Why China is waiting so much to invade the US?

I dont get it.

they're busy tying all the rope we've sold them into nooses or however that saying goes

moving an army and military hardware is difficult, especially wh and n your target has military bases scattered all over the world

They can't, navy isn't capable.

An invasion of the mainland USA is a guaranteed disaster.

Why invade your best customer?

China doesn't need to invade the USA, all China needs to do is buy up all the real estate from treacherous banksters and then they'll own the USA without ever firing a shot.

That customer doesn't pay debnts

china would need to be smart about fighting america, usa could take on the entire world in a global conflict

customer's cheques will start bouncing

russia would walk on them. american navy would destroy them. they dont even have enough weapons or supplies for their population. and in the end, its a bunch of small dick, low iq chinks that would piss themselves. china has one unique thing about their history - they always get raped by everyone else and have never won anything. all they know how to do is cheat, lie and lose.

Sure, but a ground invasion just isn't feasible. The US is the third-largest country by land area, has 350 million citizens, and has an average population density of 38 people per square mile. It'd take around 3 million soldiers dispersed all across the nation to hold it down, and those soldiers have to be fed, clothed, and armed. This would be a logistical nightmare, one that China couldn't handle.

Just ask yourself, when's the last time the USA got attacked, as in a real war? Pearl Harbor does not count, it's not close to mainland.

Right, it never fucking happened. 1812 was like the special olympics, irrelevant. Other than that, the USA has never been attacked.

They will not.
China has always many problems in their inside.
That is the reason that Japanese don't fear China.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Highly unlikely any country will invade the US ever, there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Because they are smart. Why waste blood and treasure trying to destroy a country that is already destroying itself?
The Chinese have read their Sun Tzu — "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."

>what is Taiwan

We've got that Pacific Ocean barrier, and if they nuke us, they'll have irradiated their conquest.

Hermit Kingdom

When have they ever invaded anyone?

What would be their reward for invading the USA?

We would nuke every Chinese military base if they invaded. Not a joke. If they persisted we'd nuke every main city.