>Fire up a new anime
>First thing I see is a literal Vagina.
I weep for this season.
>Fire up a new anime
>First thing I see is a literal Vagina.
I weep for this season.
Other urls found in this thread:
>using the word "literal" to mean "figurative"
Also see pic
Have you ever seen a vagina before? They're disgusting.
The only literal vagina posted in this thread is you.
>not unironcally misusing the word "literal"
It's true, pretending to be stupid will attract legitimate idiots who think they're in good company. Sup Forums has the dumbest posters.
It's not a misuse though. It's called the evolution of language. You're stupid for thinking OP meant the literal literal when we can all see it's not literally a vagina.
>evolution of language
No, it's called being uneducated. Language evolves when new words are created or words from other languages are incorporated, not when the plebs misuse words.
Or, you know, you're just seeing what you want to see.
>language only evolves the way I declare it
Literally not true. He didn't misuse any word as we both know what version of literal was meant.
I guess the reddit brigade decided that literal and literally are forbidden words now. Hard to keep up with all the changes every day.
>Calmly point this fact out in the show's dedicated thread a week ago
>No replies
>Retard makes a dumb thread about it
>Other cunts eat it right up and give him replies
Fuck you all
Are you proud of being not just incompetent but also stupid?
Not sure if worth the (you)
Sometimes a pipe is just a pipe.
Now, where is my big thick sigar...
Stop samefagging, you misused a word like a retard. Just try not to be such a retard in the future.
Go back to where you came from, you're trying too hard.
At least anime doesn't have smell-o-vision. Could be worse.
It's nothing but "see, all those other people are just as retarded as I am, therefore it's okay. Just give up and don't try to keep us from fucking the language up even further."
Apparently I'm not trying hard enough.
It's actually finally proper. I bet you think
>could care less
Isn't a proper idiom either. I don't care if you call me samefag or not. I'm not OP. I don't care what's considered correct. I'll only use correct language either way despite what others think.
It's a plot point. Vaginas are magical.
That's not what a "literal" vagina looks like you dumb virgin.
Telling you to go back to r*ddit is too big of an insult even for r*ddit. Just go back to facebook with the rest of your ilk.
Evading the spam filter has to be a bannable offence.
Same as ebonics, you are still a retard though
No it's the opposite.
>waah waah reddit waah
Kill yourself.
How do animators know what a vagina looks like when all the porn in Japan is censored
Actually the use of literal and literally for emphasis are a now-recognized modern idiom. It was even added to dictionaries.
And boys who chop off their dicks and get breast implants are women according to doctors. Your point?
Well, sexual symbols are pretty important on magic so it makes sense for a witch to have a vagina-staff.
So by that logic, all the idioms previously added to the English languages are invalid because at the time of their introduction they were new? I'm not even touching that false equivalence you just threw.
Its couldn't care less you fucking imbred twat. Fuck off back to twitter
Most idioms are fine. If you want a true equivalency, using literal to mean figurative is the same as using synonym to mean antonym. The word itself loses it's meaning. If I asked you, "Are you literally retarded?" and I asking if you are, according to physicians, mentally handicapped or am I asking if you're just very dumb? English is a big enough clusterfuck without literal 85 IQs making it even shittier.
You have no right to talk about other people you ESL.
And no it's not. I could, in fact, care less. If I couldn't care less I wouldn't have replied in the first place.
Is an 85 IQ low? That's actually the exact score I got on the only official IQ test I took (I was three).
Yes its low.
It happens, fampai. Language is weird.
Animators are slaves to the secret loli brigade, the loli brigade wants cute comfy anime to watch with their onee chan, sometimes animators make weird requests, these are essential to animating the series, the lolis agree because it can't be helped if it is necessary for the success of the anime
>thread about X
Not an argument. And you still are an ESL that can't differentiate between its and it's.
Look the thread wasn't that great to begin with. Threads evolve too you know? even if the original intend is no longer there
>he didn't kick this season off with AOTY
your own damn fault.
>same as using synonym to mean antonym.
Actually that's fairly common in a lot of languages. It even has it's own term in English: contronym.
It didnt evolve far since it went from vaginas to dicks and assholes.
Like pottery. To be fair, that was autocorrect.
Haha, there's a dedicated spamfilter to keep you elite autismo screech lords in check? Cute. I see your "I accuse you of using websites other than Sup Forums! Therefore you and your opinions have no right to exist!" argument thrown around here all the time. Makes one wonder.
>unironically misusing the word "idiot" to just mean "stupid person" instead of the original meaning of "person medically determined to have less than 30 IQ" from the 1900s
language can't change, the first meaning of a word is the only correct one
American highschool english class teaches students that 'figurative' means 'isn't really but I'm a hoighty-toighty prancy-nancy INTELLECTUAL who makes things up' so they feel the need to indicate that everything is literal, even when it's not, because being anything less than literal, even when you are, is to tight-pants elitist academic sissyspeak.
It's one of those funny little cultural quirks that no other english-speaking group so compulsively and blithely misuses the terms literal and figurative except the americans and those who learned english second-hand from spending too much time with americans.
The main target audience of anime are and have always been lonely, sexually frustrated teenagers and losers. Just look through the threads on Sup Forums. With a few exceptions they're all themed "attractive anime girl".
The competition in the industry is brutal, the shows are constantly pushing the boundaries of the legally and morally acceptable. This season's #1 anime is a loli siscon fetish manga adaption. Last season went to Konosuba, a show pandering to the loli, masochist and giant breast fetishes. Another popular one was Dragon Maid, with humorous sexual abuse of and homosexual relations between elementary school kids. That's anime culture. Most anime consumers perceive this as normal and socially acceptable.
>muh Mappa
It's going to fall apart in second half like their every show.