ITT: Subtle anime clothing

ITT: Subtle anime clothing.



who? Shirou?

No-one would be able to tell from that though.


Depends on the Shirou you're talking about

Wore something similar to pic related the other day to campus.

I came here to laugh at you.

He's not wrong

Fuck, that's what I get for not having seen 08th.

>he likes mechashit
>he wears "subtle reference" clothing in an attempt to signal his interests to other like-minded individuals


Who are you quoting?

>You're walking around a major sporting event stealthly showing off your Federation Pride.
>Suddenly you see this.
How do you react?

If any of you ever fucking wear this in public you're retarded.

>It's gonna happen

What is



based slav god s3 when

What did

Tell me what fucking happened


IT happened. It took 108 years to happen, but IT happened.


It was going to happen. and then it happened.

It lead to one of the largest peaceful gatherings in human history. It was that big of a happening.

From Madoka.
It's a Kyouko x Sayaka dress shirt.

I have two. One I save just to keep nice and one to wear to work.

But when

And how

It happened not to long ago. And it just happened. It looked like it wouldn't happen, but by the act of the divine, it happened