Monster Musume

OAD 2 is live and lewd boys

And dreams of season 2 are dead and done

Other urls found in this thread:

>And dreams of season 2 are dead and done

Yeah, but... Season 2 when?

Won't you provide any links

>another phoneposter shit thread

You are a cancer on this fanbase.
It hasn't even uploaded yet. You just wanted to force a thread.

Phone autist shits up threads here and on the other board too.
If people were smart they'd let the thread die until it actually gets put up for download. Just don't post in threads made by him.

The first oad announced the second oad. The second oad announced nothing. As far as it goes, now there is only the manga to wait for. I cri eritim

But the second oad seen to be damn good

Yeah, kinda sad. But hope is not lost because they didn't say they won't do a 2nd season now or that they will never do one.
Maybe in a year or more they'll do a 2nd season
Also, best underwear coming through

>it's live
Where's the link? Or is it another shitposting and lies thread?
Like when the phone op kept lying about having new content to keep a general up.

The latter.
Just let the thread die and don't support his shitposting.

I'd wait for the OAD subs release and the omakes beign translated to make a thread aboit the series.
Even if the 4th anthology has been released and there's a bunch of pics of the 2nd OAD here

Does it end in the moms cliffhanger?

So another shitposting thread it is.
Go fuck yourself op.

Stream of the raw is out.

The story is identical to the manga, so you should get the jokes and the flow, even if you dont get understand the exact words. Translation should pop up in less than a week.

Nothing high definition on torrent sites yet, though

Expect PrettyAnon subs in a few days.

I'm kidding but do harass TTF, I enjoy seeing him bullied.

I know she's technically dead, but holy shit, look at those thighs. Someone needs to give her a sandwich.

>Fucking Umaru gets a second season
>Monster Musume doesn't

no justice

That's because the former is a good show and the other is a generic harem.

>Good show

That's why it's getting another season.

>garter belt, nopan, laced lingerie

Ho boi my dick can't take that much

>retard proves that even with new content to discuss they will bitch and moan and derail the thread regardless

Letters are shown on screen but not addressed aside from the one from Ren

Almost forgot about it. Time to get home and watch it.
Does it have Tio in it?

>And dreams of season 2 are dead and done

>retards thought there would be a season 2 teaser at the end of the episode

I laugh everytime. Told you so.

Yes, very large tio's tios


>Lala pink nails


You have got to wonder the sequence of events that allowed this to occur

>that angle

Don't you fags have anything better to do than wait for a monmusu thread to be posted so you can shitpost it to death?

I would post more of her ballons, but i think i would get banned even by spoilering it.

Check em out.

I didnt even know there was gonna be a second OVA.

I missed these threads.

>manga is on break and still on this shit storyline

I hope Crab breaks something.

I hope you break your face.

Is it really that surprising they haven't confirmed a second season? The manga isn't far enough ahead for one unless they changed the two-chapters per episode format, is it?

I'm disappointed as anyone but regardless EMG has gotten more animated than a lot of manga do, and until its confirmed there will be no second season there is still a chance for one eventually.

Oh, and the end card showcasing recent manga monster girls, plus one new girl (the scorpion).

As for said new girl, while I like the scorpion girl's design aesthetically, I am a bit disappointed in the lack of practicality. Okayado is normally careful to make his girl's bodies at least semi-functional in the way he presents them (i.e. he gave Papi clothes that she could put on and take off with her limited dexterity). His scorpion though has only a pair of large pincers and no wrists, and that begs the question of just how she could possibility dress herself.

Actually there was an omake with this, Coolie moves in with the other 3 bloodsucker girls. So she isn't main cast, but will likely make periodic appearances

Do you happen to have it?

How many threads have there been in the past month or so? I havent seen any except one or two.

There are enough chapter for a season 2, but it would break an arc in the middle.

I the manga sales are going ok, i think its just higher ups being retarded and opting to try for a brand new thing hoping for it to explode in popularity than just pick a safe option that wont bring that much money.

I strongly believe that we WILL get a season 2 some day when they need something they know wont outright flop to fill in for a season.

