Wich side is redpilled?

And why?

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Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this.

high elves?

stormcloaks are tribal savages.
imperials are corrupt romans.

both sides are shit and only the argonians are the real deal.

Video game? Looks like video game. In that case, neither. Because wasting your time pursuing meaningless achievements is bluepilled as fuck.

Stormcloak is literally nord nationalism and (((Imperials))) are shekel grubbers.


Video games are cool but there's more things in life like Cleaning your room and gassing some kikes.

Video games dry your dopamine receptors so you have to be overstimulated to get a feeling of satisfaction. People used to get their kicks from reading books now it's too "boring". Try going without video games for a while and see how it makes you feel.

Yo first off fuck all yall imperial bitch asses. Mo fuggas we wuz Yokudans n shiet, we wuz KANGZ, but our country got sunk in da ocean. fuck all yall magic using cumskins especially you th*lmor sc*m

Stormcloacks are for defending their culture and national identity. They are the good guys.

If the Altmer and are the Jews of the Elder Scrolls series, then imperials are America. So the Empire is the red pill, since America is never wrong.


Thalmor for realizing the world is a prison

anyone have the sc where loreanon rebuts the "muh stormcloak" sympathizers?

Stormcloaks. Skyrim is for the Nords.

we are at war.
war is the division of light and dark.
this division of light and dark is the collision of memes.
two memes enter one meme leaves.
quarks and the like.
the simpliest of terms plus and minus.
evil is real and so is good
they are memes
they are wavelengths of energy to participate in and to be moved by

the memes don't need us we need them and even then it's us who chooses which memes are worth saving. WHat I am saying is purify the memes and protect them and share what is worth protecting and share what is worth saving. instruct all who protect these memes who save them who salvage them to keep the memes pure. youtube.com/watch?v=JhY9GOhFwN4

this meme is filthy but it is still pure
this meme is raw and unhinged but it is still pure
understand purity and become my ally. Only God above can align you to me I cannot teach you or move you I can only purify my own memes. I can only clean my own messes.

Imperials want to unite Cyrodiil so that it can stand up to the Thalmor invasion and fight back against the elves.

Stormcloaks are CANONICALLY led by a Thalmor spy (Ulfric) and are there to splinter the Imperial Empire.

Imperials, if they don't win the war the Empire will grow weaker and therefore Man as a whole,leaving them even weaker against a future 2nd Great War, despite what MUH EMPIRE=EU STORMCLOAKS=BASED brainlets may say.

Stormcloaks are most redpilled but unfortunately they are doomed to fail and the only way the Emprie will be able to hold off the Aldmeri Dominion is to keep Skyrim in the fold.

Face your death with some courage, thief.


The Empire is a puppet to the Thalmor which they use to subjugate everyone within. They are the only ones who are not influenced by the elfs.

The Thalmor. Fuck Mundus desu.

Ask the real questions: UNP or CBBE?

There is some papers saying that the high elves are "supporting" ulfric rebelion as is good for their objetives against the empire

>oy vey Trump is a russian spy

its implied in a dossier about Ulfric found in the Thalmor embassy that he is under some kind of mind control

jajajaj CBBE siempre

Aetherius is also a prison of the godhead, dumb fucking knifeears.

Bruh the Empire is fucking dead. The line of Septim has ended. The Mede's are ineffectual cunts who lead the Empire to abandon anything that isn't Cyrodil, in retrospect a huge mistake because all the provinces they cut off like Hammerfell fought on against the Elf cunts and held their own but now have bad blood with the Empire that abandoned them. Even worse is that the conditions of the White Gold Concordat are almost indistinguishable from the pre-war treaty conditions so the war itself was almost entirely pointless based solely on Mede's cucked out decision. Hell the Elder Council themselves want Mede dead and gone. The Stormcocks might be braindead bimbo barbarians but you cannot blame them from trying to jump off a sinking ship and cowtailing to elf scum.

>pedo or thicc
Hmmm such a hard decision

cbbe boi

Except unlike the Trump thing, there's actual evidence of Ulfric being a spy. You find it in the Thalmor Embassy in one of the first Stormcloak/Imperial missions.

