Vagabond is in its final arc

>Vagabond is in its final arc
>hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years

What happened with Inoue and this manga?

I feel that Kojiro really was suppose to be the friend. It would have more build-up and they could've had the historical fight play out accurately.

perhaps this is a big case of mangaka fatigue

>Inoue is getting back into drawing Vagabond soon. He drew a sketch for the 2017 manga festival as well. Pic related.

This was posted earler today-

>slowly reading through vagabond
>tfw it will probably not be finished by the time I'm all caught up

>start the manga
>catch up for the fucking gardening arc
>forgot most of it now


These 2 images sequenced made me laugh.


>guts got off the boat before vagabond started up again

i'm still kinda mad

Not enough moe.

Just started reading this manga, just got to where he challenges the school in kyoto
Is the manga, as a whole, worth the read?
I have not really been able to ascertain the protagonists motivations aside from wanting to be the best swordsman
Does he gain something better to motivate him and move the story forward or is this his primary motivation throughout the story?
I'd rather not be spoiled on the series, however I do wish to know if he gains a more meaningful motivator (not that there is anything wrong with his current motivation), I am just looking for a manga that has a more rich story and character motivators are a large part of that richness for me.
I would also like, without being spoiled as much as possible, if he spends the majority of the story alone. I really enjoy long lasting character relationships and the dynamics involved in more complex relationships.

Pic unrelated


>We will never go to the quality threads of Farmland Saga and ricefields

>Tfw the prophecy didn't fulfill and Guts didn't have to farm for the soul king

>I am just looking for a manga that has a more rich story and character motivators are a large part of that richness for me.

you found it

> if he spends the majority of the story alone

he sometimes travels with another person but they don't really influence the story much

Thanks for the reply

It is the time for him to return, let us rejoice in the blaze

Enjoy it my man because something tells me this will be the homestretch

>tease this questionable news when im a thread where people wanting a continuation

Vinland Farm Saga > vagabond learns how to make rice

If he goes on hiatus again, I'm going to Japan and personally counseling him.


Got topped by a superior Musashi


Oh hai there One.

why would you assume that was me
it was, but why did you assume it

His motivation was like that IRL, so there's not much the author could do.

I don't know what people's problem with Farmland Saga is, I read VS 6 months back and slave arc was probably my favorite arc.

The same as you know who I am, there's only 2 people that ever talk about Baki in Sup Forums mate.

Also you pointed me to your translation.


We have at least the translator, 4 regulars and 2 memers. Pretty much the perfect fanbase.

That artstyle looks retarded.


If it gets said a lot there's probably a reason

I can't even remember the story anymore, when it starts again I might as well reread it.

It's designed on the basis of ukiyo-e art and Hogarth's Dynamic Figure-style. Hence, it's supposed to look 'that way'. But this is a Vagabond thread; please keep it that way.