Behold the true reason for the cultural and technological dominance of Europe and Asia...

Behold the true reason for the cultural and technological dominance of Europe and Asia. It wasn't whiteness or IQ or whatever reasons Sup Forums has. It was these unbelievably convenient animals. Look at anywhere that great advancements took place and you will see they had horses. The strength and speed of horses built modern civilization that's why even today we use horse power to describe somethings ability to move. Never has there been a more smart and useful animal.
How could africans and native Americans be expected to build cities without the mighty horse? They could scarcely travel long distances or move heavy materials.
Quit feeling superior to horseless peoples. The so called niggers of the world are just people who never had horses.

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Yes op, areas that had better resources yielded more successful people with higher iqs.

If only the natives here had tamed the emu.
We would all be speaking abo.

Native americans progressed backwards from agricultural societies to nomadic once horses became more tamed. Also zebras exist in africa


get fucked you lazy nigger you had animals you could of domesticated

Zebras are jerks. If you try to break a zebra like a horse it will kill you on purpose.
Those things are used to dealing with shit tons of lions and hyenas and shit

This. Jared Diamond BTFO

>implying the original horse was easy to break in it's called selective breeding nigger

More importantly zebras are used to dealing with shit tons of niggers.

Maybe if the retarded natives didn't kill all the horses they could've domesticated them. Just a thought.
>Native americans progressed backwards from agricultural societies
They never were agricultural societies.

>He posts a horse
>Not the steppe
You had one job

africans have fucking camels and donkeys and have zebras they could've domesticated as well as many cow and cow-like species they could've domesticated. they were just morons.

wrong. people that had less resources are the ones with the higheset iqs, those are the ones who had to plan how they and tribe would survive in the winter. the humans that had goals for the months ahead are the ones with the highest iqs. humans would lived where food was abundant, with plenty of animals to hunt, who actually didn't need shelter from the cold are the ones with the lowest iqs because they never develop the ability to plan ahead.

Those aren't fully grown Zebras and they were captured by an already advanced society.
You cant just walk into a herd of Zebra and catch one with little technological advancement its suicide.
Horses are gentle they always try to run from danger. The key to breaking a horse is teaching it you mean it no harm. It will try to run and will usually avoid attacking.
Zebras will attack with intent to kill.

Not true
Hardest life =/= no resources

Middle eastern and North Africans did use camels and they had cities.

i like the adrenalin rush you get when you sit on a really fast horse.

Zebras can't be domesticated because in Africa they have to deal with much worse than Pumas and wolves

If they had animals, they (niggers) would have been domesticated.

There's the Jared Diamond reference I was looking for.

Kek because you think horses ancestors were dociles back in the day? No, they did selective breeding just like with wolves and falcons.

Ah I hate technology. Why can't we all still be riding horses and fucking virgins.

aricans have domesticated Kamerun Sheep and zebus


>what are camels, cattle, zebras, etc.

Africans had elephants and zebras which easily with time and determination could've been used for industrious purposes...

They even had fucking DOGS and they didn't domesticate them.

niggers HATE animals.

North Africans domesticated Elephants, but then again they weren't niggers.

Elephants yes but even domestication of elephants was done by people who already had horses.
And Zebras isn't an option. Those things will mess you up for no reason.

That's no excuse, north africans and Indians domesticated elephants you dumb nigger.

They already had horses though. Those were sizeable societies. Certain things just won't let you ride them.
You can't ride a rhinoceros it won't let you and will kill you for trying.

>africans have fucking camels and donkeys

99% of Asia are third world shitholes with a per capital GDP smaller than Ukraine. There's a reason Asians mass migrate to white countries but not vice versa.

You're on the right track.
The places in the world with higher IQ / advanced civilizations are places that originated from larger scale agrarian societies.Because successful farming requires planning and low time preference (read smarts). And in order to have an agrian society, you gotta have easily domesticatable plow animals such as oxen.

elephants were never domesticated
they were tamed on multiple instances but never domesticated

>Certain things just won't let you ride them

>Gee slavic jim, I wonder if those 4 legged thingies would let us ride them

>no slavic bob, certain things just won't let you and will kill you for trying.

What about Tatars? Damns Sure about Speed and Strenght but Civilization? Mighthy Hourse belongs to Turks not Soyboys like you to carry your ass!! Horse means no building you are free and wild

Good luck riding a Kudu or a hippo

People have literally done this.

All the time.

Winter created cultural and technological dominance.

that's why i'm worshiping a british bastard
oh wait

Nope, it's that Africans were too low-IQ to domesticate the zebra.

Touche. I didn't know hippos could be that agreeable. They kill tons of people. I wouldn't go near one.

Haha whitey, u needed to fuck horses to live. Muh dick could pleasure horses, but I still fug women. We wuz kangz, nigga

>Wat is a zebra?

That’s because you’re a faggot.

here is a video

Hippos bond and socialize during upbringing easily enough.

Capturing them wild though is impossible to tame.

Granted hippo in pic is 6 years old so it's still juvenile but adulthood is 7-8 so it's kinda close.

>what is selective breeding

You have to be able to tame some before you can selectively breed them

The horsepill is real

>zebras can't be tam-

Yes sort of like that four legged animal that used to be a ferocious killer but now is a beloved companion to westerners everywhere...

Carthage, arguably the best civilization to come out of Africa ever, did have elephants. I think. Africa would have been in a better place now if the romans hasn't genocided them off the planet.

The carthaginians were caucasians though.

Carthage wasn't genocided it was brutally conquered , yes , but it became a province of the empire. Also the Carthaginians weren't black , they were Phoenicians , and north Africa didn't really have much communication with sub Saharan Africa.

Anyway the best civilization to come out of Africa was probably ancient Egypt.

Indo-Europeans domesticated the Camel on the Steppes.

>did have elephants.
Elephant technology came from Aryans, not from Africa.