Who was in the right?
Little Witch Academia
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They were both idiots.
Magic is objectively dying in the show. Fewer magical resources mean that witches and fae will inevitably splinter and fight over the shrinking island, but both sides still don't realize that they're all going to drown.
The natural synthesis of the two is a robust social democracy mitigating both the inequality and exploitation of capitalism while avoiding the centralization of power and authoritarianism of communism.
I need a Lotte Sweden/Finland flag for muh nordik model
Stop liking shoehorned characters and shoehorned romance.
Someone's acting like they want their belly blown
All commies deserve death.
I love that Trigger keeps fucking up this series with two crappy pretty dudes and forced romance bullshit. Then make up some cheapass excuse like they thought about bringing boys since the OVAs. Why didn't they do it while they were at it, then? Things would've been different.
This is why you don't fuck with the fans, kids. Don't change the formula if they like it very much and want to keep it like that.
Episodes 6 and 10 would have been great without the shoehorning, but the fact they just hamfisted romance and it just had to have Andrew and Frank in it. Whatever role Andrew and Frank played in those episodes, that role would have been filled better by and actually been enjoyable if it was with Lotte and Sucy or team B or Ursula or some other teacher.
The hamfisting characters or romance into an episode really takes away from the enjoyable parts, but the lackluster resolution of episode 5 doesn't take away from the good parts.
Trigger should care because this is their second fluke in a row, Kiznaiver was even worse. If they keep being so unsuccessful they are going to have a hard time finding any investors. I'm surprised they were able to find any anyways, that faggot Tattun said Trigger wasn't on the production committee so they don't see any of the profits, which means it doesn't matter to Trigger whether the show does well or not because it doesn't affect them, which means they can just fuck up the show like they tried to in episodes 6 and 10.
>inb4 "b-b-but Fagrank is a bro!!!1!1!"
He is the type of faggot that was born into a rich family, got a high paying job thanks to nepotism, yet acts like he had to work hard to be where is he and will try to join in on regular people's conversation about their day to day struggles which he has never experienced.
Diana cause she's a Traditionalist and Traditionalism is on the right side of the spectrum?
This. Traditions and traditionalists should go fuck themselves.
the british people are subhumans
>being this bluepilled
I like Akko more
>shiny rod flag
decent touch
The value of traditionalism is not just the importance of the elite, but ensuring they can handle the responsibility that comes with power. Like with the most classic tradition of the chief elder grooming the new chief so he doesn't immediately burn it all to the ground.
>boo hoo we can't give our entire fucking workforce 20% of our magic because reducing class times by 11% will ruin everything
Fucking stupid witches. Their request was more than reasonable.
the janitors
they already do it without monetary compensation
I don't matter if I sleep with them both after party right?
Tradition or bust!
i dont get traditionalism. it feels like traditionalists are ignorant of the fact that the current state of affairs will be the new tradition in a while, and the traditions of old they speak of are nothing but a warped retrospective view of the past, something we do not have for the present time. it feels like they are simply chasing this ideal rather than truly being grounded.
the past and the traditions and culture ingrained in it should certainly be passed on, and learned from to make today's society the best it can be, but this is not simply chasing the empty illusions which traditionalism seems to be all about.
oh my god i never saw the connection before so many things make sense now
>being this autistic
>tradition and communism are incompatible
Why aren't you Nazbols yet? Are you too """""""""redpilled""""""""" to accept that overthrowing an elite that will always attempt to destroy culture is a good idea?
the problem i see with traditionalism and communism is that what is considered tradition and what isnt is often manipulated by the elite to stay in power. an obvious example is with the conquistadors and how traditions of cultures in the new world were twisted to relate to christianity as a method of control. however, the two are certainly not fundamentally incompatible. this issue is more born from the long history of all forms of not-communist states creating the bowl of traditions we get as our sample
Started this, currently on episode 4.
Does Akko ever stop being a fuck up? It hurts to see her.
so do the nazis, they are both filth
it never ends
>Then make up some cheapass excuse like they thought about bringing boys since the OVAs
OVA 2 sucked ass, the first OVA was GOAT precisely because it didn't include normie humans
>literally can't enjoy these threads because of #EPIC political discussion because akko went one one ONE [1] strike
When is Frank coming back?
at least there isn't /d/egenerate posting yet
If they want better working conditions they should just quit and go work for a competitor.
Oh wait, they can't because they'll literally die because their species is hilariously poorly adapted for life outside the radius of the magic rock, and the only reason they still have jobs to begin with is because the witches are dogmatic and won't accept more efficient modern solutions.
If you want your employer to give you more stuff you should actually provide value, rather than being a persistent drain on a finite resource while providing no service that couldn't be replicated by a relatively cheap central heating system, a few of those fancy magic roombas, and a single family of minimum-wage foreign cleaning staff.
We must help Chairman Kagari fight the bourgeoisie. Come comrade, let us sing the song of our country and our people.
呼尔嗨哟, 領導我們向前進!
How about we follow statistically observed evidence based principles of Neoclassical economics to solve our problems instead of reading Magical Book That Promises Utopia #99082?
To answer your question, therefore, Horo from Spice and Wolf.
