Convince a layman to watch it.
Say Something Positive About Anime
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would anyone want that?
don't. save yourself
Fuck off virtue signaler.
Don't give them SOL or ecchi anime. Give them something that everybody can enjoy, such as space battleship yamato 2199, or even evangelion. If they can stomach evangelion, it's only a matter of time before they've seen the worst of japan's weird shit.
Yeah give them waifu crap. Sure that won't scare them off.
the waifu crap is part of the internet culture, not the show
EVA is about a whiny bitch that gets 3 girlfriends and two boyfriends lusting after his extremely generic passive appearance and personality. It's nothing but a shallow fanfic. Oh he also gets to save the world because he's the chosen one even God wants to go after his dick! Even his mother wants to fuck him!
Unless you've already delved into it a little bit, don't. Just don't. If I could have chosen to not watch it, I would have
Just watch keion dude. If keion doesn't do the trick for you then nothing will do.
What else is there to turn to?
Why the fuck would I convince normalfags to watch something I like just so they could ruin it for me?
>liking K-on
Go get friends instead and enjoy whatever time you have left. If you enjoy it too much, it's too late and you're stuck. This medium is not a cure for the lonely.
do not give (you)s to literal tripniggers
>Go get friends
this is one of my favorite Sup Forums memes
In the misc Sup Forums topic.
where do I ask stuff about Sup Forums if the /qa/ board is not working?
There is literally nothing positive about anime, it's a crutch we all use to escape from the mundane reality that is our lives.
We are too deep down the rabbit hole, but it's not too late for you, turn back now and work on improving your real life so you don't need to escape by watching groups of 13 year old japanese high school girls do nothing.
Sup Forums
A 1 day ban for a question thread is a good trade.
>two boyfriends
What did he mean by this
Well. I guess since we are here already.
Are author in-jokes not allowed on Sup Forums?
Posted an araki is inmortal joke but it got deleted:
Halp, I legitimately don't know. Not from this board.
How is that anime or manga?
Have you not watched EVA? Both the dad-figure and kaworu want his dick. I swear sometimes I know more about EVA after having seen it only once than most people that constantly make these fucking threads about it.
well, there a old meme thread up and a voice acting girl waifuing thread up.
also I remember doing a thread asking if you would marry the ugly author of berserk and didnt got deleted a few months back so idk how things work here.
Watch Cowboy Bebop, with a few breaks inbetween if you need it.
Watch Clannad, its shit, but then watch After-Story.
All those characters you're attached to? Here come reality plus 10.
>after story
>an accurate portrayal of reality
Maybe if it wasn't for the bullshit wish fulfilment ending then that would be true.
if you are into being a pedophile the fandom will welcome you with open arms
just read manga instead
You can learn a lot of things in anime while enjoying it. If you're becoming a neet, then you're doing it wrong.
>saw an anime I really enjoyed years ago
>kept bothering friend who only watched one piece and naruto to watch it
>he finally watched it and enjoyed it more than I expected
>fast forward 7 years
>he's now a massive waifufag that goes to conventions, buys figures, wears his waifu t-shirts, and enjoys moeshit
>i caused this
>i sent him down this path
To this day I'm not sure if I did the right thing.
Animation is a medium of art and some of that art would probably mean something to you.
manga is better
where did you get this from? One literally has no personality - a pretty vital plot point, the other actively hates him. I mean Asuka does tsundere things but she never does the cliched "It's not like I l-like you or anything, baka!" The only one to even like Shinji is Misato. The only one to choose Shinji to do anything is his dad, and I don't know how you managed to think God choose him when they're fighting Angels... a.k.a. servants of God... Oh wait you're just shitposting right nevermind.
Where did I get what from? Literally nothing I've said is in any way wrong. Watch more anime and you can tell the fanfic from the actual stories
Rei had feelings (likely romantic) for Shinji. Then everything got reset when the "original" Rei died and got replaced with a clone.
Asuka made several moves on Shinji. Though Shinji couldn't handle her hostility and never rewarded her advances.
Misato outright offered him sex.