This is your mother tonight
This is your mother tonight
Are they gonna fuck anytime soon or what?
What is this manga about and why should I read it?
just post the fucking already and i hope it's full of
>you can't tell your dad
>ara, ara. you are bigger than your dad
>hearts like suck them like when you were a baby
and other mom son cliches
>what is this about
Japanese Norman Bates
>ara, ara. you are bigger than your dad
This is the most retarded trope
>Japanese Norman Bates
Come on, maybe he has a classmate that will turn his mother into obedient slut. You never know.
Google: Norman Bates
it is true though.
my mom told me that my dick is bigger than my dad's
i wont explain the circumstances
>i wont explain the circumstances
Explain the circumstances.
>i wont explain the circumstances
yes you will
New chapter when?
how did your dad respond?
Reminder that you need to explain the circumstances NOW
By telling his sister that she was tighter than her mother, I hope
What chapter number is this?
There's only like 3 chapters user, it's either 1 or 2
Fine fuck. it wasnt so great anyway
>be me around 15
>new gf, with whom im start sexting
>qt's name was Monica, so i had her in my cell as "Mon"
>i had recorded in my cellphone my mom as, duh, "Mom"
>back from school
>just had a conversation with my gf, about how she feels insecure about her looks and all that women shit
>i kept telling that she's beautiful
>decide to surprise her and send her picture with a message
>"you are beautiful honey, just look at how i get when i look at your body" with an erect dick pic
>guess what, i sent it Mom instead of Mon and realize it after the message was sent because the previous message to that was "i will be home for dinner."
>freak out google a way to delete other person's pictures or messages from other phones, really 1337 shit, feel mcguiver while crying
>mom answers back
>"what in the fuck" "insane" "joke?" etc messages
>mom is actually pretty cool irl, she's laid back and kind of a liberal, not conservative like my dad
>explain to her what happened, that it was for Monica, not her and lol
>she lol's back and says "well she's a lucky girl, at least you are bigger than your father lol"
and i didn't reply back to that
we didn't speak face to face for at least a month
hot. I bet she still shlicks to it to this day.
>>be me around 15
too old
Not like my ero doujins. Give me my expectations back.
>having a gf
>your mom examined the pic long enough to figure out how big it is in inches roughly and compare it to your fathers
>it'll forever be ingrained in your mothers mind
>She probaly examined it so long because she had nasty thoughts
>user could've banged that
I bet he overthinks this until this day.
If I did this at 15 my mom would've taken my phone and locked me in my room for a month
If I did this now my mom would say "You finally got a GF user invite her over for dinner!"
So, did the user who drew a dj about him and his mom was also from these threads? Because this manga is turning these thread into comedy gold.
Truly a king among anons
Didn't someone then later drew that user getting cucked by some random anons?
Someone screencap this, so we get an archive of all the creep stories that this manga brings out.
I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I feel like this is going to get real fucking dark.
>it's really a SoL and nothing happens
Do you have the source of "Mommy.jpg"? Or at least the original pic?
Nope sorry
>well she's a lucky girl, at least you are bigger than your father lol
Dude she took her time measuring your dick size to your father. A normal mother wouldn't comment on something like this.
Even if it was for a short moment she fantasized about getting dicked by you. Let that sink in.
damn forgot what this was called
nm, just found out. chi no wadachi
So the next chapter is this friday?
horse kek
The thought of my own mother saying that to me just makes me want to hang myself
>kaihou guy
my sides, these threads are amazing
Holy shit
I was in that thread but somehow missed that
>"well she's a lucky girl, at least you are bigger than your father lol"
that's not an appropriate thing to say to your son, at all.
Is an horse an Sup Forumsthlete?
The author almost never does what you expect, so I highly doubt it.
I never understood your pic related, did she give birth at age 12 or something?
yandere mom who will kill son's soon to be girlfriend.
nip women age slow in manga.
I can't say that I hate this board after this, you anons still got some ressources
literally me
Was it drawn by the same guy?
>hana hook kid
How can she look so ugly and so hot at the same time?
>Japanese Norman Bates
Picked up.
>10 years of paternity secrets & wild teens!
I'm somewhat interested.
Are they living alone or something?
Whens the new chapter?
>at least you are bigger than your father
>at least
there's a father figure that's always out because of business
>A Trail of Blood
>cucked by Sup Forums
That sounds like those games on Sup Forums about naming your first time with a movie title.
Can I trade for a different one?
Tits that big cease to be hot and just look fucking grotesque.
Absolutely disgusting
>move back in with mom
>suddenly mother/son incest repulses me
the dad/daughter stuff I always hated because I can't stand my dad. Brother/sister stuff has always been my favorite and still is.
What about Dad/son?
asking the real questions
I'm not a fan my dad either but father/daughter is the fucking best.
I just feel like father/daughter stuff is generally too predatory for my taste. It feels more forced than the other options, as in the daughter is pressured into it.
In brother/sister stuff, it's more exploratory and/or mutual benefit (and it depends if it's older bro or older sister). I guess mother/son kind of fills that niche of guys having an older woman taking care of them.
I would say I prefer older sister and younger brother, as the relationship feels more authentic in that regard. Maybe stemming from the fact that the woman could sleep with another man, but is choosing someone she loves more, even if it's "wrong". That might be an incorrect premise, but I feel like it's at the root of which types of incest I prefer.
It's ok
Millenial/redditor detected
>look for lewds of her
>only a handful of images
Fuck this planet