What do you think of goth lolis?
Too many or not enough in anime? And who is the best goth loli?
What do you think of goth lolis?
Never enough
Not enough.
>This aired back in 2011
Somehow the past of time between 2008 to 2011 felt really slow but from 2011 onwards it moves too fast.
Every season that goes by without Goth Loli Baseball is a tragedy
Goth lolis are the only good lolis.
They're amazing, especially the one you posted.
>inb4 not a loli
She is a loli though
Do people say she's not a loli?
Are they confusing her with her mom?
If Natsuki-chan and Astarte wore the potara earrings, would they become Dalian?
Not enough for sure
Goth Loli comes from Gothic Lolita clothing style, doesn't matter if the girl is a loli or not.
A patrician taste thread. How nice.
Why is it called lolita again?
There aren't enough cute hags in anime.
Post more cute gothic lolis.
Especially if she has red on her. Red and black go well together on a girl.
Have you forgotten her?
>Gosick Red adaptation when?
Best doll
Are the other dolls classifed as a goth loli?
Because nips thought it sounded elegant and didn't know the implications the name picked up after Nabokov wrote his book.
I absolutely love how the fashion looks, but the name makes it pretty much impossible to talk about with normalfags.
I think they sort of branch out into other styles desu.
I was actually amazed to see all 7 of them cosplayed at Katsucon this year.
Rozen Maiden is still popular surprisingly.
Not like normalfags know what a "loli" is.
Most don't. My neighbors are a mid 20's couple and recently introduced me to their new puppy Loli. Spelt that way too
Goths are for degenerate cucks
If they're at least somewhat familiar with books they'll know the implications behind "Lolita."
But the style is cute.
Whos a good loli! You are, yes you are!
Take your pick and fuck off
fuck off faggot
Just call it victorian gothic, they'll know what you mean
You don't have to be so coy, you can just say you like it.
Do girls even wear it these days? Besides for obvious anime cosplaying?
pedobait, pure and simple.
I think some do.
There is this one girl who goes to my Uni that wears it
She's a little odd and a massive weeb
Just how chuuni is she?
Is she a landwhale?
Because if she isn't and is a little cute, you should be friends with her despite her weirdness. Be the MC of an anime, user.
Every fourth word is a Japanese word, she says she can read fortunes and she does this thing where she looks to the side and nods after after speaking every now and then.
She's not a landwhale but she is very plain. Not cute, not ugly (except some of her outfits make her look cute).
As for becoming friends with her I'm working on it I only recently met her
Sounds like she is in dire need of your cock.
All girls are in dire need of cock
Post anime goth loli that looks closest to her