You cant talk about canonical until TES VI is done...

Are you clinically retarded?

Thalmor, they are Aryans

Have you ever finished the game on the stormcloack side? Have you heard the ulfric speech? Everything he said is against the thalmor cunts

People mistake "asset" for ally, when infact Ulfric was just assumed useful for weakening the Empire/ Imperials by leading the rebellion of the Stormcloaks, thus giving the Thalmor an opportunity to take control over the Empire of Skyrim durring its state of weakness.
However, they don't want Ulfric and the Stormcloaks to actually win the civil war either, because that means the battle will be turned towards the Thalmor themselves, causing more conflict on their part.

Ulfric isnt under direct controll by the elves, they are just taking advantage from his actions.

> left handed elves enslave yokudans
> continent sinks
> yokudans run away to settle in a barren desert
> "kangs"

False, they will do everything to not mention anything meaningful about previews games to not ruin your autistic roleplaying just like they did with previous games.

>Elf puppets vs elf puppets
The only correct choice is the Argonians. Their philosophy is "fuck off", and they backed it up may times.

Good goy. He must be off their payroll then!

What don't you get about a splintered Empire being weaker to outside forces?

>Nords are Russians
>Imperials are Americans
>Thalmor are Jews

Why do faggits ruin everything

>led by a Thalmor spy (Ulfric)

let me stop you right there nigger.
In the same note where it is written,that ulfric is a "sleeper" (which doesn't mean he's a spy) the thalmor say that he's kinda helping the thalmor (probably unknowingly by starting a revolution), but it also says that the stormcloaks shouldn't win the war against the Imperials. So how could he be a spy if he knowingly doesn't follow their orders, by winning the war if you decide to help them?
Well you could argue, that he is a sleeping agent, getting activated by a codeword, but what would this lead to, if the stormcloaks already won the war and stabilized the state? Ulfric would get executed and a new leader would be chosen. That's all.

video games are degenerate

>Video games dry your dopamine receptors so you have to be overstimulated to get a feeling of satisfaction. People used to get their kicks from reading books now it's too "boring". Try going without video games for a while and see how it makes you feel.

Replace the words "video games" with Sup Forums, and see how it makes you feel about your life, faggot.

The reason they don't want him to win is because they want the Imperials and the Stormcloaks to be in a state of fighting in Skyrim so the Imperial Empire continues to waste resources on the Northern Front so the Aldmeri Dominion could more easily take over.

The Stormcloaks as they currently are, exist as an entity funded by the Thalmor to splinter and weaken the Imperials (the true enemy of the Thalmor).

By supporting the Stormcloaks, whatever fanfic you've conjured up in your head about Ulfric, you are supporting the weakening of the Imperials and the increased influence of the Thalmor in Cyrodiil. Congrats retard.

>high elves?
not all high elves are Aldmeri


Both sides are screwed in my opinion. Niether side is red pilled enough.

+they also want the Nords to stay weak and in a constant state of fighting so they don't end up being able to rule themselves and become another thorn in the Thalmor side like the Imperials

If you think Skyrim will willingly fight with the Empire against the elves after the Empire takes away everything they love, then you are a demented fool.

Or an elf.

What's wrong with elves?

I don't think they would, but I know that they would fight the Thalmor, that's for sure. And the Thalmor doesn't want more on its plate.

Think tactically for one second and realize that the Thalmor WANTS Skyrim in a state of turmoil.

Talos is a true divine. The elves are just jealous man ascended into godhood. The empire was wrong to deny Talos. The Stormcloaks are wrong for playing into the Thalmor plot to divide and conquer.


You're one kind of retard, you've probably rushed the civil war without reading everything.

The Thalmor want the civil war to keep going for as long as possible, they don't want either side to win, the Empire are good goys and the Stormcloaks are lead by someone that, by waging war, helps the Thalmor reaching their goal.

Illegal Talos worship will rot the Imperials from within one day much like Christianity did to Romans. But it's better than the Thalmor destroying both.

