How does he keep gettin away with this stuff?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this even.
Capture girls, rape them and add to harem: The Manga
>They actually want to be raped by me so its perfectly okay and actually even a really good thing that it happened to them. All the other girls agree and argue so
Jesus christ, the writing in this. I this was a self concious parody and a joke, it could be funny as fuck.
But it isn't.
This shit is literally trying to take and explain fully seriously "why everything I do is a good thing and everyone and everything should be raped by me".
Id read it if it was full on porn, but it isn't, and that disgusts me. Wasted writing and art.
>Id read it if it was full on porn, but it isn't, and that disgusts me
So ignoring the fact that I dont know what this manga is, Is there porn that actually has good plot?
By being the main character of a garbage isekai manga?
He is evil. Not as evil as the chuuni sorcerer though.
it's called living the dream
...let's spar.
Hilarious, don't care either way but when I saw this page I knew for sure a certain autist on Sup Forums who hates the series with fiber of his every being would make a thread about it using exactly that pic in the OP.
>I knew for sure a certain autist on Sup Forums who hates the series with fiber of his every being would make a thread about it
Sure. Aren't you the one projecting here?
Even porn with horrible plots is better than this. This is a grocery shop list with rape and conquer just for giggles. There's nothing redeemable about MC. He's not even funny.
Were I a drawfag I'd draw Goblin Slayer fucking his shit.
Is this the so called Amsterdam Syndrome?
>Its another I read things that trigger my sensibilities thread
Show me the page where he drugs or rapes any of the girls in OP image, I'll wait.
There's porn with better art, better sex and better plot than certain isekai, like Maou Hajimekata and Re:Monster.
reading this makes me so mad. it's a fucking shitpile of isekai / rpg level up genre.the author self-fulfilling is incredible.
> oh no, a chapter without sex
> let's get one female in heat hehehe
utterly disgusting.
All of the main harem except for Dhammi have some severe fucking stockholm syndrome.
I can't tell jokes from stupidity anymore
how the fuck is this trash still alive?
taste this bad should be a crime.
Okay, I'm gonna risk it and ask for the name, seeing how it's generated so much self-righteous butthurt.
women love getting raped
it's why niggers and muslims can breed to begin with
Re:Monster, and it's not the rape people dislike, it's the fact that the author desperately tries to justify the rape by pretending it's okay because he drugged them first.
Better than your favorite, reddit:zero
nice projection f a g
Oh yeah, guess it'd be better if he didn't try to justify it. I mean rape is what I'll be reading it for anyway.
Fair warning, it starts kinda cool but it's honestly absolutely terrible. Still, it's isekai so you know what you're getting into.
Stop being such easily offended women. There is absolutely nothing wrong with rape.
Nice deflection, shit:eater
That is not what people are annoyed - note: annoyed, not offended - about. It's the shit writing that pisses people off.
All I remember is there's some syndrome to do with scandinavian women enjoying getting raped by non-humans
manga would have been better if he stayed a low level Goblin
Dude, I know nips love their self-insert power fantasies but this was too much even for their standards
Won't somebody think of the women!
yes, getting dominated and then raped and suddenly loving him is exactly the problem here, you know?
because it's garbage writing.
To be fair he didn't rape those girls. Them all falling for his dick IS shit writing though.
1) He doesn't dominate or drug her.
2)He never rapes her either
At least get the bait straight man. At this point in the story he's literally only slept with the fucking Dryad which LEADS to this. He doesn't start using the aphrodisiac until he captures the Elves.
Dude Sup Forums complains about girls liking MC because "he's nice" all the time.
Do you think girls falling in love with their rapist is gonna be well received?
>the bait straight
I mean
I seriously hope you're just baiting that you're still reading this.
That's women nature, normal men are invisible to them, only the chief matter.
Well, normal men matter as suckers that you can scam out of their resources.
>All this samefagging in this thread
Holy shit, you autistic retard
is right, all the re:monster threads on Sup Forums are made by this sperg
I'd agree that this garbage deserves absolutely 0 attention so this thread should just die.
kek, what's with the tumblrina invasion?
Triggered pol loser detected
yeah, this is trash
Of course there is. Here's one of my favorites.
Because nippon based haven't been SJWed
Yeah, that's why the author pathetically makes up excuses to pretend his MC isn't raping people.
Good shit, user.
