What exactly is deep about it?
What exactly is deep about it?
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Nothing, if you don't put it together.
Character psychology is deeper than your usual 1 dimensional character of 95% of animes.
Still not nearly as complex as a real person mind.
Most other stuff like the religious imagery is either there to just look cool and have no meaninf at all, or the meaning is so fucking blatant you need to be half retarded not to get
The actual theme and message of Evangelion is simple: don't be an asshole.
The complicated parts come from character motivations and the feelings of the characters, something that fanboys haven't figured out in 30 years and just fap to asuka and try to point out meaningless symbolism.
Rei's cunt
Entry plug insertion.
The fact that it's an incredibly straight forward narrative with an easily digestible theme, and yet, for 20 fucking years, people still confused about it.
The most informative parts of Eva have nothing to do with the show and everything to do with reception.
>Most other stuff like the religious imagery is either there to just look cool and have no meaninf at all, or the meaning is so fucking blatant you need to be half retarded not to get
I know he's said this but that's simply not true, he really used Asuka's "Wall of Jericho" to emphasize the point of being a weak wall, brought down by sound. This is like one of the most obscure bible passages too and to include shows deliberate intention
>wall of jericho
I agree that the religious symbolism is not there pointlessly, but the Wall of Jericho isn't an obscure reference.
End of Evangelion is the only deep part of this show. The deconstruction between the audience and the creators is very well executed, and it's rarely done in media in such a meaningful way.
Both the TV and movie ending are good examples of postmodernism in action. Of course its totally pretentious, but in a good way.
I will say MOST religious imagery is meaningless. Not all.
Like, when people were asking anno why did he made rei lilith and the meaning of it, his answer was that he simply choose rei because he did. That was her job in the series. That was her character. Period.
Most of angels also had no real dept. They were there to trigger the character development.
On the other hand, we have pretty clear stuff like Jesus shinji.
>that guy in the front with the Asuka and Rei plushies
Every single time
Truly being an idort is the right way of life
>Most of the angels also had no real depth
Yeah, but the Angels that did have some depth (Leliel, Arael, Armisael) were incredibly interesting and utilized in interesting ways. They serve as mirrors for the respective pilots they communicate with, while also becoming fascinating (if short-lived) entities in their own right. Armisael coming to understand what it is to be lonely by examining Rei's mind, Leliel attempting to rationalize Shinji's distorted self-perception...these are interesting moments that say a lot about the Angels with very little.
I rewatched recently and noticed how rei is very clear about not eating meat, specially pork.
Am i looking too deep into it or some judaism reference, given her origin?
I believe it's definitely supposed to reference the fact that she possesses the soul of Lilith, the progenitor of life on Earth. Her aversion to eating meat kind of foreshadows this, and also, yes, I believe references Judaism.
Might also have something to do with there being a bunch of clones of her being grown in a tank like livestock.
Nothing, if you went to high school (not a shit one) and you are still confuse about the meaning of this anime, you are just a literal retard who is easily suggestible.
Isn't the big themes basically that you need others to be yoursslef and that you need to love yourself to be loved by others
First post best post. If you turn off your brain, the angles and shots make no sense.
The ending.
religious themes
edgy characters
that's about it
Nothing. It just doesn't straight up explain what is happening so you have to either pay really close attention or read about it.
There's also a lot of symbolism, especially jewish stuff.
Still haven't seen either of them online, granted the origin point is from a UFO catcher in '96 or so, but still.
Nothing at all.
It's a casual filter for anime
Name me one anime that has better character writing than this.
lol no