Reminder that Heine is legal shota
Royal Tutor
Shotas are gross
>shota geing lusted after every series there's one
>but loli never, ever in anime
Fuck you, double standards.
The fifth prince (female) is lusting for heine's wand.
Effectively making this show /ss/
I actually like Kai, His VA is pretty good too.
He's 14 you SICK FUCK.
What about Shounen Maid?
Shota got lusted after, but only by a girl his age
Doesn't matter by who.
The point is whenever there's a shota, chances are he will get lusted after by females, usually older than him.
The same never happens with lolis.
That comes from the guy that fucked a 500 hundred years old whore.
Except just last season Kanna got lusted on by that ahegao loli
Men fantasize about being desired by women, even from a young age. Lolis do not wish for that and real men aren't interested in them anyway.
What the hell are those Disney princess tales about then? Girls want the attention of men from an early age just like boys want girls' attention.
Why doesn't he just fug the loli then?
Not sexual attention. Girls like those movies because they like princesses. They don't even know the guys' names.
Wow, the imouto is fucking tiny.
So how big is tutor's?
inb4 bigger than Litch slut
I'm guessing it's because the women's love is seen as more innocent. If a woman dotes on a child, boy or girl, it means maternal instincts are kicking in. Even lusting after them is an extension of that.
Men don't have that luxury. It's the whole 'men are wolves' thing for this situation; they're always horny and predatory in theory, so doting on a girl without another female prescence automatically means lolicon.
A lot of the time, the boys' names aren't even mentioned unless you look for it because they want to market the heroine, first and foremost.
Not that tiny.
Kai is standing on a box.
Reminder that today is Heine's birthday.
Happy birthday best boy
I wonder if his parents kept a height chart marked each year.
Reminder that despite his looks, Heine is, in fact, a grown man.
I want to see him get a love interest.
I want to see him steal people's wives and daughters.
He's a good man he wouldn't do that.
I want him to steal the Queen
Lost it hard at this moment.
I didn't expect them to actually go there, but they did.
This is funny and sad at the same time.
Who he'll actually steal is the princess
>draw a 30 year old
>say they're 14
>draw a 14 year old
>say they're 30
wtf is wrong with this show?
I guess I'm the only one not surprised by his age. He honestly looks 14 to me.
Slut prince does not look 30 at all.