Grand Blue

Ch. 34
A wild love rival appears!

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Helvetica said the chapter will be coming out today, so I'm pretty excited to read it.

Will this new chick be the real love interest? The cousin is being pushed down our throats but besides that she shows no real interest and the other short haired girl is pretty much comic relief at this point.

Dunno, I doubt I can make accurate predictions regarding this manga's course, or at least I hope I can't, because if I can it means it'll turn out generic.

wait did Chisa get 2 reaction panels there?

Might be another girl, they have different hair shades. But if it's Chisa in both, then she's probably glancing over at Cakey because she's picked up that she likes Iori.

Oh come one, cant they give cakey a fucking break.

It's not chisa.

Cakey is the one putting the breaks on her own romantic developments. If she wants anything to happen she has to make it happen.

>Kouhei gets the biggest reaction panel

Truly best boy. Did he ever find out she was the bitch who stole his ticket?

Its the reason why bitch is around

This is bullshit. You can't pull on a person's lower eyelid by pulling on their mouth, facial muscles don't work that way.


Guess I'm not the only one who can't tell.

It's a guy. He's in highschool and bitch is aiming for him.

Where does the line for /ss/ go?

Hello Autismo. How's your mom?

Dunno, but your mom sends her regards and will be home as soon as she's less sore.

I love this manga. Anyone know any other stories with the same kind of humor and cozy camaraderie?


Dasei 67 i guess.

His other work is Baka to Test which is kinda GB's prototype

>comedy manga using exaggerated facial features
Color me surprised.

You mean he wrote the novel or did the manga adaption of that?

Writer for the manga.

But the manga is/was an adaption of the novel, why would you need a writer?

They're good to us.

Calling it, what blondie's upset about is that that dude's got a trap too.

Because a manga script is fundamentally different from straight prose, and the author either couldn't do it or didn't want to.

nah, she'd a bitch who tried to fuck over kouhei. she deserved that beer being poured over her. iori and friends are true bros in my book.

He's the creator of Baka to Test's novel as well.

Same reason movies based on novels have writers, to write the movie script adaption.

Belligerent. Sexual. Tension.

Movie making and manga making are very different processes, can't say I've heard of a mangaka having someone to script a novel for him to draw before.
In this case though, he's listed as writer because he's the author of the original novel, as listed here

>can't say I've heard of a mangaka having someone to script a novel for him to draw before.
Which is why most adaptions from anything else into manga fucking suck.

It really just depends on how good the mangaka is and whether the material itself is well suited for manga, Baka to Test manga was great.

Brocons who doesn't realize that they're Brocons are the best.

I'm still waiting for that obligatory onsen chapter.

She isn't a brocon, she just cares for Iori on a sibling basis.

I actually like how the manga handled her.

I usually hate both the obsessive sora yandere brocon imouto character and tsundere imouto characters.

But when Shiori turned out to be some subversive frankenstein combination of both, I was pleasantly surprised. It just fucking works.

I like that she's a scumbag like Iori at heart

It must run in the family

She is not cute. She is sexy.

Those legs damn it.

So who is Tokki's gf? New character? I found it weird or maybe I don't remember but I've never seen Tokki and Nanaka interact before until this panel.

you're not one of those anons who thinks bro/sis/mom/dad-con inherently means they want sex or romance, are you?

It certainly implies much stronger feelings than regular sibling affection.

No no, it's the opposite. Iori and Shiori are scumbags in most aspects of daily life, but have good hearts that shine through when it matters the most.

yes, but not necessarily romantic or sexual in nature. It's the unusual strength of the feelings that make it a complex, that's all.

Even unusually strong feelings of contempt?

they aren't blood related

More Kanako when?

They are, speedreader-kun.

Chisa isn't blood related, imouto is.

>feelings of contempt

That's what Shiori tries to tell herself what her feelings for are.

It's clear as day that she's just using Iori as a scapegoat, outlet and excuse for her frustrations on being unable to tell her parents that she doesn't want to inherit the family business. But take away that excuse, and all that's left is her unusual obsession with her "Nii-sama".

And as Azusa pointed out, all her actions are just classic Brocon behavior.

On the other hand, chisa is very cute.


All the girls are cute or downright sexy. What a world to live in.

No, generally speaking it would be attachment. Having said that, and strong unusual hatred for a family member is complex in and of itself.

She has a great ass. No wonder why Iori sees her and Nanaka in an erotic way.


Reminder that Shiori heard the comment about seeing Nanaka in an erotic light.

That strand of hair around her eye is going to get annoying. She looks like she has a skin graft

I thought the same

Could be intentional, to show how fake she is.