>lazy neet that constantly eats candy
>in perfect shape
Nah, I don't buy it.
>lazy neet that constantly eats candy
>in perfect shape
Nah, I don't buy it.
So you want her to be a fat piece of shit, then.
Having sex burns calories.
Yes please. You don't stay thin while living a completely hedonistic lifestyle.
Plenty of people are like that in their teenage years and early twenties. It catches up.
Anime neets are cute.
I'm a lazy piece of shit and I'm still slim. Feels good mang.
she's also one of the best performers when it is time to go on stage and/or promote. her other two group members were shaking in their boots while it was smooth sailing for her
Is that dual-shock plugged directly into the mains power?
She's a loli, lolis don't get fat
Will we ever get Idolmaster "it caught up" edition?
au contraire
Mitsudomoe exists so you are wrong.
Also, this
don't question 2d biology, user.
You definitely can
Maybe if your definition of hedonism includes a 1 hour workout every day.
That entirely depends on if you consider auschwitz mode to be "thin".
if u smoke cigs yes this is very possible
NEETs actually lead a very healthy lifestyle.
>Be so lazy you sleep through breakfast
>Play so many games you occasionally skip lunch/dinner too
>Become Mr. Skeltal at 1.5 meals a day
I'm 5' 11' and 120 pounds
I'm so lightweight I can sneak up on stray cats and rabbits because
I can spook you anywhere, anytime, and that's just with my bare ribs
The only thing I fear is He-Man
You'd be surprised how little calories an hour workout burns.
I'm a living proof ot it. Never do sport or workout. Im 45kg and 170cm, asian btw.
>wanting realism in your escapist fantasy
Something's wrong with you, boy.
Thats not perfect shape.
try getting a metabolism, fatty
Futaba is not fat
It works fine for many people while they're young.
I'm a lazy neet with a sweet tooth, and I'm quite thin.
Wait till you get older.
No, she's asian.
What is Umaru?
>american that doesn't know what calories are
Really makes you think.
Don't I fucking know it!
I eat nothing but junk food all day, and it's unheard of for me to get up to do more than take the occasional piss, or refill my soda. Yet I weigh 125lbs. It's not that hard to stay thin, you're just a fucking fatass.
I'm a NEET who eat fast food and candy and I'm in pefect shape.
Some have perfect metabolism
>It's not that hard to stay thin
Refer to
You're installing a habit that will not be easy to get rid off once turbulent hormones wear off and metabolism slows down.
You can eat nothing but fast food and candy as long as you don't have too many calories, unhealthy food =/= weight gain, too many calories = weight gain.
>fast food and candy
>don't have too many calories
Yeah, that's a barbie-size plate of fast food and candy or a gruesome training regime.
Neither of these fall under "lazy glutton neet" archetype we discuss.
High metabolism will turn shitload of callories into energy, provided you are young enough.
NEET slim anime girls are not realistic. More news at 11.
I could carry you with one arm like if you were a life-sized doll.
No homo.
Yeah nah mate eating is a chore for me, I just eat a lot of substanceless snacks. 125lbs is heavy compared to my weight in my teens.
Three chins and 3XL fat rolls are waiting for you past your second half of twenties.
That's not true, I'm not from america and I've heard your potion sizes are absurd but in the UK you could comfortably have fast food for your main meal every single day, along with plenty of candy every single day and still lose weight easily.
Protip: Don't drink your calories, Tea has near 0
They're actually very realistic, it's just that they usually go by a different name such as "housewife", "girlfriend", or "whore".
Now slim hikki girls are a different story.
ITT people who think muh metabolism is the reason people are fat and not because they over-eat 3000 calories a day
>cut in half snack consumption
>scale needle goes back to normal
That was hard, huh?
Why does she wear that stupid shirt
she is what, 15? at that age i couldn't gain any weight even if i tried.
>I'm not from america
Neither do I, we prefer our calories at 40% alcohol per liter here.
>fast food for main meal
user this is now what we discuss here.
We discuss shitload of fastfood and candy for every meal.
Not just burger for lunch which is arguably fine.
Carbs at noon is what makes you fat and NEETs fuck up their regime with MMO all-nighters and eat 4 full-course meals at night.
How dare you criticize you American national myth, you bigoted swine?
>what are calories?