I'm pretty sure it's always been 2 chapters per episode. The current arc of the manga is right in line with a 12 episode season, that's why people thought it could happen, especially with the OAD the chapter is based on ending with the girls opening their mother letters. That was clipped out though.

No, TTF said he would post it later though.

There haven't been any threads, /qa/tards shitpost any thread attempts to death and they get deleted

I seen 2, one was pure falseflagging and one was legit. Both ended up deleted.

But i guess having more than one single thread a month is having a general.

>Kimihito: "Miss Rachnera, you're trying to seduce me."

What is this ova even about? Cause so far all it seems to be is sexy lingerie.

And as someone with a fetish for lingerie, pantyhose and stockings I approve wholeheartedly.

>All 4 bloodsuckers will hunt down darling and give him another lethal dose of SUCC

The first half is Rachnee's previous keeper's story. The second half is sexy pantyhose.

First half is rachnera + rem chapter.

Second half is expanding on those extra color pages were the girls try out new bras. Instead of just the normal girls, MON is there too and they also try stockings

Basically after the Rachnera story they turn the "trying on bras" omake into a full blown special showcasing most all the girls in lingerie.

And poor Suu is the buttmonkey in this one as she can't join in.

Kill yourself phoneposter.

I don't even know who is that twintailed girl, but she has quite a nice braaapchute.
>no Manaco nipples
Shit OAD.

Its rem. The girl that got cut by rach. Her parents then sold rach for that collector. Its the "endure this barnlike smell" girl.

Have this non canon bikini instead, fellow Suu lover.


now I want to see Tio in the douteigoroshi sweater



>dreams of season 2 are dead and done

It's alright, it means less shitposting. Umaru is getting a S2.

>Umaru is getting a S2.
I couldn't have guessed it with every shitposter on the board spouting off about it.

I want to see Tio in my bed.

I love it.



And don't forget the Mothman, she has WINGS ON HER FUCKING HEAD! Like wtf, did Crab forget his focus on making monsters as grounded in reality as possible while still making them attractive?

Oh yeah

From a distance, her spooning smile at the end looks goofy.

Up close, it melts the heart.


Get that girl a sandwich. Those ribs are disgusting.

Not quite the same thing, as Okayado could just say that mothman don't fly (like so many of his girls with wings) and that her head wings are used for display or some other purpose.

Those are gills

Those aren't ribs user, they're gills.

I loved how they made it into a near kiss when she said she loved him. Not saying it wasn't that way in the manga, but it was harder to tell.

Oh, that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.

man, the whole OAD was cute as fuck, and very funny too
makes me sad that we won't have a 2nd season



Don't do this to me.

>Wearing a tie and underwear

I didnt know i had this fetish, but now i do

>human pussy

Who is bullying Lala and why is her head calm when it's in a washing machine?

Does she not need air?

>Trial by Snek dinner

Poor human girl

>No topless scene for Lala
This is just suffering.

>Spider in garterbelt

don't worry, it will be in the 2nd season

>Coolie moves in with the other 3 bloodsucker girls. So she isn't main cast

Good, this means Holstaur will be the next main girl.

I can deal with the shitty storyline. But the fact he cut down on the titty scenes is downright criminal.

DAMN IT CRABMAN, America might run on Dunkin, but we run on nipples.

>America might run on Dunkin

Wrong Brand!

Plot twist. Lalas head went in volutarelly because she is too lazy to wash her hair proper.

>Monster Musume is located in America
Get out of here Phoenix Wright

Eat your hamburgers, Apollo.

New volume has Cucumber Nipples.



>Nip slip
Wow it's fucking nothing.

We live in a dark timeline.

Is /c/ the new official home board for MonMusu?


Just as well. She needs to at least get in some bullied time to let the other girls catch up.
This meme needs to die. She literally says 獣臭い, animalistic odor.
163/5'4". High end of average for Japanese, not so tall overall.
What really sold it for me was Ren making all those outrageous flips and turns with each spoonful, then "ding, KO"

No Manako?

Did you not watch it? She gets about a minute of screen-time total. Which is a bit more than the average, considering the bloated cast in that section(13 voices total)

Also, Doppel is a pervert. Garter and nopan.