>The perfect 7/10 anime doesn't exi-
The perfect 7/10 anime doesn't exi-
>im from MAL and everything
i watch is a 7/10
I have like 20 screenshots from this epsidoe alone
More like perfect 4-5/10
7/10 is a "good" anime, PW isn't a good anime.
Fuck off maltard.
10/10 girl
20/10 girl
Phantom World is firmly in the below 5 range, no matter how you spin it. 7 for me would be like, Uchoten Kazoku.
>be perfectly reasonable
what did he mean by this?
>the onahole is best girl
It doesn't have to be this real.
Koito is better.
The anime was really mediocre but it had top-tier waifus
Good taste
Perfect 10/10 girl stuck in a perfect 7/10 anime
I liked the anime. Fuck you guys. It was fun and comfy. Also made me wish I lived there and was friends with them.
>short hair
short hair is perfection nigga
Kyoani fags continually judging shows entirely based on character design instead of anything else, how surprising. Time to find a good thread.
Good, go be a sensitive pussy somewhere else.
The anime was shit. Koito'a design was great though, but they did almost nothing even with that.
Koito a shit
Foite me faget
She isn't attractive.
Correction: monkeys don't find her attractive, men with taste do.
>this shit is airing dubbed in daytime tv where I'm from
Christ my niece loves this show.l
It's nice that all the girls in this show have fat butts
Typical PW fag, now that Maid Dragon is over and no new KyoAni show runs this season, they have to bring back shows nobody gives a fuck about anymore to the catalog and then get offended if people don't like it
Wait, seriously? I need more information here.
The fuck. How old is she? How does she feel about all the weird fanservice shit?
>mediocre anime
>with top tier waifus
These cannot coexist
>perfect 7/10 anime
What does this even mean?
Where the fuck do you live?
I would smell her unattractive ass all day long.
My low gamma sibling.
This show uses so much blue so well, I love it.