Murrifarts, everywhere
> muh metabolism is the reason people are fat
It is.
It's just people gain bad habits of overeating and eating shitty food while they are young and their body copes with it through high metabolism.
Then they age and metabolism slows down, but habit is harder to break and it turns into fat rolls.
>cut in half snack consumption
Yes, this is hard if it's your decade+ long habit.
That's pretty unhealthy user, eat more
No, it's not. Everything is calories you burn more when you're younger because you're still fucking growing.
>perfect shape
>140cm at 17 years old
I know that it's sexy, but that's a result of malnutrition. You can't get slim because you're eating the fucking burgers all the time.
*if you're a weak-willed little bitch.
>burn more when you're younger
That's called metabolism.
Being young temporarily allows you to overeat without turning overweight.
But it doesn't last, unlike gluttonous habits.
Dafaq you even argue about?
I just reminded that user that it's nothing to brag about: he's just young and it will pass.
No if anything I would say MMO's cause neets to under-eat because they sit there and neglect eating/drinking for long periods then go binge eat for 15 minutes before getting right back to it.
Non-mmo neets are worse because between anime when they get bored they binge-eat but as long as they don't have too many calories they'll be fine
>as long as they don't have too many calories
Are you blind to your own contradictions or what?
People with good self-control don't binge two seasons of show in a weekend.
I can binge eat a bunch of oatmeal crackers and gain no weight because it's almost nothing in calories. This is not hard to comprehend.
make up your mind
Binge-eating 1000 calories every 12 hours or so
>claims to be a neet
>is employed as an idol
It's not hard to comprehend that a dietary oatmeal crackers are rearely snack of choice for hikki-neets.
For MMO - yes, for anime - fuck no.
Make that 10k per day and I'll believe it.
She's the fake NEET idol
But that was a good one.
Counting calories will ensure you don't gain weight, but you still have to have balanced meals with portion control.
But yeah, you could eat nothing but candy or fast food and still not gain weight if you count the calories. You will feel like shit because that's not a healthy way to go about it. But yeah, you won't gain.
139cm actually, and only 30 kg.
>But yeah, you could eat nothing but candy or fast food and still not gain weight if you count the calories.
No neet would do that.
>You will feel like shit
The point of snacks is to feel good.
and because
>if you count the calories
it's a huge drag.
You get used to it. I do it all the time. But not as much as when I first started because I run 12 miles a week anyway. But now I have to be autistic about it again because I'm nursing a calf strain right now. So no cardio for 1-2 weeks
Good, I'm waiting for it. As now I have a really hard time gaining some weight, I go to the gym, I eat healty and balanced, yet I gaine 1 kilo on months of hard work.
On the other hand I saw a lot of slightly overweight friends losing just a bit of fat and looking really good, even if their muscles would have 0 definition, their general appearance was way better than mine even with all the gym
Being held that way would be extremely uncomfortable and make it hard to breath. Stop loli abuse.
>get used to it
Thread is not about you, it's about average hikki-neet being slim while constantly eating junk food.
Calculating calories does not fit their personalities.
It's also usually enough to eat sweets for breakfast/avoid eating lots of carbs and sweets past midday.
This post is blatantly false
I am a NEET who counts calories and eats fast food and snacks.
Counting the calories of fast food and snacks is actually easier than counting the calories of a homemade meal because the calorie content is clearly labeled. I certainly would not describe it as a huge drag as I just write a number in a book.
Refer to
learned that the hard way
Who is to say what 'the average' is?
You cannot just say ' the average' to support a claim, it does not work that way.
Will fapping to loli help me burn fat?
didn't realize i was on /fit/
she's 17
She barely touched her omurice here.
Is she malnourished? Why is she so small?
growing is a waste of energy
Eating only candy, yeah I'd be malnourished too.
How can she bear children when she is so tiny?
I want to bury my face in her butt and breath deeply the fumes emanating. I'd get so high on her BO.
she can't without dying
Is she getting a major focus in those shorts? She appears in the ED, but most girls have huge tits.
It's called fast metabolism
I'm 5'11 and 145 pounds, and i laze on my ass all day. It's completely possible.
>"people" with BMI above 20 exist
That's no good. She's stuck as a midget for the rest of her life.
I want to blow that bellybutton.
Where's the dick?