A Magical Girl Series with a Mecha Genre villain


> tfw no mahou shoujo has a villain this intense
> it's always the mecha series

I've watched Sailor Moon, CCS (which really doesn't have true villains), Lyrical Nanoha and Madoka Magica.

What I've noticed so far is that the villains in these series don't have any concrete goals beyond "gathering human spiritual energy/Dreams/Star seed/ McGuffin of the week/ Lost Logia/ entropy reduction or AI YO"

What would a mahou shoujo series be like if it had a villain as intense as Rau le Creuset for once?

Creuset was just a crazy misanthropist.

Nirvana is a magical girl manga with a villain that's kind of similar to the Antispiral from Gurren Lagann. Does that count as a mahou shoujo series with a mecha genre villain?

My dream anime takes place in a future where magic has entered our world and the ruling power is now a matriarchy with a large magical girl force. The protagonist gets her first day on the job only to have a run in with the #1 most dangerous criminal, a young man who uses all sorts of technology ranging from mechs to nanomachines in an attempt to rebel.

Watch Symphogeah

You mean like pic related?

She gets away with everything.

Thank you so much for that video OP. So many quotable lines by the best villain.

>or AI YO"

Are you implying our demonic lady AND Savior, Homucifer, is a villain? Watch your filthy tongue.

Thanks for ruining my day with this shitty dub, you faggot.

>not watching GS dubbed on YTV's Bionix 10+ years ago

You know what would be better than a magical girl+mecha mix? Magical girl technothriller.

I thought it was pretty good as a person who has seen nothing from this series before.

He was totally right too. Seed had the shittiest universe in the franchise. Those people deserved everything they got.

Watch Vividred Operation.

Why not a mecha anime with a mahou shoujo villain?

Gundam tends to be a highly political story (mind you, with false nations). Magical girl tends to be highly idealistic, with the girls getting their powers for "good". Mixing the two results in some awkward problems, namely taking a complex political environment and declaring one site as unilaterally morally correct. This means that you need to flanderize both sides (resulting it a stereotypical evil kingdom) or need to present some realistic conflict then state that one is completely correct and the other, completely wrong.

Or you could just put magical girls on both sides, but then you don't get the villain you want AND you just end up with Madoka: But Not As Good™.

>Why not a mecha anime with a mahou shoujo villain?
Isn't that Gurren Lagann?

A CHAR magical girl villain would be GOAT.

>not watching fansubs when it first aired

And what is his goal and motivation beyond "My Name Is Not Important"?

Carol from Symphogear does this better anyway.
Dr Ver from series is also better as scenery chewing crazy villain (well hero).

Also you probably didn't watched Nanoha if you claim those are villain goals (not means to achieve real goals) (Nanoha was Mecha series masked as MG anyway).

I prefer Kyubey anyway. For its lovecraftian wibes and cruel subversion of Magical Girl stuff.

This sound like Youjo Senki but villain is MC.

zettai karen children

>Watched it subbed when it came out
>Decided to watch it on TV anyway since I had nothing better to do
>It was aired uncut and uncensored unlike the US version

I was rather surprised

The thing about having a magical girl as the antagonist in a mecha setting (which is primarily male dominated) is that otaku would just sexualize her and devalue everything she did. Not even trying to go SJW here, I'm just going off how Sup Forums as a whole treats female characters.

In theory, you definitely could have a magical girl with the same personality traits and desires as, say, Char but she would never be looked at in the same light as him. Whatever kind of character she had would be turned into some kind caricature, spawning endless memes and 'what was her problem' threads. Even if your desire were fulfilled, this hypothetical character would never be considered as a standout example of antagonist done right. She'd be waifu material and little more.

>Not even trying to go SJW here,
You are not trying , you are one