At what age do you have to stop watching anime?

At what age do you have to stop watching anime?


18 If you're mentally healthy

When you die.

~7 or 8, got back into it at ~16, has been on & off ever since, I watch maybe two or three shows a year and some movies. [/myblog]

Whenever i grow tired of it.

I only started when I was 22

Wait, you fell for the watch anime in the first place meme?

29 , i'm 27 right now :^)

Lets talk about how cute Illya is instead.

If you are rich, never.

Probably at 14. This is the time when you pick up girls and you have no more time for cartoons.

When you want to become a normalfag.

At what age do you have to stop browsing Sup Forums?

>paying for Anime

Only dumbass gringos care about such trivial matters. Latinos will watch anime and not give a fuck.

when it becomes real

21 for most, the actually good ones are always acceptable


honestly you should never start. the only acceptable anime are sunday morning programs while in elementary school. anything else is anti social degenercy

Pretty much this.

when your body becomes too old and starts rejecting your efforts to watch late-night shows.

nice bait

I miss him

Age is irrelevant, more of a realization.

Infact to be more specific, when one realizes anime is nothing more than a big rotating wheel, where one season of a slice of life moe blob anime ends and another begins to take its place, when your fav cgi infested action anime ends and is replaced, or when gundam n.39848292 rolls on out.

Sometimes we realize this sooner and drop off at an early age, for me I'm nearly 29 and starting to watch older and older anime, some even older than I am, just to see where it all went wrong.

To give you an idea how far back I've gotten I'm watching astroboy in black and white

I stopped at 20

When I die.

To answer that question I have to ask myself at what age time should I stop masturbating?

22 years old and no end in sight.

In the next few years more and more people will watch anime.
And then unable to stop, the people now who grows old will continue to watch anime.
Backlog keeps growing, new seasons keep coming. And more sexy anime tiddies keep coming.
It never stops. Anime is forever here.
Anime is life.

If you stopped why the fuck are you on Sup Forums?

Anime will die in a few years so I guess you stop after you watched every anime there is.

So why are you still on Sup Forums?

I stopped watching anime when I got a girflriend

Because we are trying to normalize Sup Forums. Sup Forums has already fallen to us and you weebs are next.

>when one realizes anime is nothing more than a big rotating wheel
Or when you already realize that but you also realize CGDCT shows are actually fun and know that watching them doesn't have to be a chore and you just roll with it as long as you enjoy it.

It's not always an adventure where you try your hardest to find something "new", the fun meme isn't just an actual meme.

I do what I want when I want fucker

>At what age do you have to stop doing things you enjoy?

When your depression stops.

I'll stop at 30 when I'll be killing myself.

3 years left

16, everything above would be worrying

You're the only friends I have

There is no upper age limit. As long as you're still interested in it, you can keep watching it.

8-12 just like other cartoons. Everyone posting here has made a terrible mistake.


So never then? Got it

anime is japanese for cartoon

Happy 14th birthday user

Or you could just ignore seasonal trash and watch one of the hundreds of classic shows you haven't seen yet

What about you?

>i don't watch anime but i'm on Sup Forums
>i don't like anime but i'm on Sup Forums
>i have no personal interests and my life is empty

This is the Sup Forums thread?

I started at 19 and I have no intention of stopping.

This but she dumped me when she saw all the anime shit in my room so now I'm watching anime again

I'll stop when I'm 99.99 years of age.

This. Anime is long dead to me.

At the very least before I my kid leaves for college

I have no intention of stopping
I have every intention to avoid all the derivative trash I've seen hundred of times already.

Me too. Jast waiting to check something.

You checked 'em alright.


>killing yourself when reaching wizardry
You WILL be a wizard right?

We are here forever.

Maybe not him, but still counts because he will stay until his death.

It's not really age. It's priorities.
When you have other things to do that fucking eat your time up, work drains you out that you can't watch anime after going home. That's the killer.

>have to


the age when you lose your virginity


Some people here are self aware

>work drains you out that you can't watch anime after going home
If watching anime is a chore for you then it's probably not a great hobby to have.

second generation weeb here, my dad still watches anime, and i'm already a wage slave, so for me, i think i will watch until i die

>says the guy who has no job


Naturally I include myself in that

>found Sup Forums at 27
>started watching anime at 30
>35 now

I stopped multiple times, but keep coming back. It is the only medium that can silence the crushing loneliness.

Hey man if that makes you feel better, go ahead and believe it.

So what do you do when you go home? Watch television or something else?

you must be 130 yo to stop watching anime,otherwise it's illegal. Trust me I'm a lawyer

Thought i was done at my 26, but this season somewhat bumped up my interest again

Fucking how, this season is trash.

Every season is trash.

>Implying you are.


I always try to fit in an episode or two before bed. It's one of the things that keeps me going.

Viva Mexico y nuestro amor por Tsubasa!

Homes are there to be maintained. You don't have a social life if you can't even take care of your own home and that shit takes time and energy.

You mean last season... or the season before that... right?

>You don't have a social life
Why the fuck are you here then?

i don't know famalams, but uchouten kazoku, bahamut and shuumatsu are at worst a 6-7/10 fo me so far

Assuming you leave home at 7:30 and get back 6pm you have a good 4/5 hours depending on how much sleep you need. Are you telling me you cook for an hour and clean the house the last 3?

You're just making excuses or are very bad at making use of your time.

>Watching cartoons is too tiring.

You just have to sit in front of a screen, user. I started watching more anime after getting a new job with long hours because it took less effort and concentration than other stuff.

I went from 0 to 100 in about one month when I was 21
This is the actual answer
But it probably will come up to this

>You don't have a social life

I stopped by the time I was like 17 or 18, don't remember very well. Then started watching again when I turned 24 because my life sucks and I need a daily dose of escapism.

Have been watching since 17 years old and I almost hit 30 and I'm still in it.

Don't know. At what age do you have to stop watching movies and listen to music?

This guys gets it

Are you me? Except younger.

This exactly. I don't know why some thing there's an age limit to anime when there are specific genres aimed at Older viewers, and even then many Adults still watch CGDCT.

>watching animes
we don't do that here

source pls

What about you shut the fuck up and get out?