This is a tax paying, working adult.
This is a tax paying, working adult
Aoba doesn't strike me as the type to pay taxes
unlike you, OP
This is a tax paying, working adult.
This is a tax paying, working JC*
These are mid teenage high schoolers.
I want to fuck a JC OL.
>getting a highly technical, specialized, digital 3D design job right out of high school with no possible experience in the field
You can draw her as a diaper wearing baby in a stroller for all care, this is still the most unbelievably aspect of all this.
This is a annoying piece of shit who ruined the whole show.
We will never live in this universe.
Why do we even go on?
Friendly reminder that taxation is theft
>when there's roads
You misspelled Best Girl.
>what is nepotism
This is a victim of state-sponsored theft.
Is Aoba still a virgin?
Can I put the tip inside?
Nope thanks to me.
Get off of Sup Forums, Hifumi.
totally agree
I don't pay you to post on Sup Forums all day Hifumi.
She's a demon, tempting pure angels to sin.
Girls can't take other girl's virginity.
But they can try and try again every night, trips-kun.
No one thinks that.
Brats of the world, unite!
Meme girls unite.
Fucking retard
I want to give bad reviews to Aoba's game and make her cry!
These are 2 game developers.
Say something nice to them
Ideal parents.
My moms
Thank you Rin for being a bridesmaid for my wife
Fuck off, Aoba. She's not yours.
And I would pay millions to pinch those delicious cheeks.
The company already calculated and paid Aoba's taxes.
Kou is too boyish to be considered cute/attractive.
Some sex move? Sounds dangerous.
I am a tax paying, working adult.
And I wish I wasn't someone please kill me
Kou-chan ga utsukushii
I want to sexually assault Aoba
I want to sensually assault Aoba
The world would be a better place if game developers and game development, and life in general, was more like this show depicts. Most notably, life in general would be 2D.
Get in line