Communist “Revolution”

Some soygoy listed ten goals for their Communist movement. Will it happen Sup Forums?

1) The CLSPFL will act as a vanguard to the people, through education and activism, we will arm our fellow proletarians with the necessary tools for real life revolution to abolish the capitalist state and replace it with a proletarian socialist state.

2) The CLSPFL will actively fight against the unsettling rise of fascism we are seeing across the Western world. We cannot allow fascists to use racism and hate to win over proletarians to fight against their own class interests. Fascism must be crushed. No person has the right to espouse fascist dogma to the public.

Other urls found in this thread:

3) The CLSPFL stands firmly against bigotry, racism, sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, and trans-misogyny. We fully affirm that every racial and sexual minority has the right to exist, and thus the freedom to live their lives free of discrimination. We also affirm that women deserve the same respect and opportunity a man would receive. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and bigotry are tools of the ruling class to divide the proletarians and to prevent them from uniting against the true enemy, which is the rich bourgeois class. Thus, the fight against white supremacy is vital to our work as communists who strive for equality.

4) The CLSPFL affirms our dedication to protecting the environment from destruction caused by capitalist greed, and consumerism. As scientific socialists, our political ideology is based in materialism. We firmly believe in the scientifically proven reality that is climate change. We must act to reverse course and correct this issue before even more deadly effects are allowed to come to fruition.

5) The CLSPFL believes basic housing, employment, food, education, and healthcare should be considered human rights. Everyone has the right to a decent life free from exploitation and poverty. We cannot continue to allow 400 people to hold more wealth than 3.5 billion. Living in obscene luxury while others starve is unacceptable. The working class and poor will share in the wealth of the nation they help create, rather than simply being exploited for a starvation wage by the bourgeois.

6) The CLSPFL demands that Wall-Street must be abolished, and the world's large banks must seized by the proletariat. The financial banking system, and Wall-Street trading are systems of corruption, bribery, greed, and theft from the working class. Due to Wall-Street's reckless behavior, thousands upon thousands of working class individuals lost their life savings and their homes. This economic collapse their greed caused lead to the suicides of thousands of people of lost everything they had. These bankers were able to walk away with millions in bonuses for destroying lives. These men must finally face criminal charges. They must be thrown in jail, and their money must be seized and returned to the people it was stolen from. We must abolish this entire system of capitalism, starting by socializing the means of production and their financiers.

7) The CLSPFL will fight to end police brutality, mass incarceration, racial discrimination, and economic inequalities that have attacked the black community since the end of slavery. We recognize the horrible history this country has when it comes to Africa, and its pillaging due to European greed. We call for reparations to the black community in order to help redistribute wealth to arguably the most exploited proletarians of all. We also call for the immediate release of all people from prison for drug, prostitution, fleeing, resisting arrest, or traffic related offenses. We recognize that as it stands today, African-Americans are a colonized people living under a Euro-centric power structure that systematically disenfranchises people of color. We call for African peoples' self-determination, and community control over the police. This means in black communities, the black community will have control over their own police force. All proletarians have the right to self-determination. We must end these racial conflicts that have been caused by greed since the inception of this nation and it's use of race-based slavery.

8) The CLSPFL vows to abolish the political process as we now know it. We do not currently have a system of government that was designed to benefit the working classes. Our current system, here in the West, is set up in order to perpetuate the rule of the rich bourgeois class, and thus, the perpetuation of proletarian exploitation for greedy profit. We must abolish the two major political parties that are rotten to the core. A one party rule is a far more democratic system than a two party farce. That party will be the Communist Party of the United States. A party built by the proletariat, run by the proletariat, and that works for the benefit of the proletariat. There will be no more undemocratic constructs, such as the electoral college, gerrymandering, closed debates, & closed primaries. We will protect our worker's democracy through the communist party in order to prevent a capitalist coup against the new government of the working class.


9) The CLSPFL proudly acknowledges it's goals of implementing state atheism once in power. Religion and government must be actively separated. It is the goal of the CLSPFL to break up the obscene "mega-churches" and to finally force these businesses to pay their fair share of taxes. Religious teachings should be replaced with lessons on history, class struggle, and worker-centered political ideology; thus raising the class consciousness of society over time. We care not what your personal religion is, however, we will actively work to break up large and powerful religious institutions and the bindings they have over so many poor and working people.

10) The CLSPFL supports opening our borders to those who seek refuge. The CLSPFL is strictly anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist. After the revolution, US foreign policy must and will be changed drastically. We will no longer participate in endless wars for profit and control over oil. Instead, we must worry less about nationalism, and care more about all of humanity. As a worker's nation, we will respect the self-determination of others. We will not arm groups like ISIL, Al-Qaeda, or other Mujahideen rebel forces.
Instead, we will use our power and influence to help socialist liberation movements in other nations, much like how Cuba has done for socialist guerrilla movements in places such as Angola and Nicaragua. The American war machine will be done away with, ushering in a new era of international peace.

The manifesto of the who? Clits-piffle?

Day of the Helicopter can't come soon enough.

>do away with the military
>create global peace
Oh communists ...

>Communist “Revolution”
good goyim

It's funny how these guys all love communism, but if they lived in USSR first thing would've happened is they'd be forced to get a fucking job.



I can’t post the link so I’ll just post this.

Why are we in decline:

Also prison time for being fucking homos.

It's funny, they throw in a few good things with a ton of shit things. Going after banks and helping the poor is well and good but in the same breath they bitch and moan about "racism" and le ebil fasism.

>The CLSPFL stands firmly against. . . heterosexism

oh, i see this movement will last many generations then.


>Will it happen Sup Forums?
no because they're larping college kids and I'll never get to extract info by slowly hanging a commie by their guages

Most of Antifa will do jack shit to initiate any sort of revolution. It won't even being. Shit, a militia of Libertarians starting something is more probable.

But why? Antifa are too busy with their bread-and-circus weekends fucking each other in their polynamorous, pansexual, orgies in Oakland and selling drugs to minors in San Francisco to actually "revolt." Their funding has ended, so they want back to committing underground street crimes and catching herpes.

These numbers are wrong. It was more like 15% for most things, and was reduced to less than 5% IIRC by Stalin in the late 30s, early 40s.

Source: Labor Camp Socialism: The Gulag in the Soviet Totalitarian System. It's written by a Russian researcher who specializes in Gulag history.

>rich bourgeois class
This POS thinks he isn't part of the landed elite? He goes against the wall right after the bankers and lawyers.

>not saving, pooling and investing for 3 generations, currently having a family fund in the eight figures range
Poz my shit up, senpai.