What did Boichi mean by this?

What did Boichi mean by this?

boichi is a degenerate

Yumin lives, never forget.

Which Boichi manga is this?


Just the name pisses me off. Boichi should never write again and should just stick to drawing. Why did he think shitting on his characters and series at right at the very end was a good idea?

Origin is based

Shut the fuck up

The fuck is this shitty shit

Because some public letter by a frog touched his heart.

His one-shots are decent though.

Do you like to eat shit?

He meant that he is a hack writer that has real world happenings deciding the direction his manga should take, without any pressure from his editors or anything of sorts.

>waaaah he ended his own book how he wanted to


>gladly accepting a hack altered the ending of his series because he just felt like it.

Proud cuckold.

Prove it. Shitter

You have no factual evidenced he changed shit.

Mangaka write week by week and he chose the ending he wanted.

>waaaah the main girl didn't get killed

shut up

>this one guy defending the trash writing of Boichi

you entitled fucking child, grow up

>You have no factual evidenced he changed shit

Now shut the fuck up you stupid retard. He deserves zero respect as an author, and I'm glad the majority see him as the gook hack he is even if the occasional dumbass like you comes in and defends him.

He means: "me too stupid, me can't draw women"


I don't care about its flaws, I loved that shit.

Plus the comedy one with the man that seeked Tuna which interconnected with this one was great.

Oh shit, was this by Boichi? This one was good.

he can draw the female body just fine.

it's the face that gets problems

I thought Boichi would be different, but I guess once a gook always a gook, he and Kim Dal Young should join hands to write the most cancerous story known to mankind.

Present, the one with the girl in a coma, was also pretty good. I didn't get the twist on my first read through, but it hits you harder after rereading it.

Yes, all around good collection of one-shots. Beautiful art, as always.