Cute under appreciated girls

Post girls who you think are extremely cute and unappreciated in this thread.

I am posting Eureka Frog, her aesthetic taste is impeccable and she is very, very cute.


Good thread, there are som top-tier tertiary characters out there.

Maybe she's not that unappreciated but I miss her and think there wasn't enough of her.

Cute lesbian JC.

KyoAni does great background characters.

I don't have anyone in mind but I like this thread so bump

Good thread, i'll contribute.


Been meaning to rewatch Soul Eater lately. I totally agree, was one of my first waifus.

Her mice girl friend and her sisters were also pretty cute/hot.




Her fight was the hypest part.


Who is that?









theyre cute as fuck together, what a good manga Soul Eater was

This, but the one who wears blue.

I was originally going to say the one with Blue Hair, but her hair's actually grey.

Shows how memorable she is

Le bone daddy hug victim

Bone Daddy grew very fond of her though.
I bet he'd embrace her when she surfaces again and offer her good job.

Her death scene gave me a boner.

Her everything gives me one.


Doesn't really qualify but even though I'm a Nanofag I still know that Yuuko is the one character that made Ninchijou. No Yuuko=no Nichijou