>What went wrong?
For me the easily foreseeable story and cliche plot twists as well as the more or less forgettable characters sealed the deal. At least the animations were a pleasure to look at.
> other shows that you looked forward to / had great potential but became a huge disappointment?
What went wrong?
it was boring as shit. i dropped it 4 episodes in
>forgettable characters
Did we watch the same anime?
>Humans were the real monsters all along
Do we really have to do this shit every time? I understand that zombies can't really be villains, but still, it gets old.
I'm still mad
The characters were its strength though.
The plot and as put it.
We had a pretty crazy zombie premise with trains to boot, that alone could have sold the series without forcing "muh evil humans" into the mix.
Le super strong girl who and le average boy who surprisingly survived the infection and the zombie attack. Both of the are feared by the humans because they are hybrids > le tension
There are just too many stories like this. And at least 2 or 3 that were made better tHan this one
It was a surprise the first or second time this was made but honestly, every invasion/apocalypse anime does this now. It's becoming a meme
the writing couldn't hold up the premise
also, fucking zombie ninjas that shoot laser beams out of their mouth? fucking seriously?
Ikoma isn't average. He has mechanical skills and a stronger will than others.
It was dull
The plot let it down I think.
The setting, characters, soundtrack and the art in general were enjoyable for me.
Not only with the whole humans were the corrupting force theme but even just the giga-zombies or whatever it was then just everything at the end, really dropped the ball.
At least the first parts and the OST were good.
>more or less forgettable characters
You what?
Well now I want to ask you what characters you think AREN'T forgettable, but I know how Sup Forums gets when it comes to bringing up stuff that is superior to what they are trash talking, so I won't bother, and I'll just call you a shit taste faggot instead.
Biba happened
Mumei and Ikoma ruined everything since episode 3.
>Muh immaturity
The plot was already shit to begin with, it was just a bit innovative with the train stuff which was "dropped" in a kind of sense. The only redemption factor was Mumei which still lacked.
And then the last arc kicked which even Mumei's presence couldn't save.
Only Mumei was ok, fuck Ikoma.
I think you got those two names mixed up my friend.
Nothing went wrong it was what it was mildly enjoyable 5/10.
Shitty villain. Might as well had him in a top hat, cape, and curly mustache and his gimmick would be to tie the girls down to the railroad tracks.
Too rushed, 12 episodes, retarded villain wanted to kill people because "muh futher tried to kill me so i kill everyone now".
Shitty villain, that's all. Characters were great, I hope we'll see Ikoma making new weapons for the crew in season 2.
The staff.
If you didn't see it coming you're dizzyingly naive and deserve every bit of disappointment,