Would there have been an uproar if he and Rin had sexual intercourse?

Would there have been an uproar if he and Rin had sexual intercourse?

They did
Shirou fucked Rin

Not the same thing
Also, those sex scenes were shoehorned in for pandering/money, they shouldn't even be regarded as canon

>I decide what is and isn't canon
Yeah okay
Good thread

Thanks for the bump

it would have been great

it would have been ILLEGAL

It would be NTR.
They have the same dick size, but Archer has tons more experience so he can probably do a much better job.

It's coo', Shirou has Saber instead, everyone is happy.

Is it really NTR if the guy is you?

Good question.

>Archer has tons more experience
Does he really though? Didn't he not diddle anyone in his own 'route'? And didn't he basically end up fucking his own life over in large part because he was a kissless permavirgin?

>They have the same dick size
Dick size grows too man.

Archer is taller and bulkier than Shirou so it's logical he's bigger down there too.

Also he's better at magic like "reinforcement"

Archer is a virgin you moron.

What do you mean by this?
Could you explain further?

>Does he really though? Didn't he not diddle anyone in his own 'route'?
My friend told me he fucked Ilya, I think she's lying.


Diffrent question, if archer and shirou would fuck eachother, would that be gay sex or masturbation?

Fate grand order is the only good thing about this shitty franchise.

go fuck yourself you stupid fat Sup Forumsirgin

Is it NTR?
I mean it's still you, the future you that is.
It's like you saw your gf once in highschool fucking someone but too beta to come out so you just watched her fucking some adult. And because of that rage, you invested your whole life creating a time machine so you can go back in time and hate fuck your highschool sweetheart who cucked you.

like what happened in futurama? then yes, because as a younger you, you still feel rage, and as an older you you do it regardless of the younger you feelings

It would be a paradox, and the baby would be a great abomination

Also, would it qualify as incest or not? Maybe even twincest?

>spitroasting = baby

Wasn't Ilya technically 18 by then? She's older than Shirou, I remember that much.

Get raped with a pineapple desu.

user, Shirou/Archer can't give birth.

Well I mean if Shirou and Archer spitroasted Rin, one of them could be a father (besides Rin).

intercourse with lolis is illegal no matter what their age is


Could a Servant and human have a kid? What would it be like?

What are they going to do, arrest him, investigate and hold a trial? Nigga's a magical ghost from an alternate/possible future, do servants even have DNA?

Furthermore, would Ilya press charges?

I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Shirou and Saber had a child, and also how they would be as parents.

>Archer is a virgin

I don't really believe it.
Man is in his late twenties or early thirties.
Could fuck a bitch or two while being a hero, you know?

Shero's not a virgin, you dummy.

Nah some folks here are saying that Archer is a virgin because he never fucked Rin or Saber.

He could've easily fucked any other girl.

>mfw Archer goes on a raping spree and all evidence points to Shirou

If Shirou did, then he did too, technically.

Pretty sure Nasu confirmed that Archer is from the nonexistent Fate normal ending where he never made it to Avalon.

Depends on if his DNA matches, his pigments changed from magic, so lord knows what else changed, on top of that, do servants even have DNA?

No, because Shirou doesn't necessarily become Archer.

That's a sad thought, Shirou and Seibah deserve each other.

>No, because Shirou doesn't necessarily become Archer.
But if he does then obviously he did it.

Yes and no.

It's not necessarily the same Shirou.

Rin x Archer is a popular pairing, more popular than Shirou x Rin. So no.

>Not self inserting as sexy archer
Why would there be an uproar?

>That's a sad thought, Shirou and Seibah deserve each other.
They reunite in Extella at least.

How nice.

Where are her pants/dress/skirt? she's going to get a cold!

It is until he actually becomes Archer.

It's ok, Shirou can warm her with his body.


If it was done in the original game, no. If it was done today, what do you think?