, and the disgusting fleshwound that takes its place is horrid.
>all these utterly retarded comments
Sometimes I forget that no matter how bad Sup Forums gets, the rest of the internet is somehow even worse.
Commiefornia probably
I'm fine with Traps, trannies are what piss me off. If they want to be little girls so bad then they should just wait for VR tech
It's a tough topic as said, like there are usually early signs which can either be a childhood phase or be properly cemented, when you see anons post about "pumping preteens with hormones" it's actually the opposite, they put them on a course of anti-hormone drugs so the kid can get a better understanding of what they want, and by doing that it's totally reversable vs actually being put on hormones.
Another good paper that is misquoted is the one that suicide rates post-surgery, as that compares depression in post-op trannys vs everyday people. like surgery isn't even needed in most cases as the hormones and presenting are enough.
Not to be confrontational with you, but it really just sounds like you don't like post-op trans because it's icky and you prefer chicks with dicks. Like I don't think anyone claims to be able to change sex like in my japanese animes, but at the same time how much does it even matter at the end of the day when it's 9/10 gender and how you present yourself overall that is the bit that matters. Plus neo-vags are pretty realistic in this modern age, I remember reading some articles about & from one of the first post-op transsexuals, apparantly she was admired and everything until she revealed she didn't have a womb, then a witch hunt on how icky she was started after that fact.
VR tech would only make the dysphoria worse, we're discussing it as the legit medical condition and not as "want to be the little girl"
>you don't like post-op trans because it's icky
To be fair, anyone thinking of getting an artificial vagina should be aware that this is a common opinion and it's not going to change anytime soon. It's a harsh truth that in their attempt to become closer to a woman, the number of potential partners will actually decrease.
>the legit medical condition
Do you know how many people just fap it too much to Ranma 1/2, develop that fetish when you want to experience womanly pleasure, then are misdiagnosed as Transsexual?
well considering the main difference between the two is the womb, I don't really see much issue. It's not like I'm going to be staring at it looking for biological flaws.
But that's my opinion.
I don't, how many?
And the leaf reveals themself.
Look at how many Men:Women ratio on those who claim to be transsexual and take a guess
I'd say over half of the Men are in that situation
A bunch of fucking leaves here
So you're just taking guesses? No facts or figures?
Like I assume you mean look at the ratio of male:female transsexuals and see that MtFs are higher than FtMs, you can pin that on the way the condition develops, as it is safe to assume that it develops in the womb if we go down the "female brain in male body" theory, When you are a fetus you originally start female then hormones are given to you and that determines sex.
Plus you can also consider that it is more socially acceptable for women to be manly vs vice versa, there is also just the plain chance that the condition is skewed towards affecting males more for whatever reason.
Considering how many hoops and all that transsexuals have to jump through in the UK to get given the medication and all that, I can't say that your thinking is right. Maybe there is the off chance of one or two doing just that, but at the same time we'd assume they would actually start getting dysphoric themselves due to the hormone medication.
Like if you got some concrete proof, I'm more than happy to read it and plus even what you said doesn't rule out being trans as a legit condition.
No womb, No self-lubrication, different surrounding muscles and different texture all seem like key differences that would affect sex. Even ignoring reproduction, most guys are going to see an artificial vagina as a downgrade so she'd have to offer more than an equally attractive/charming biological woman in order to compete.
How come the boys in Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism don't look like that?
I never said it wasn't a legitimate condition, only that is being greatly over-reported.
>So you're just taking guesses? No facts or figures?
Why would I waste time looking for statistics in an Academia that believes parents have the right to give their pre-teen children hormones.
>I have no argument
When it comes down to it, you are just castrating yourself.
His argument is that if you are Canadian, then your argument should be automatically discarded, as Canadians are the worst posters on Sup Forums.
Not him but I just know from several discord servers (some tied to Sup Forums) that people do it as some sort of "salvaging" attempt. You know the ~18-20 year old neets who don't know what to do with their life and have a fetish for crossdressing from being around these sites. They post nudes for attention and get a ton of praise and further encouragment to be more girly. Then they eventually order hormones online and it goes further downhill. Just what I see going on though, if there is actual reasearch/numbers I'd be happy to see that too.
>Why would I waste time looking for statistics in an Academia that believes parents have the right to give their pre-teen children hormones.
I just addressed this earlier on in the thread. C'mon, step it up.
Just disregarding academia now suddenly is such a stupid thing to do, that's just saying "yeah I don't like science now because it's going against what I think is right."
If you were a schoolgirl, you'd want the male uniform to look cool
Appeal to Authority is why I have slowly grown to hate the current Academia. Anyone who questions the narrative on this is labeled Transphobic
>With the same eye style and color
Yeah, no.
Fucked by (Me)
Not the person you're replying to but you then have to wonder what causes that behavior, both the cross-dressing and the attention seeking. Some would say dysphoria but what needs looking into is whether it's actual gender dysphoria, closer to body dysphoria or something altogether different perhaps related to attention as a child and later development of their sexuality. The level of dysphoria is especially important to consider since those 18yr old neets tend to be not very attractive, awkward and geeky looking, It's no wonder that the girly grass is going to seem greener for many of them.
This is why I personally reject the 'female brain' or determined from birth view as a blanket explanation for transexualism.
>What's going this threa-
We are going to need more lighting Pence
Yeah, thing is there I guess if they bypass any medical consulting by just ordering online then it can't really be said to be trans as there wasn't a diagnosis and all that. Like I'm not going to deny you your observations, I've seen it myself. Just I have a hard time believing that such a thing can happen when going through proper medical channels
Question the narrative then, I couldn't give much fucks. All I'm asking for is evidence on this.
It's interesting, which is why it's fun discussing it and reading into it. I can't say there is one main cause of dysphoria and all that, but I am certain the "female brain" is most definately a cause, we have all sorts of intersex conditions so one such as that isn't that far fetched.
But I feel that if it was such issues that it would have been brought up and dealt with in therapy and with anti-depressants, doctors aren't as perscription happy with hormones as one might be lead to believe. Usually people with gender dysphoria would have had it for most, if not all of their teenage life so it does damage the "18 and grass is greener" aspect. From what trans people have said to me, it's not a matter of the grass being greener as a girl, more "I want to stop hating myself to death" and "I don't care if i'm ugly, I just want to be seen as a woman"
cute boys dressing like girls = fine
boys cutting their dicks = bad
>All I'm asking for is evidence on this.
This is fucking Sup Forums, all I have saved are pics of cute 2d girls and girls (male), I don't have the time to research and shit out statistics
Go to plebbit if you want that
ITT: Sup Forums shares its precious opinions about foreign countries and gender issues.
I want to be a cute girl and dress like a qt girl = ok
I believe that I am a girl despite no scientific papers or natural laws supporting this claim, I will attempt to chang my very own biology to force my mental delusions and ignore the consequences of my actions= fucking stupid
Which is why VR technology is the best potential solution
>Put wig and dress on, go in to an all girls school, rape everyone with my feminine penis
What could have stopped that, really makes me think?
If I take off your penis, will it hurt?