With my spaghettis

Thats why i´m saying you have to finish the war to know that ulfric is truly against the Thalmor.
when you finish the civil war is clearly that he is against them

Stormcloaks are trying to protect their people and culture from invading foreigners. The (((Imperials))) are literally controlled by a small group of highly powerful, rich (((Elves))) who run the entire show from behind the scenes. The (((Elves))) live on an isolated island that not only disallows migration, but does not even allow non-elves to set foot on it. They view themselves as the natural rulers of Nirn.

Altmer are literally Jews and the Imperials are controlled by them.

So what ? The Thalmor wins because the Empire is divided now

The Forsworn

Papa Ulfric will solve everything (as long as Mama Thalmor keeps giving him money, of course)!

Ulfric just wants power, he doesn't give a fuck about Talos either and, if he were to defeat the Empire, he would soon kneel to the Thalmor, as Skyrim alone is not able to win a war against them and he won't just give up his position. Just talk to NPCs fucking retards

Both sides are screwed eitherway.

Hammerfell Won against thalmor and they are niggers


Hammerfell still has a population of Dwarves hidden underground under the desert. They are the true rulers.

>Nords trust us. We are the Empire's greatest ally. Don't fight a Civil War to keep Skyrim Nordic and free! Instead stay in our multicultural Empire where you can't even praise Talos.

elf shits would get btfo by a united nordic skyrim


a little elf was skippin down the path, plough em all plough em all... Along came a dwarf and kicked em in the arse plough em all plough em all

Argonians are though the winning race here.

their own region is death itself for everyone else not argonian. How will the Thalmor conquer that?

easy : find a puppet, start a civil war/uprising, gain control via said puppet

just take a look at our own history

With the help of the wood elves.

>the only redpilled guys
>can't join them cuz mod authors are cucks
feels batman

> Empire
Late Roman Empire
Thalmor puppets/useful idiots, as explained by a document you find inside their embassy
> Thalmor
A mix of Jews and Nazis


If they get the Knahaten Flu to rise again,nobody will be able to go in Black Marsh

The puppet will require to be an argonian. (in case if the flu rises again)

Isn't it totally up to you to have good relations with the elves? I only befriended them because their units are utterly insane and even 10-15 of them btfo all other armies.

>Stormcloaks are CANONICALLY led by a Thalmor spy (Ulfric) and are there to splinter the Imperial Empire.

>t. dumbass with bad reading comprehension

Ulfric isn't a Thalmor spy. He is an unwilling asset, according to the Thalmor. They had him in custody and then released him because they thought he'd be more useful to them just out and about. That is all it means. The Thalmor dossier also states that Ulfric winning the war is just as bad as the Empire defeating Ulfric. What they need is for the war to go on for a long time.

It doesn't matter who wins the civil war. The Dragonborn canonically comes along and wins the war for one side. That means the Thalmor lose. Skyrim will fight against the Dominion in the coming Second Great War whether it is a part of the Empire or not.

Corrupt EU superstate collapsing under its own incompetence and tools of the thalomr, as seen every time you turn a corner and see yet another citizen being dragged off by the kikes.
A ethno nationalist movement of aryans seeking a homeland free of immigrant trash and foreign (((imperial))) control.

>blah blah blah more shit that's been said in the thread

Read the thread idiot.


They're both niggers. Argonians are the only competent race in Mundus.

>Imperials, if they don't win the war the Empire will grow weaker and therefore Man as a whole,leaving them even weaker against a future 2nd Great War

Man will be just as strong. Ulfric says that the people of Skyrim will resist the Dominion, both in Skyrim and beyond its borders.

The Empire provides an integrated organization but is corrupt and decrepit. A free Skyrim will have vitality, fanatical will and higher morale. It balances out. When the 2nd Great War comes there will be an alliance of Man.

>A ethno nationalist movement of aryans seeking a homeland free of immigrant trash and foreign (((imperial))) control.
Let by a puppet and serving the purpose of facilitating Jewish invasion and supremacy(Thalmor)

Kek. This is very true.

A puppet the thalmor dont want to win? The EU is trash the ethnostate is the future.

I guess we will be given once TES VI comes,that the Stormcloaks winning the civil war,officialy canon.

wouldn't be the smart choice?

Both controlled by the Thalmor so neither.
>our guy
