Why doesn't he just rape her when she does this?
Why doesn't he just rape her when she does this?
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You can't just go around raping people.
Because Lupin is trying to win/play Fujiko.
he tries to rape her in that green jacket OP he gets hit by a boxing glove
How she hide this in her vagoo?
>go-go gadget gooch glove
She's a slut.
I usually don't like sluts but there's something about Fujiko.
Now this all makes sense
What the fuck.
It shows Imaishi is an idiot who overuses references to other anime.
(Old) Ginaix are just bunch of fucking weebs
Why else did you expect
Because he's not ugly unlike the average Sup Forums user.
Rape is illegal
Ahmed pls
He literally looks like a monkey.
literally how new
Japanese women love monkeys
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.
Because having to rape a girl to get sex means your genes are officially lowest of the low. If you can't get a girl through charm, personality, and social status you're genetic scum.
Thats not stealing, thats just assault.
All those fake overreactions just so your stupid face gets screentime.
Jesus Christ, kid.
He's a nice man.
Lupin and Fujiko already had sex several times.
Because anime Lupin isn't a rapist. Manga Lupin is though.
This is kinda romantic.
>Euro Sup Forums is obsessed with rape
Why are you europoors such a bunch of desperate neets?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
Why not?
>implying Sup Forums reads manga
At least we're not cucks :^)
Fujiko's Unlucky Days is even more.
>not the biggest cucks ever who led themselves be invaded by hordes of niggas and sandniggas
Go kys
eh, raping someone doesn't really fit with the debonair thief image
> Sup Forumsack shitposting and making a mess on a board that isn't his
How does it feel to act like the people you hate ?
How does it feel getting an opportunity to actually use the word on your word a day calendar?
>Because he's not ugly unlike the average Sup Forums user.
I know. We really need to just immediately acquit moderate-to-handsome looking men who're accused of rape
eh, I think it's a fairly common word, depending on the books you read
>debonair is a difficult word
Not him but jesus.
Monkey Punch would beg to differ.
Says who?
Fujiko is sexy as fuck.
First the autism over how to pronounce Lupin, now this shit.
how do you pronounce Lupin?
>bringing up Sup Forums when anons have used whatever means to shit on one another since Sup Forums was founded
Go back to Sup Forums. I hear their hugbox has an opening
The French way.
>Says who?
the police, those fascist assholes!
Why is Miyuki Sawashiro's voice so lewd?
where can i watch this reverse gangbang?
By definition he's physically incapable of raping her.
To rape someone they can't be willing.
These days the definition of "rape" has been expanded to the point that the term has lost meaning.
To be fair so do western women.
>All those fake overreactions
Church girls would act like that.
the giant group EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?
You fail to understand the beauty of this moment
Please explain, sensei.
Secret of Mamo is the best Fujiko/Lupin
So are there no english subs for Goemon Ishikawa's bloodspray?
It's my favorite movie.
Nope. I think the BD just came out.
Rape is illegal, user.
Loo Pawn
which lupin film is this?
subs when?
Cause, He wasn't thinking about it at the time.
Is that bear grylls?
I can just hear the collective ええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええええ!
He actually says that they could do something else to make her feel good.
First Contact.