Dr. Stone


You have five hours. What can you make to stop a Tsukasa?
Also, Yuzuriha a cute!


>Also, Yuzuriha a cute!
Came here to post this.

This chapter was almost as boring as hungry marie chapters.

this chapter reminded me how much of a assman boichi is

Liking the premise, but I agree. There's not much world building that can be done when only four people are roaming said world.

I'm liking their interactions so far. Tsukasa figuring everything out so quick was disappointing, though. He's too perfect.

Wasn't expecting all those layers of keikaku, why make Tenjuu a genius if they just put Tsukasa on the same level?

Figuring the final use for calcium carbonate is gunpowder isn't really genius level

All these shit he knew are taught in highschool

I'm talking about how he saw through his plans and lies. I thought it would be brain vs. brawn but if it's just about one outsmarting the other I don't see why we had all those labels until now.

she looks like a fucking alien

So when are they going to DP that chick?

I was also pretty rushed it felt that they skipped scenes.

But well, this manga has been really rushed since the beginning, I don't know where the author wants to go, but its obvious he wan'ts to reach it fast to avoid getting axed

Tsukasa is totally going to kidnap her, isn't he?

Somehow the mix of crazyness and logic here kinda reminds me of One Piece. Damn, I wish this one makes the cut, and become upper midcard manga. How long do you think this one gonna last in serialization, Sup Forums How many tanks?

Also this scene fucking rocks. Heard a part of sutra in my head

Cute alien.

It is pretty fucking cool. That's the kind of shit I was hoping to see after reading the first chapter

Boichi squeezing in all the ass he can

I have to agree with this.

>We'll save your parents
>You know, if Tsukasa's murderous rampage against adults in the area where they likely were didn't already wipe them out

The pace of this manga is fucking weird, the pace seems to be rushed as fuck but at the same time it feels like if nothing important happened.

Tsukasa might not have the raw intelligence of Tenjuu, but he does have his whole crazy hunter shtick. Part of that is being able to anticipate the movements of your prey.

I don't get it. IS lionman also a genius, not just a fighting prodigy?

I think this shit escalated way too fast.


Well, at least now it's pretty much confirmed Tsukasa can't win against the cock gun, so no shit about being able to dodge the bullets like he did with the crossbow.

Yes indeed, why is it odd that a guy who can catch arrows has good instincts when it comes to others' scheming?

My doctor stone is rising.

Nah some other guy will, probably a douchebag dictator type.

He just fell for one of tenjuu's lies which is why he left them alone thinking they can't move for a while.

Those headsets are already part of her body, don't they?

I don't think he is a genius, he just isn't retarded like stamina man.

I really can't see how you can make this manga last, also the girl's eyes are disgusting.

I can see why he waited all those years for her. Totally worth it.

Are we sure Boichi is not writing this story, as well? The plot, the characters and their arguments are very Boichi-like to me.

Nah, you just have shit taste.

Why is Tsukasa such a chaosfag?

My guess is the author wanted to go right into the meat of the story as soon as possible, so he can grab people's interests early. After this arc ends, and he manga has a steady base, he might slow down a bit.

He's not a genius just smart. I mean if you run into a chemistry lab I know you're going to make a weapon but I wouldn't know how

Will a shounen manga ever have a love interest who isn't a boring kawaii uguu piece of shit with no personality beyond "sweet and innocent", or is that too intimidating for frigid Japanese males?

How many shonen have you read in your life? 3?

When your title includes "strongest", it's just bound to happen



You mean FIXED.

Mouth's too low. Either that or the line under the nose makes it still look weird.


So, who is the MC of this story? I mean, at first it seems the story will be focused on Taiju, but after that is Senkuu the one who is making the plot progressing.

I see he is a man of culture.

Still looks weird. Maybe I already got used to the ayy face and that's fucking with my perception though.
Seems to be Senkuu right now. Both he and Taiju are the MCs.

Wow, actual good new series with Boichi doing the art. Color me impressed.

> Damn, I wish this one makes the cut, and become upper midcard manga
Not going to happen.
It's boring, not enough waifus ( and the main girls is terribly boring ) not enough interesting sources for conflict ( writer literally just blew their plot load on Kars making him too perfect )
Made the mistake of having a genius who can make anything when the plot is that there is nothing. Because it's a genius the writer can bullshit anything they want into happening or bullshit anything they don't want, ruining suspension of disbelief either way.
Antagonist is too cartoon villain. It's even worse because there was a huge opportunity for character development and conflict there. Instead of antagonist outright killing, he could just do it when no one is watching and build suspense and horror, and actually begin addressing the obviously central plot aspect of "are some people not worth saving?". This is something that this manga will need to focus on for longevity due to no apparent shounen powerlevels to drag out chapters, but the writer jumped the shark and rushed things so now it's going to seem like bullshit when the plot finally gets there.
Dr. Stone could have been good, but probably due to publisher pressuring it was rushed and lost it's chance.

I dislike it.

Agreed, it would have been more interesting if the girl became crazy because of being concious during years but nope, the mangaka needed the boring girl.

Also he abuses too much of the funny faces.

Senkuu keeps thinking that Tsukasa is an idiot.

Nah, he knows pretty well what he is capable to do, that's why he put all of those efforts to misguide him.

never ever