The Results Are In! Votes on Worst Mecha Anime!

/m/ has determined the worst mecha and mecha related anime in history:

1. Valvrave- 55 votes, 22% total
2. Gundam: Iron Blooded Orohans- 44 votes, 17% total
3. Code Geass: Nunally in Wonderland- 26 votes, 10% total
4. Serial Experiments Lain- 19 votes, 8% total
5. Southern Cross- 18 votes, 7% total
6. Active Raid- 13 votes, 5% total
7. Gundam-san- 11 votes, 4% total
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on these results?

All mecha are shit.

Looks accurate to me

>253 Votes

I literally just picked up Valvrave. Does it really get that bad??


>Serial Experiments Lain

>What are Sup Forums's thoughts on these results?
They're fucking retarded. In what possible world is Valvrave worse than crap like Giniro no Olynssis or Dai Shogun?

>Dream Hunter Rem
why is this on the list? Even in the most liberal interpretation Rem is not mecha

>patlabor is on the list
The hell is this shit

This is pants-on-head retarded

We did no such thing you shit posting cunt

>Serial Experiments Lain
Why? It's not mecha.



u wot

>4. Serial Experiments Lain- 19 votes, 8% total
/m/, you idiots.

>Excel Saga is mecha

What the actual fuck

I guess lain was a bad mecha show, never did see a mech in there.

Surprised no AZ on there.

ITT: retards who think mecha = robots.

doesnt change the fact lain isnt mecha

>no Gundam AGE

>Lain is a bad mecha anime

Agreed, though where is Azumanga Daioh? That deserves a spot as well.

Who was your favorite mecha in Lain, Sup Forums?

>Valvrave and IBO top 2
They were shit but really the "worst mecha anime in history?" What?

>Lain on the list
No really: "What?"

Not only the list
>Seed Destiny
>Blue Gender

Oh I get it, Its a list populated by fucking newfags and bandwagoners