Why doesnt the US just put a 20ft tall chain link fence, with barbed wire...

Why doesnt the US just put a 20ft tall chain link fence, with barbed wire, and then after that fence a good 50 feet of razor wire, and then a 25ft tall electrified chain link fence with razor wire on top for the border?

Would be much much cheaper than a wall

26ft ladders would be a good seller. Walls literally don't work.

Can we get self-homing armadillos with laser beams shooting out of their eyes while we're at it?

Why don't we mandate e-verify for all employment, leases, and education? That would be even cheaper.

It would actuall be chaeper to just hire and place a person every 1000 feet on the border 24/7. But that would put people to work and be to logical.

yeah and then what? they jump down to their death?

Why don't we refuse to give any form of welfare—including SNAP and WIC—or state-funded education to anyone born outside the US? That would be cheaper too.

You'd probably be left with a wall covered in mangled and shredded wild life that would give fuel for the left.

kinda just patrol the border like Groom Lake but with more people?

Why no machine guns? A nation has a right to defend itself from an invasion

Claro burro.

with a machine gun post every 1000 feet

so when are they laying the first blocks of the wall on ground? all talk no action so far

>Walls literally don't work.
Perimeter defense is only one component of an overall defense strategy. There has to be defense in depth—identity checks, laws against employing or giving services to illegal aliens, etc. You have to make living in the US illegally even worse than the obstacles at the border, or else you're just setting up a brief obstacle course with a huge reward on the other side. If you've ever trained a dog or raised children, you know how important the reward is and how likely it is to motivate overcoming the obstacle.



>laws against employing
Unhhhhhh. There are. They are never enforced....


Once built a wall would be very expensive to remove. This form has the additional benefit of being politically inexpedient and expensive to undo. Move for the future.

Israel has a pretty effective and economical border wall goy - you might want to look into that - after all you funded it

No, no, no...landmines.


I would think multiple armed drones covering the border would suffice

That wont last, imbecile.

The best case for maintanence is to use wall top for rail transportation.