ITT: "Villians" who did exactly zero (0) things wrong






All they wanted to do is to keep the universe from ending


he didn't fight the power

came here to post this

>not powa

One job.





He was kind of a jerk though and his creations were all failures (lost to a box of scraps)


>implying he didn't make up for it with his last action ;-;



Literally name ONE thing Kira did that was considered "wrong"

killed that cute girl

Same here

>dresses like that at that age and shows every person she met her bare back
She was obviously a slut and my nigga Kira was just on a thot patrol.

what part of mass murderer did you forget

>killing bitches and whores
Rethink your life

Childhood is when you idolize Dante. Adulthood is when you realize Fernand makes more sense.

Not killing Hayato to begin with.

Handfanatic should have sent sado cat to blow up Hayato the moment he began his relationship with his mother.

He failed as a villain for not doing what he set out to do, and failed as a hero by not having the willpower to defeat the anti-spiral.

I'd say that's 'wrong' enough.

yo, nobody's perfect my nigga

Killed Reimi, a teenage girl, and her parents, AND her dog.

Plus all around being a cruel shitbag, I mean killing bitchy women is one thing, but I don't think that girl later in the manga deserved to have her boyfriend exploded in front of her and then be force to wear his severed ears as earings before being exploded herself just because she was rude to Kira on the train.

Drugs his best friend and ruins his birthday. Dumb asshole


>AND her dog
How dare he.

>killed reimi
She was a slut
>her parents
They created a slut named Reimi
>and her dog
he gotta eat too, you know?

>both of them act like a total cunt to a stranger even though it was the girls fault
>Kira is already at his limit
Yeah, she deserved it.


Acting like a cunt doesn't mean you deserve to have your dead boyfriends ears hung from your earrings user, that's DEFINITELY overkill.

And Kira being at his limit is his own damn fault, he should have just skipped town while he had the chance instead of being a prideful faggot and staying in town, even when high schoolers and a fucking ten year old could figure him out.

Didn't even bother to give him the letter personally. What the fuck was his problem?

All for A M E R I C A

What was his name, Sup Forums


>even when high schoolers and a fucking ten year old could figure him out.
It's not like Jotaro was the one who found him or anything. And after that, Hayato comes in whose whole existence is an aspull. Like him figuring out bubble things in seconds and using a pen. It's just bad/lazy writing to help main cast find kira once again.



>Being rude is fine and deserves no consequences

To be fair, Kira is so comically evil and standoffish that it's not even that unrealistic to imagine an autistically observant kid like Hayato would notice.

>the phonecall that killed fansubbing

When did I say it deserved no consequences? It just doesn't deserve you having to wear your boyfriends severed fucking ears on your earings before being forced to clip the nails of the guy who killed said boyfriend and then get murdered yourself.

Jesus just knock her teeth out or something.


Fuck off Josuke. Kira did nothing wrong.


>backstabbed his entire race and crushed the hopes and dreams of the entire galaxy because some emo faggots gave him a bad dream
Yea, absolutely nothing wrong.

>being such a prissy bitch that you believe you have the right to decide the consequences of being rude.

right to offend motherfucker

>Jesus just knock her teeth out or something.

>Be so violent you deform a person for the rest of her life
>every moment and second she'll be thinking about it
>that's better than a quick death
>on top of that you let that prick free to roam and to destroy other people's peaceful lifes


Every action has consequences you son of a bitch.

Dentures exist, user.

I'd rather have dentures and be alive than be dead and my last memory being by boyfriend exploding and having his severed ears hung from my earrings before being killed by a murderous sex pervert.

>thinking you get to decide the consequences
the law exists for a reason you dipshit - the consequence for being rude is being called an asshole

>the consequence for being rude is being called an asshole
For you

For that girl was getting killed by Kira

on a side note and really unrelated to this, depending where you live dentures can be too expensive to be affordable

which doesent make his action correct - because murder tends to be bad

I imagine with Japans aging population,
dentures would probably be very affordable.

>murder tends to be bad
that depends on where you live and your surroundings or what do you for a living
correct - incorrect
right - wrong

Kira did nothing wrong, it can be incorrect according to your standards though. And that's fine.

even if we drink the moral relativism cool aid - kira still did wrong.

he was a deviant who couldn't restrain his fetish which resulted in his demise.

you do*

>Get horny and ruin your brother's life


He has a hand fetish. What a creep. Relatable villain my ass.

He literally admitted he was wrong.
So he would have to be wrong at least at some point in his life.



Fuck you Terumi
Okay why do you think he's not a villain? All the things he's done seem like pretty asshole moves.

ningen are trash. shaman masterrace

>caring about their teeth
If anything knocking them all out would be doing them a favor

He built a massive, peaceful and flourishing capital to protect his people. That's more than Guts and co could dream of achieving in a hundred lives.

And everywhere else is shit. All thanks to Griffith.

The only thing he did wrong is getting shot by a drunk and not killing the boy.


Literally wrong side of history.

That's a pretty cool thing to do user

>And everywhere else is shit. All thanks to Griffith.
Is it?

Name at least one thing he did wrong


He paid.

I can't user I'm literally btfo



>nothing wrong

Oh god, I enjoyed your death you fucking pedo rapist

>I paid the father so it's okay if it's obvious that this child doesn't want my dick in his anus and I force him to take it anyways while he cries and I smile

just gonna post best villain/girl here

He did a few unnecessary things like throwing daughters in the trash.
Other than that, yielding to the Antispiral and having everyone go underground was a valid choice. Not a bad nor a good one, it's hard to tell. From his perspective he only did the right thing.

>Episode 1 torture scene

I bet he'd stolen those money first

Does he have a couple of guns, daemonic powers, daemonic arms and kickass red clothing? Did he write the fucking Divine Comedy? Did he fucking push for Italian unification?

Is he a motherfucker who spent years in prison, got out, became a fucking pirate and then tapped greek booty?

Then it's Dantès. Fucking Edmond Dantès. Not fucking Dante.

Yeah, that's also true.

Hmmmm I can feel a boner


Are you sure about that?

Normal people don't see nor are chased by demons, only Guts and Casca do, because they're marked as sacrifices. The world remains the same.


Did you completely forget about Rickert and Erica riding through the forest with an automatic crossbow shooting at monster?

Pic related.

He cared about the human race, but he didn't care about humans as individuals. He killed innocent people without good reasons, so no.

This. The only way spiral races could try to prevent the spiral nemesis is with more spiral power. But the anti-spiral found a way to prevent it without spiral power.

forgot my pic