What makes U.C. the best gundam universe?

What makes U.C. the best gundam universe?

Japanese revanchist spirit that gives rise to Zeon fanwank.

Imitations can never best the original.

0079, CCA, ZZ, and 0083 are garbage

I bet G Gundam or Gundam Wing is your favorite Gundam.

But War in the Pocket was shit.
Thunderbolt has Zeon get their shit fucked in the second half anyways.
Stardust Memory ends with Zeon getting their shitfucked.

How does UC have any Zeon fanwank?


0079 is literally the best Gundam though.

Zeta, Victory, and 0080
>But War in the Pocket was shit.
Kill yourself

Most expanded.
Late UC revisit when

muh SHA!
BUt in 00709 and Z you could tell that the writing definitely made Zeon sympathetic despite still being shown as evil.

>More grounded mech designs than other universes
>A lot of loose ends and unused space to expand the story laterally
>(Mostly) consistent rules
>Power creep kept in reasonable limits
>Most factions are neither pure evil or pure good
>MS design motifs have become iconic. You can create variations and successors within the universe, but other universes will be considered knock-offs.

>Hates 0079
>Likes victory
i'm conflicted, should i hate you or love you user?

>Ramba Ral
>Gouf Custom
>lala's death

Can't be beat.

War in the Pocket was shit. The animation was decent at times but the rest of it was absolute shit.

Al is a tremendous fucking retard and the only good suit besides the plain Zaku was the Kampfer and that got like five minutes of actual screentime. The plot is completely retarded and Zeon is so buttfuckingly stupid that they get caught by colony border patrol when trying to nuke these Japs. You can't even call it Zeon fanwank when both the protagonist from Zeon and the commander both die while the Federation is doing fine.

The Gundam Alex is also the ugliest Gundam to grace the franchise in a long time.

Lalah was a bunch of shit though.

Why do people complain about characters in a show like you're meant to love every single one? Characters don't have to be likable

That's fine but making all of your characters unlikable and your show boring doesn't make for a very good show

anyone know when the ost for thundebolt s2 is out?

Really Chris was unlikable? Bernie was unlikable? The plot was good and I liked that they focused in the scope of the OVAs. Not everything has to be about as large scale as gundams usually are. Shows how war affects everyone

>generic girl next door that just so happens to be a test pilot for the most advanced Mobile Suit in the world

>lying faggot that uses a kid to further his goal of obliterating said kid's hometown then feels guilty and kills himself in a suicide launch

I'm also not complaining about the scale, that would go against the entire point of the series.

It's almost like they're normal people you can identify with.

We hyped?

Except they're not easy to identify with.

>Gundam is the symbol of spacenoid freedom
did cronicle skip the class on zeon vs the WHITE DEVIL?
fucking unicorn i swear

Gundam Mk II best looking gundam

Just got a 1/60 scale model of this. Still need to build it

Zeta > you fave though

Zeta's transformation bullshit ruined gundam


Now now, I might have disagreements with Zeta but it's nowhere near as bad as the ZZ Gundam.

Yeah it was bad but Zeta's aesthetics still >>>>> your fave

i love FA ZZ

That monstrosity of metal has no reason in maintaining anything close to a humanoid form, might as well just become a block with beam cannons and other weapons attached.


Are you retarded?


>Most factions are neither pure evil or pure good
Every story has the other side seem like super assholes, and about 3/4 of the way in the protagonist's faction also turns out to be assholes.


1. Turn A
2. Zeta
3. 0079
4. V
5. ZZ

Rest aren't worth ranking

The people behind Gundam already said at the time, Sydney was almos empty so it wasn't that bad really.

>tfw still no series about the war between the controllers of Turn A and Turn X, which culminates into the end of the Dark History

>no series on how the MB missed the amazon tower when everything from moon to jupiter got fucking nuked

Nothing, Cosmic Era is the best.

Actually it goes like:

1. SEED Destiny
2. Victory
3. X
4. 00 Season 2

By disagreeing you are not a true gundam fan. And lets be honest Turn A was a lousy anniversary series

Remove victory from that blasphemy of a list

And X while you're at it

Most development since most of the series explore the consequences/aftermath of previous series.

Not unless it gets ported to PC.


The story doesn't really focus on Chris, it's more about Bernie and Al. Your characterization of Bernie is also dumb as fuck, 'cause you're just trying really hard to make it seem stupid.

He's a Zeon pilot loyal to his team, trying to complete a mission so that he can be an Ace pilot, or further his goals, but it's not like he wanted everyone on the colony dead. Plus he likes Chris and Al too much to run away, and not at least try to stop the place from getting nuked. He felt that he had to do something, no matter how desperate.

What makes a character likeable to you? People never specify what makes a character unlikable when they say this, and at this point I just assume it's a buzzword people throw in so their opinion seems valuable.