Guess what the leading story in the Times of London is tomorrow

Good job, GochiUsa fans.

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When will old media fuck off and die already...

I want to film pornography of my wives Chimame

so artist should wait 18 years between finishing a piece and posting it?

how quintessentially british of them


Let's get hiroshimoot arrested by posting child pornography.

Bongs are the new leafs

Brits prefer real children.
>stop liking things I don't like

>paedophilic cartoons
Such is life in the caliphate of London.


Forget Japan, we made a mistake supporting the U.K. in WWII. We should have nuked Britain off of the face of the planet after defeating Germany and creating a space empire with Japan.

Just nuke Britain already.

You should fuck off as well.

Reminder that britbongs pay an Internet Sharia Tax for this.

>naked chinese cartoons are as bad as jihadists
Take Mohammad's cock out of your mouth, London.

>flying to canada this august
>will need to leave my pics folder at home because anime girls
Why the fuck are your laws so backwards you useless leafs?

I kinda wanted to study in the UK but fuck the UK.
First BBC now this.

>illegal terrorist child pornography
I didn't know facebook was Halal now. Good for them.

>Child pornography.

Did you mean a tabloid? Never. At best, they would stay in facebook.

If only the terrorists would kill you.

But Japan already censors the genitals. It's no longer porn at that point

Why would they need to look at your computer?

Just came back from Canada after spending 6 months there
Never deleted a single pic. What are you on about?

Just looks like a cute made cafe video?

bongs are real ugly due to inbreeding I haven't seen a single non ugly brit that wasn't emma watson


German Internet friend got sent back when they chose her for random inspection and they found loli in her laptop. It was the Toronto airport if I recall correctly.

where do you think you are going? age of consent used to be 14

unless you fit the profile you dont even need a passport to enter

I thought inspections were just for bags. How much of a time waster would it be if they checked your pictures as well?

Not that guy, but customs may randomly decide to check your laptop

This is why

What's the fuck is wrong with Brits?

I can't help but laugh when someone calls Sup Forums a nest of autistic children. Just look at your media for fucks sake, even the autistic children here know what the world problems are, and yet the fucking media keeps targeting drawings. DRAWINGS.
Who is more autistic?
Manchildren that keep fighting over the internet about who's best girl or People that deliberately refuse to (Or are really retarted) post news of actual value?

How do inspections have enough time to browse through several thousand pictures and media just to find a single fanservice shot? Seriously do you believe the bullshit you spout?

I didn't believe her at first but then I saw YT videos of police at Canadian airports inspecting electronics too, including pictures in laptops and stuff. Better to be prepared.


the eternal britbong strikes again

what's with the jihad music on it?

>drawings of little girls

>Wanting normalfags to get more into nip cartoons

I say this is a good thing. Please start banning more anime off of social media platforms so normalfags have less exposure. Only a retard could get angry at this.

The fuck does any of this story have to do with muslims?
Brittish free speech laws and pedophilia hipocrisyhow many coverups are we even at at this point? have existed for years

>being this new
>being this underage
You don't belong in this safe space, newfriend.

>drawn cartoons are now child porn
>pakistanis/muslims can operate 3D child rape gangs inside your schools with impunity
>jimmy saville's bosses can continue to procure 3D children to supply to pedos in media, government and monarchy
such is life for bongistan

Archive link? That picture honestly looks photo shopped I refuse to believe that's real

Does Japan do this as well? I download a ton of stuff.

Exactly. All facebook has done is encourage retards to make shitty pages dedicated to opening up normie culture to anime, and its fucking awful. The sooner those are gone, the sooner anime fades from the mainstream, and the sooner it becomes an outcast thing to like again.


Only child molesters like chimame desu.

Dunno, but loli is legal in Japan so you won't be detained for it.

Downloading anime is illegal though.

>Facebook publishing child pornography
Should we wait for facebook to sue them for libel? Or are brit laws fucked to the point that they can squeeze their way out of this.

At first, I didn't understand but then I saw it. That hand holding is so out of line.

>drawings are illegal because we don't like them

Britbongland, everyone.

Just leave your L folder at home and leave your pictures with big titted anime girls on your laptop if you need to wank in Canada.

I've never heard of anyone getting arrested for passing illegally owned anime at their airports, though, so it's probably fine. They most likely won't check your electronics.

2D is haram.

>kanna is on there

I think the UK has worse problems that suggestives drawings of children

>UN calls for ban

Go back to facebook.

Actually the argument here is "These drawings should be illegal because they depict child abuse and people might be influenced by them and replicate them in real children"

Which sounds like it makes sense until you wonder why they haven't banned violent media and similar stuff that "promotes" illegal stuff like murder or rape or drug dealing.


I hate Bongistan and the Leaf so much, fucking cockroaches.

How about dealing with those real life problems they like so much instead?

The quality of those jpgs is the real crime here.

>the western world is civilized they said

Only with the artwork's affirmative and enthusiastic consent.

>Bongland can't handle burger freedoms


Why not both?

I'm not sure what I did wrong but can you answer?

This is utterly disgusting. No one should go through such treatment.

Exactly that. They don't ban those things because everyone knows that it doesn't influence people to replicate it.

>extreme child manga pornography

Hope they never see the fucking doujins and their tags

>Which sounds like it makes sense
No it didn't

Reminded me of this.

To baby boomers in the government it does.

>removing anime from a normie website
I see nothing wrong with this. The number of people who use Facebook and watch anime should be 0.

Giving women voting rights was a mistake

Yeah, like "kneepits" Damn, that's hardcore.

More like past a certain age people should be banned from voting. It's old faggots who pass laws like those, not women.

>implying it's just baby boomers
The young liberals want that shit banned just as much.

Cute not pedo.

Meanwhile in best korea none of these issue are a thing

I think I have a new fetish.

Coming from people who think cutting your penis off makes you a women

Women consistently vote for more governement and taxes to subsidize their life, for example single motherhood is alive and well since the government enables these cunts.

Giving women the right to vote WAS and IS. A fucking mistake

Go back, normalfag.

>best korea

I can understand the normalfags going apeshit over obviously lewd shit, but some of the examples are just cute stuff. Are they just jumpy, or trying to find excuses?


>using "cute" as a justification to avoid being labeled a pedo.

You're a pedophile, and no amount of mental gymnastics you do will fix it.

>holding hands
>not extremely lewd

This poster knows what's up.

Jesus that's awful. Although it makes me wonder what they'd do if there was innocent animu art AND porn. And do you get in trouble for 3D as well or is it only drawings?

Encrypt your shit you dumbass.

You can even make a hidden encryption, where one password will open up a folder with some shit like passwords in it, while the other will open up your porn.

Extremely cute and not pedo.

are said mental gymnastics done by a 5 year old girl in tights?

Many normies think that all men sexualize everything. Therefore, if you collect images of cute non-lewd draws of anime girls, you must therefore either be sexually attracted to those images, or are attracted to other images you aren't showing people.

>gets butthurt over a 2d drawing

Do you also go into full autism mode over stick figures?