>I'm against rape
>But if i drug them and they come to me for sex it's fine.
>This dillema is never adressed and everyone is ok with it
Which leads me to believe that it's what the author really thinks.
>52 posts
>35 posters
Really makes me think
It's fiction.
>Less than all posters posted more than once
>really activates my emu meatballs
What makes this disgusting isn't the rape. It's fake. Who cares?
What makes this disgusting is that it's the pathetic, insecure author trying desperately to morally justify his rape fantasies. He can't just accept that it isn't moral to rape people, he has to yell at the audience that it's okay, just so he can feel less guilty.
What, you think even semi-decent writing is something only SJWs are capable of? I mean, this thread is specifically about people complaining about bad, laxy writing. Is disliking that supposed to be an SJW thing now?
This. Just maing the manga into a hentai with a plot could've worked. Making it about a villain doing villain things would've been edgy, but the kind of edgy that can work. Making it a parody of some sort could've worked. What the author decided to do with it doesn't work, however.
Maou is just like that, but it's terrible for different reasons.
>people arguing about the fucking immorality of an ogre raping woman
I can't stop laughing
>What makes this disgusting is that it's the pathetic, insecure author trying desperately to morally justify his rape fantasies. He can't just accept that it isn't moral to rape people, he has to yell at the audience that it's okay, just so he can feel less guilty.
This is what annoys people. user loves rape porn anyway. It's that the author keeps pretending that it's not rape, even though he established that Rou isn't a good guy anyway, so what's wrong with admitting he's a rapist.
It's not about the immorality, it's about the justification.
Learn to read, retard.
Making the manga into a hentai with plot
That won't work cause no ero-manga publisher would pick it up
Or they would only reduce it to a one shot
Why the hell are you so triggered over it?
It's just the most generic isekai
it's the rape equivilent of NBR
nothing ruins my boner faster than the author haphazardly shoving in "b-but they're not related so it's okay!"
Nigger, the fact that it isn't okay is what makes it hot. Like goddamn.
I think a lot of people wanted to like Re:Monster because the basic concept is pretty cool, but the author really catastrophically dropped the ball.
>I think a lot of people wanted to like Re:Monster
Its pretty popular outside of here on sites like mal and reddit
OP is just an autistic buttblasted sperg
He's been making the same fucking thred since the whole of 2016
And guess what? Scanslations are still going on for this and I think they're even translating the LN
>Its pretty popular
So was naruto. Popular or not, it's still garbage, and the OP's point is one of the reasons. You seem pretty mad that people are criticizing your favorite isekai though, but you should try to refute their points instead of just going for insults.
are you trying to convince us that only people with terrible taste like this
because if so, well done
>its a neo/a/ argues about shit episode
Day 76: I had drugged sex but it wasn't rape. Also I ate stuff.
Day 101: I reviewed my 5,000 character long status screen of powers. Then I ate stuff.
Day 107: I fought something and won. Then I ate it.
Man I should really start collecting H manga. Already forgot about a great one like this.
I collect H manga and I forget about great stuff like this. I already had it saved, and the sequels too.
Garbage or not, I am just tryimg to show OP's autism
I ironically picked this up back in 2016 when an exact same thread as this was made just to see whether it was as shit as OP described
And to be fair, I've read even worse isekai than this
Rou is justified in everything he does since there is no law.
The drugs lessen the rape trauma, very kind of him.
You assume only the OP has ever had a problem with this part of the story. And when a new chapter comes out that starkly reminds you of the problem, then it's normal people will bring it up again.
It's still rape though.It's precisely because Rou comes up with this garbage excuses that he comes off as pathetically hypocritical.
best manga ever
OP here, kinda enjoyed of all the flamin goin on
Also i'm not the speglord who is allegedly spamming these threads, but a different speglord of my own :3
I love doujinshi with good plot. But it's very hard to find. Most of them don't go beyond standard premise with standard course of action.
Of course, which is why being compared unfavorably to pornographic doujinshi is a pretty bad sign for actual manga.
it's pretty shit manga desu
So which is Worse?
This or Arifureta?
Tough call. I think of the two, Arifureta ends up getting worse.
I feel like the guy accusing you of being a particular sperglord is in fact a particular sperglord who thinks any threads bashing their poorly-written isekai is made by one madman because nobody but the insane can hate their precious series