Who will be the best girl in the inevitable Persona 5 anime?
Who will be the best girl in the inevitable Persona 5 anime?
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It doesn't matter because whoever it is still won't be as good as Maya.
Tae best girl.I went for her in my 1st game.
She looks like a cheap whore.
How can the worst girl in the game become the best girl in the anime?
The loli twins.
Best Doctor
Hifumi's shogi play in anime form would be a sight to behold.
>tfw you learn you can romance maya
>tfw it doesn't actually make maya love you
>tfw the only lover that truly wants you is the canon slut
Who among those are used whores?
Definitely not Chihaya without a new voice actor.
1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9.
>all the best looking girls + the megane are all pure
Thank fucking god maybe I'll pick up this game
8 is 5,000 yen a night in the game.
The adults, 8 is an actual whore.
The one voiced by Nana.
I vote whoever has biggest tiddies
I cannot choose between Tae and Makoto.
>mfw 7's VA was Anya/Kuuko's
>this was her last role
They're all kinda flat, I'd think sae is the biggest though.
Fuck, I meant Anna. Fucking Slavic names.
Anya and Anna it is the same name.
The only good answer
God fucking dammit, why did I hover that.
>Main persona is Arsene.
>Arsene Lupin was written by Maurice Leblanc.
Little clever things like that make the difference.
I wonder if they're going to beat up the protag in the anime.
The dead one
Doing what?
Hifumi > Futaba > Makoto > Takemi > Sadayo
No other girl matters.
Hifum, futaba, makoto and kawakami are absolut trash though. Takemi is okay but still not great.
EOP faggots
This much shit taste.
Do you honestly believe that the autistic shogi girl deserves the number one spot? No.
Kawakami, exactly as she was in the game.
I'm really conflicted between going for her or going for Makoto.
Gonna wait to see how I feel about Makoto's confidant scenes, but I've already rushed Tae to 7 and feel like I could've maxed it if I wasn't grinding other stuff.
>sex worker
>best girl
that's awesome
Also, man is the lolidom strong in Caroline.
She looks like Yukiko.
Therefore, number 1 place. Just like how Yukiko is the undisputed best girl in P4.
This "discussion" is over.
Not even a good joke.
[shit taste intensifies]
There's already an anime.
Difficult to say. P5's female cast is strong as fuck. Strongest in the Persona series for me. Nice to see Side character confidants who are actually decent characters with depth.
My personal favourites are unlikely to change though. So that means:
Will be my best girls.
>tfw want to join in this thread but don't want to get spoiled
Takemi a best, bye.
Don't worry. No spoilers here.
Either >smelly NEET pussy or sensei please.
>an actual spoiler behind a spoiler warning
Well fuck.
>likes Yukiko
Back to Sup Forums with you
Haven't played the game but 2 is easily the cutest.
2 looks like an angry dyke. I bet you think pugs are cute too.
Even if that's the case, she is still better than all the alternatives.
Nobody likes haru.
Did the P4 anime actually have a canon love interest in it? Haven't watched it. I know the P3 movie series sort of went the Aegis route with it though.
>people shitposting about various girls in P5
I dont understand. I like all of them. Some I like more than others but people calling any of them "shit" are just fucking wrong.
No. The OVA or whatever it was went Marie route as it coincided with the release of P4G
>inevitable Persona 5 anime
There already WAS an anime you idiot
I hate it when all girls are best girls.
Whatever they do, they better change the god awful music.
>having such colossal shit taste
What the FUCK did you just say?
This is the shit I'm talking about. Get rid of it.
>tfw harem route never
Alright fight me you fag I'll kill you.
Can you top posting this garbage or at least stop quoting me while you do so?
If you want to make a point at least post the battle theme or main theme
>Sojiro covers for you making up alibis for you if you romance multiple girls until it all falls apart on Valentines.
What a bro.
None, just like in P4 the Animation.
3, 5, 7 and 0 are the best looking. But i havent play the game.
Man, that ain't even a spoiler. It's like they want you to know when you meet him
3 is a NEET.
5 is a chuuni.
7 is dead.
>They're all kinda flat
Character Design have patrician taste.
The real twist is that the PT knew he was going to betray them and played him like a damn fiddle.
P5 anime OVA already came out
It was shit and full of QUALITY
Honestly I was torn between Hifumi and Makoto but picked Makoto since it seems weird to get involved in a reltionship with someone who doesn't know about everything going on, like you'd be keeping waaay too much from them in my opinion.
Then I read that apparently Hifumi was GOING to be a part of the main cast but they decided it would make it all a bit too cluttered, and now I'm kinda sad because I'd relationship the hell out of Phantom Thief Hifumi.
I really like her ridiculousness with Shogi, but I also really like Makoto's character a lot too.
The girls are so fucking hot, I don't know how many times I came with this.
>at rank 8 she flat out asks you if you're into older women.
Real subtle there fortune teller.
>it seems weird to get involved in a reltionship with someone who doesn't know about everything going on, like you'd be keeping waaay too much from them in my opinion.
All your confidants know you're a Phantom Thief by the end.
How many vatiants of this event are there? Id imagine that theres just one for each girl and then this harem one with all of them
That impressed you? That shit is obvious.
The actual design work with Yusuke's Goemon is far more impressive.
Goemon was a 16th century thief who turned to assassinate the Shogun who basically used other's talents, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, after he stole his "treasure" from him. (his wife)
Goemon however is caught from clumsiness for ringing a bell in Hideyoshi's bedchambers whilst he slept and is boiled alive as a consequence for his actions.
Yusuke's whole character development happens because of his clumsiness following Ann around to find out about Madarame, Madarame dresses himself up like a Shogun inside his golden Palace of vanity, Yusuke's elemental weakness is to hot attacks similar to Goemon's death and the whole summoning Goemon as Yusuke's Persona may as well be construed as bringing his ghost back from the dead to finally get his revenge against an incarnation of Hideyoshi.
It's fucking great.
The anime cutscenes within the game are even worse than the actual game graphics even.
What happens after this? Do you get to keep them?
That's what she gets for becoming a confidant at 80% into the game.
It's the Naoto situation all over again and she's basically a diet version of Mitsuru contrasting all of her character traits.
I don' t know them but the number zero is the best.
>there are people on this board who play video games
How much more pathetic can you get? Video games are literally made for kids you pathetic losers. Go back to Sup Forums, faggots
They beat the shit out of you and you miss out on getting their max confidant items which gives you the benefits of having completed their confidant as soon as you start their confidant again on NG+.
I'm in Futabas womb. Am I at the halfway point yet or not?
no, the real twist is that Igor was fake all along
palace 4 of 8 so a little under halfway.
I'd say about 40%.
Nice. Really enjoying it. This year has been great for Jap games so far and there's still more to look forward to.
Atlus said they were gonna crack down on people uploading content past 7/7 ingame.
Includes making vids on youtube and streaming it on sites like twitch.
Keep in mind that this game has been out for fucking 6 months now
And now you've spoiled someone else out there.
Good job.
To that user who fucked up the spoiler, ctrl + s is your friend.
You guys are even worse than Sup Forums for spoilers, holy shit.