Why the spanish are trasnlating this faster than the english people ?
Why the spanish are trasnlating this faster than the english people ?
Spanish people don't work so they have mroe free time, and they also have shit taste.
Because illegally living in America means welfare, meaning they don't have to work at all and can spend time translating Jap cartoons.
But remember, sucking up welfare and not paying taxes means they help the economy!
>the majority of Spanish-speaking people live illegally in the U.S.
Boy, Trump sure has done a number on the brains of the younger generation.
please delete this image
actually most inmigrants pay mora taxes that US citizens
What does Spain have to do with America?
why ESL come to english speaking board and not type correctly ?
Because we are better than you gringos
>what are jokes
Those spanish classes finally paying off and I think it's more of a typesetting problem than translation.
Sup Forums is low on typesetters.
I sometimes read spanish translations, and they are absolute trash. Not all of them, of course, but damn most are bad.
ive been meaning to make thread about this, but ill post here
why do so many Spanish scanalation groups put their releases on facebook? I dont mean put the download link there, I mean they actually put the fucking chapter in a facebook album, sometimes with no download link or anything. Its the most retarded system ive ever seen
>No sé que debería hacer...
No sé *qué debería hacer...
>Dime, yo... ¿Qué tengo que hacer?
That "yo" is unnecessary and sounds unnatural. "Dime..." is enough.
Why is this so specific?
Because the english version is actually a retraslation of the Spanish version.
Possibly a result of the translators being too word-by-word in the translation.
Every time i see one of these Latino half breed pregnancy pics i think of pic related.
Sure Speedy Gonzalez
Why are russians so much more efficient at translating doujin than english speakers?
its easier to learn Japanese if you're fluent in Spanish than is is if you're fluent in English due to how both languages have similar usage of context in their wordings, among other things.
It's too cold in Rssia, the only way to keep warm is to furiously masturbate to japanese cartoons
what manga this
Looks like that dumb Reincarnated into paradise thing.
Parallel paradise
It's from Lynn Okamoto, don't bother, trust me
no, just no.
Perhaps because it's MTL, or because the english translator is lazy or the manga is so shit the english tl is reluctant doing it.