Say something nice about her!

Say something nice about her!

Her love of tanks is endearing.


i think it would feel very good to get a fluffjob from her hair

Thank you

Delete this

do not sexualise

Why not?

She is my wife. Delete this Reeeee!

Her imaginary friend is really cool. In fact she's hanging out with us after the match.

Don't tell Yukari

I want to cuddle snuggle with her and Kumiko

I wanna rape her and make her love dicks more than tanks.

She has good anal doujins

Yukari a cute! CUUUUUUUUUUUTE!

Thanks to you, I learned a lot about tanks. I love you Yukarin!

She is fluffy, has a nice body and knows things about tonks.

She's almost as good as my wife.

I want to lick her!

the fuck am i looking at

I'd rather Nonna and Clara, atleast they don't have radioactive shapeshifting tits. Theirs are a constant large size of which I enjoy.

She is the fluffiest.

This bitch smells terrible... just kidding, actually Yukari's hair smells really great and I love how silky it is.

She likes building tank models.

I think her vast knowledge on military history is pretty-

She's shit.

>he says that while posting worst girl and worst mother

Shiho please, at least she has a rather normal mom.

Stürmpanzer okaasan was the best part of the entire show

She's my beautiful and loving wife, and my heart melts every time I see her smile!

Yukari is the fluffiest.

Shes slightly better than miho

Ahemaru's doujin was hilarious.

yeah nonna is best girl

Literally built for bullying

Stop it.

Erwin is patrician

why do I like this side character so much?

Caesar is better, but erwin is cute too

Saemonza > Oryou > Erwin > Caesar

Isn't that a boy's name?

Say something mean about this girl

Here's your favorite burger.

That's my wife


If you shave her, she'll still be cute.

She's shit

What's so shit about her?

Oh fuck.
I just reread my post, I meant "She's the shit"