Magi 345

Based Translator-kun!

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>stuck at sense release


Thank God they're not the only ones on this series.




It always cames back to that for poor Alibaba












So that somewhat explains his ability to feel time pass differently.

Fucking yes, he delivered again. Thank fucking god someone asked him for these. It was that easy.

Baba a massive cutie.

Ah, the good ol' days of Baba suffering.

>Exactly like that one guy
Interesting. Who could they mean?

David, of course.

You sure? I thought David was Sinbad's connection.

We'll probably never know.

>I've decided to live by my own desires even if no one else shares them
Shounen protag as fuck

>You talking about David
>THAT David?
>You mean THE David?
>Who's David?
>Y'know, DAVID
>Oh, I remember David


>Shounen protag as fuck
>just now realizing baba is poster shounen
>being made fun of for being a virgin by ghost
I don't wanna be Alibaba at all

>just now
user there's a reason I chose to post an older page with him exhibiting the same protag qualities. Commenting on it again doesn't mean I only just noticed it.

sorry user I didn't look
but yeah I liked that baba because he always got shit for it like at balbad and from hakuryuu.

God, Hakuryuu was such an edgy faggot back then.

Eh, he won't be a virgin for much longer so it paid off, right?

>but yeah I liked that baba because he always got shit for it like at balbad and from hakuryuu.
Yeah. Lots of authors end up with protags like that without really thinking, so it's interesting to have characters actually call it like it is.

He's still a faggot, just not edgy.

Hakuryuu called nothing. He was literally just being an overly-paranoid schitzo.

I want Hakuryuu to fuck me raw and hard.

We know, Judar.

Nigga are you even reading the manga? Haku was complaining that Alibaba went right for the one subject Haku didn't want broached. He employed the "disregard what others want, acquire what you want" tactics, just as discussed in this chapter. It's a really common thing for heroes to do, but rarely pointed out that it's pretty ruthless too.

But that's not the case at all. Hakuryuu went off the deep end and Hakuei was the one thing Alibaba could remember that had some kind of tether to the Hakuryuu he knew from their travels together, and he tried to appeal to that side of him. Besides, it was a logical argument. A war with Kouen would have resulted in Hakuei getting caught in the crossfire. Was it emotionally manipulative? You can argue that, but it was also a reasonable point and hardly ruthless.

Like I said, though, Hakuryuu was just too consumed with edge to listen.

>Was it emotionally manipulative? You can argue that, but it was also a reasonable point and hardly ruthless.
I think you're misunderstanding me if you think I'm saying it's not a reasonable point. If I thought Baba was wrong to do it, I'd be calling it villainous, not heroic.

The circumstances or the fact that it was Haku bring it up doesn't really matter either: no matter what sparked it, it's true that Alibaba will do things so-and-so doesn't want in order to achieve what Alibaba himself wants. I could have posted pages about him arguing with Mor or whatever, but I like the art in that one spread.

Don't get caught up in Haku's assertion of it being hypocritical or unfair or whatever; I'm only referring to Baba's actions in relation to this chapter's comment about "live by my own desires even if no one else shares them," and using that Haku page as another example of it happening in the past.

Someone picked it up? It was fucking time. Thanks a lot.

OK, fair enough.

where can i find this translated chapter?

2nd post

I think he means 343 and 344.

Ah nice.

In a sense i dont think David was trolling them here. I think he is genuinely grateful.

Tess is fucking adorable.

>you can't do anything, just come pile rocks with us
I really like that line

>I think he is genuinely grateful.
even so its still funny

Why are Alma Torran mages so savage?

You learn by living in a savage world.

I miss him. Give him back to us, Ohtaka!

He is still final boss. Arba is old and busted. Sinbad is not a villain. David will be final boss even if he is not top of the hierarchy anymore.

>Arba is old and busted.
poor arba shes bored and just wants to go home.

would David being final boss or taking control of Sinabd make Sinbad's constant monologuing pointless.

It's pointless anyway.

yea I guess I mean it is just reiterating things said before and hes kinda contradicting himself.

>David fried such a cute thing
He must pay.


Don't worry. Once Tess finds his mother, the whole family can celebrate with a nice barbecue

I care more about To You, The Immortal than Magi since Magi went to shit after the anticlimactic Kou civil war


Thanks OP

The communism vs capitalism arc was fun for a bit but then they also dropped that.

Tess needs his boipussy fucked.


Finally this manga's starting to look interesting again after months of Sinbad's bullshit. Too bad it's almost over, though.

I want to make Morgiana a mother.

>Dat midriff

Reim should have had its own arc.

Magnosdtat was Reims arc.


You think Mu fucked Titus? I feel Titus would be more open to his advances than Scheherezade.

>You think Mu fucked Titus?
He'd have to be some sort of faggot not to.

Isn't there a Muu/Titus picture somewhere?

Baby you know it


Well, that was fast

Boner aside, i think Scheherezade was a way better character than Titus. She should have stayed alive. Would also give us probably another sort of relevant female besides Arba and Kougyoku.


Fucking fujo artists trying to make me gay. It ain't gonna work.

I just want more Morgiana. For the supposed main heroine and the fiancée of the main character, she sure got shafted pretty hard in this final arc.

The reason you get a boner is because Titus is drawn as a female. Its the appeal of traps. Give a trap a beard and all the charm is lost.

Well same, than with women. It seems to me that we arent really attracted to a specified sex, but to a specified "general shape" of the body. (the female one).

Still gay tho.

She's Magi's version of Sakura, only nowhere near as shit. Even if the author says otherwise, her status as the tritagonist was basically taken by Hakuryuu a while ago.

Just like Aladdin's protagonist card was taken by Alibaba.

It's not gay if the penis is feminine.

to be fair the only real difference between him and Scheherezade is the fact he has a penis and his height.
still gay tho user don't fall for the trap if it has a dick you quit.

This. I'm so salty she's not really part of this final arc.

Why does Magi have so much prime boipucci?

She got shafted way before that. She is not even the most relevant and developed girl anymore.

She's pretty much just there as the MC's love interest.

Still 2nd best girl tho.

This pretty much. Her only recent relevant action was her little fight with Arba. Other than that she was just shipping bait for Alibaba and Hakuryuu.

I still like her, but she was my best girl before and now she is behind Arba, Fish and Sheba for me.

It's a shame.

How can you be literally Hitler and have good motivation?

>barely any pages with morgiana's juicy legs after the timeskip

I'm mad. I really hope she somehow gets one more fight before the end.

>that wet trail going down her legs