What do /pol thinks about white liberal Muslim apologists?

Middle East Christians are among the most persecuted groups worldwide

-Islamists have blowing up and killed thousands of Christians not only in the Middle East, but also in the West

-According to Mr.Werleman, Muslims are very tolerant despite the fact that they carried out terrorist acts as an act of revenge for US led wars

-Christians in the Middle East are not responsible for the war crimes of the US, nor a the little kids killed at the Ariana Grande concert.

So why he spitting so much hate to innocent victims? What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/z8qhdc2m3x7a2u6/CHRISTIAN BOOKS COLLECTION.zip?ssl=1

I used to get mad but then I realized in an attempt to look open-minded and progressive people like this guy will go first when a jihad/race war breaks out. To whites he's a traitor and to non-whites he's white so he's fucked himself in the long run

His whole timeline is full of hate against whites so i guess the problem here is very deep

>US led wars


omg gdli

>white liberal Muslim apologists?
They don't really exist. It's just a strawman that bedwetting alt-righties like to terrify themselves with.

mediafire.com/file/z8qhdc2m3x7a2u6/CHRISTIAN BOOKS COLLECTION.zip?ssl=1

Found the Muslim apologist.



Very simple .WE don't want to kill them .
We are forced to.
Those stupid fucks keep inviting us over there to fight.
It's a 2500 year old family fight within Kikeland . Between Jew's &
Muslim's. Quite frankly the rest of the adults are sick and tired of their bullshit.
I vote let the Jew's settle this once and for all, then we won't have to be involved in killing them .
If the USA didn't intercede what do you think the Jew's would do ??
One guess.
There'd be a hell of Alot of sandles in the desert again

He's right, America needs to GTFO the Middle East, America is responsible for making the lives of Middle Eastern Christians hell not Muslims, it's America invading and bombing country after country, destabilizing the whole region in the process.


I don't care, I just don't want them in my country

T. Kike


Useful idiots. If they want to be a body bag for Ahmed then be my guest. If they're so deadset on destroying Murica then so be it. The balkanization couldn't come sooner, these shitlibs could live among the Muslims communities if they so wish. They not going to come back out in one piece though, but hey it's the future they chose.

>less than one percent of northern Irish Catholics joined the IRA
guess it wasn't a problem then

Most muslims actually aren’t Muslim.

They just have to say they are and play along or be killed.

Two wrongs dont make a right. If you honestly want to compare the morality of these two mutually exclusive phenomenon then its a bit more complicated.

The people pushing for war in the Middle East are actually the same people who are welcoming millions of unregistered working age men into Europe from these war torn countries.

The victims are actually both muslims and white europeans.

I dont really need to explain why white europeans are victims, our societies get transformed and terror threat goes up, we have to pay their welfare with our taxes and etc etc etc.

Women, children, the sick and the elderly are left behind in Syria and Afghanistan if they cant stomach hundreds of hours of walking and sleeping rough, whilest their protectors and bread barers fuck off to France and England instead of trying to fix the mess they have in their neighbourhoods, or atleast sticking with their families and ensuring everybody gets out alive.

The invasions and meddling from the west also throw petroleom on the fire that is islamic extremism. I visited Syria in the 80s with my Dad after we had toured Israel, it had a great night life and the people were very welcoming and generous. It wasn't untill Soviets fucked with Afghanistan that these places really became no-go zones for tourists.

Its a tragedy on both sides, muslim nations have a right to self determination, and to be left ot their own devices, as much as we dispise their religion, and likewise we have the right to a Europe that looks out for Europeans and protects our cultural heritage.

As for the Christians of the Middle East, these people have generally existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years with very little interruption to their daily lives under Assad, and Gadaffi, and Hussein. If it wasn't for the arab sping most of these people would be safe.

For those that were persecuted, Europe should be accepting them with open arms, rather than the millions upon millions of muslims.

In 1954, president Getúlio Vargas killed himself to avoid a military coup sponsored by the American government. After his death, the population burned every building with the American flag, the US consulates, the business owned by Americans, the buildings with American colors, attacked every political party that was pro-USA and attacked all the newspapers and radios (except those who supported Getúlio).
Honestly, the Americans have been acting like jews in Latin America for the last 150 years and they're doing the same in Middle East in the last 70 years. What do you expect?

There were dozens upon dozens of millitary interventions in Latin America by the USA under the Monroe Doctrine.

Like with the American inteference in the Middle East and North Africa, it started off as an effort to keep the Soviets out of there, which is a respectable cause, but turned into a fully fledged bloodbath where democratically leaders and nationalist capitalist dictators were being overthrown for seemingly vacant reasons.

Vargas literally sent communist jews to Hitler.
The Americans interfered here because Getúlio started a nuclear program in 1950 and nationalized oil industry and other stuff.