How do you feel about tan lines on anime girls?
How do you feel about tan lines on anime girls?
Any skin that is not brown or tan is unacceptable.
Sometimes I like it on light skinned girls in hentai. But that's about it
I'm pro tan lines.
They're fine, everything in moderation
I honestly hate it.
It just looks so wrong. It's like some sort of disease.
Aroused, It's really sexy.
The white parts of a tanned girl always remind me of what your skin looks like under a bandaid or in a cast. It's gross.
>slightly brown skinned girls with tan lines
One of the hottest thing ever.
You simpletons aren't seeing the bigger picture. By being able to see a tanline, you're seeing something that isn't meant to be seen. The tanned parts are normal, publicly visible sections. The pale parts are areas that aren't supposed to be exposed. They're normally covered up by clothes or swimsuits or whatever. Being untanned is the visible taboo.
Either the most attractive thing, or the least depending on the shape
Brown person detected. White people love brown sugar.
Bestness material.
I don't usually like it, but on lucchini, Azuza and lebeicco I really, REALLY like it.
Sadly there's not much good lucchini porn out there.
I like girls like Kuro but strangely enough I don't like tanned girls nor tan lines.
Why didn't she tan naked?
They're alright I guess, but nothing too special.
Though people that have no tan lines are either highly amusing or just used a tanning booth.
Sexy as hell.
First, because of the whole seeing-what-is-not-normally-seen deal.
Second, because I'm self-centered as hell and have tanlines of my own.
Disgusting, RO-500 is tanned, Libeccio is Brown.
Disgusting. Means she's either a tanning booth bimbo or likes being outside.
Neither of those are acceptable.
The ultimate fetish lads
>have tanlines of my own.
Farmer's tan?
Only on lolis.