Because Magical Book That Promises Utopia #99082 laid the foundation for the economy of scale, which is no utopia but still the best model for prosperity available. But maybe you're thinking of #99131's promise of a well-regulated Horo, which is bunk.
And the economy of scale and its effects are evidenced based observations using statistical analysis. Hardly a magic book. Even then it should not be followed like one and should be revisited just as much if not more than The General Theory.
How do we cure yurifags?
of course an approach grounded in empirical evidence is obviously superior, but it's vital to test new theories empirically as well. also, nobody has managed to model the economy in a way that actually works well yet, so I wouldnt be too attached to current theories.
>comes to Sup Forums
>doesn't enjoy edgy memes
muh dick...
This is what we do, latch on to bullshit. Give an inch take a mile, though yurifags don't even need that inch.
It's either this, degeneracy or cuckposting
>the eu well fare state being a model for anything
Just accept your Muslim overlords
I want to FUCK this witch
Anarco capitalism is the spirit of freedom!
Best boy
The main character is a normie human.
Akko belongs to Andrew
It's no edgy, it's cringy.
How do we cure fags who still fall for the same pasta which has been posted a dozen time over?
>its not both
>new pv pics came out
>idiots continue to talk about capitalism vs socialism
best janitor
But they didn't?
It's tradition that kept an innocent princess a prisoner of pain and sorrow for centuries
it's tradition that caused the witches to get jew'd by a dragon
It's tradition that treats the fairies like slaves while the witches waste magic because they're too posh to wipe their own asses
and it's tradition that lead to the downfall of magic as we know it.
alright then post them
Calling it
>Akko is going to sacrifice herself to restore magic
>Andrew and Diana will marry each other and name their first child Akko.
It will go full Gundam.
The fairies, they need that shit to live.
I just love how everything would been solved if they just had waited for Urusula, instead they sold out to Croix.
Fairy bros are just trying to make a living man
>I just love how everything would been solved if they just had waited for Urusula, instead they sold out to Croix.
I get that Croix basically instigated a fight that caused them all to rush to a conclusion, but fug.
Not so fast
>Draw Diana
>Get her belt color wrong
How long until Diana and Akko dance and revel in the blood of their enemies?
>OVA 2 sucked ass
I still don't understand why so many people disliked the second OVA?
I thought it was just as good as the first
>social democracy
do I need to start posting Hoppe memes?
Earliest ep 22. Worst case ep 24.
She had to wear Akko's uniform to class since her's was so torn up.
They are cute together
Yes! thery are so cute
Steve you gotta get more fanart!
What would raping Amanda feel like?
***,180位/***,177位 (**2,342 pt) [*,**8予約] 2017/04/19 TVアニメ「リトルウィッチアカデミア」Vol.1 Blu-ray (初回生産限定版)
***,529位/***,519位 (**1,101 pt) [*,**6予約] 2017/04/19 【Amazon.co.jp限定】TVアニメ「リトルウィッチアカデミア」Vol.1 Blu-ray (初回生産限定版) (全巻購入特典:「描き下ろしキャンバスアート(キャラファイン印刷) サイズ:F4(アッコ、ロッテ、スーシィ)」&「 復刻版シャリオカード収納ファイル」引換シリアルコード付)
**7,253位/**6,606位 ○ (***,226 pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/19 【Amazon.co.jp限定】TVアニメ「リトルウィッチアカデミア」Vol.1 DVD (初回生産限定版) (全巻購入特典:「描き下ろしキャンバスアート(キャラファイン印刷) サイズ:F4(アッコ、ロッテ、スーシィ)」&「 復刻版シャリオカード収納ファイル」引換シリアルコード付)
**9,711位/**9,040位 ○ (***,237 pt) [*,**1予約] 2017/04/19 TVアニメ「リトルウィッチアカデミア」Vol.1 DVD (初回生産限定版)
It's not that bad, I guess.
>implying you'll do anything about nazis
We're here to fix your mistakes.
The comfiest
Commies get free helicopter rides.
I wonder what we're going to learn about Sucy in episode 16
Ursula was only a temporary solution
>All those different versions of Vol 1
>Only scrapping phantom sale level sales with one week left till release
What went wrong?
Akko was unbearable for the majority of it
Much better than I thought. Might do better than Gab Drop.
Courtesy of senor Pinochet.
episode 16 is gonna be a sucy's episode?
Is there a interview or something?
Btw, where can I read all the tattun's post so far?
>Who was in the right?
Diana obviously because Akko is in the left
>Btw, where can I read all the tattun's post so far?
Fuck Tattun, I hope that faggot shill stays gone after he got BTFO.
That response sounds makes it sound like it was accurate
But this is literally all wrong.
No idea if it will be a Sucy episode or not
I just posted the picture to post it, I found it earlier today and don't remember anyone else mentioning it. The pic wasn't supposed to go along with what I said.
>Young Croix has long hair and glasses
>Young Chariot has short hair and no glasses
>Older Croix has short hair and no glasses
>Ursula has long hair and glasses
If Chariot and Croix were basically Akko and Diana, does that mean we're gonna get an epilogue where older Diana has a ponytail and Akko has whatever Diana has for her looks?
user that's pretty cancerous
good choice!
>user that's pretty cancerous
And Tattun isn't? A literal shill and the mods gave him a blue name so you can't even report him.