Tsuki ga kirei thread
I know a lot of people think it's shit, but I'm a sucker for romance stories. Here we see a girl falling in love!
And the drama the follows it.
She tries to confess, but she's too autistic.
But then a deus ex machina gifts her with the boy's LINE address.
Judging from last episode, we should get subs for episode two rather soon.
My LINE is ready.
Looks like the line cancer posters are still here
Skipping this thread
4 dubs in a row, checked.
>4 dubs in a row
We found a way.
when's the next ep?
Post more cute autists.
Cutest girl of the season.
her dilf doujinshis are going to be so good
Cute CGI Characters Doing Autistic Things
>[HorribleSubs] Tsuki ga Kirei - 02 [720p].mkv
Look at those dirty fujos in the background. They'll probably write a doujin about these 2.
I wish I have friends on LINE to talk to.
All those JCs.
But user, Sup Forums is like LINE except the emoticons are free!
I don't even have to wait for doujins to see white streaks all over their faces.
It's Kuzu no Honkai all over again, huh?
This poor MC. Puberty isn't treating him kindly.
Now that's just sad.
I'd treat him kindly., if you know what I mean
I thought that was something different when looking at the thumbnail.
That's totally happening, wow.
End skits are pretty nice
>As Dazai once said, "I'm so fucked up".
>Had to stop and forcefully lower his voice
No kidding.
What are the girls in the back thinking?
Fuck this is too real.
At least he didn't choke on his saliva.
Sensei route activated
man this is honestly reminding me a bit of my pre-high school years
feels bad
Did you also LINE™ it up with a cute girl before getting NTR'd the fuck out?
I hope ep2 intensifies the cringiness. The deep, dark years best forgotten only to be torn open occasionally by some twisted author who waxes nostalgic about some of the shittiest times of growing up.
Meanwhile, my boy Bookshop-bro will continue to be the cool older guy you only recognize later on was really a weird, older loser. He's my self-insert.
What a qt3.14
will she cuck her friend?
This part was nice
Too fucking relatable.
>you will never work at a bookshop and help out weird middle school kids by giving them porn mags and reading their shitty fan fiction
You can't help but cheer for him.
>tfw used to be the 'fast kid' at school and was super impressive
I peaked in Elementary.
Pls don't bully, she's not an autist.
Saitei da
Took me back to late middle/early high school days waiting around for the next text from her like that. A lot of this does, actually.
I want to crawl into a hole now.
You too huh.
You would have thought Nao Touyama would voice the main girl and not the sensei, since she is doing both the ED and OP.
But did you have a cute butt?
Then what is she?
Wonder how this would play out if the MC was the girl.
Would we ever ship her with this MC based on their few interactions?
I already do.
Stitch when?
yeah they're cute together
it's not like middle school romance is particularly deep
This is pretty nice, first romance anime I actually like since Nagi no Asukara
is MC a gay?
Blue is a girl m8.
Yeah he wants his boypussy
The most innovative thing about this anime: The main characters have functioning families.
>different LINE chats every episode
What are the actual chances of none of the parents dying by the end?
They pointed out her cute butt to make sure wedon't miss out. Bros.
Our boy is growing up.
This show has an odd sort of realism to it
Bookstore bro is totally MC when he grows up.
i found the short stories to be adorable.
This is going to have a bittersweet ending, isn't it?
Seems very lighthearted tbqh
What matters is that she can show up on the Enko poll.
Do you know who Dazai is?
The ED is pretty melancholic
Episode 2 and the kid's already rejected his thinking. Probably going to be a theme in the future.
Truck-kun will get revenge for last season.
Timeskip soon.
Their relationship ends because Line goes out of business
What? Oreki?
Time for some more autistic LINE romance
Timeskip + amnesia.
Dazai blown the fuck out how will he ever recover?
Takumi is the head of the track and field team. He has good grades as well and ever since he was a first year student, he has continued to make it to the prefectural competition every year for sprints. As such, he is an accomplished athlete and student. Takumi naturally pays attention to those around him, and is a person of character whom is frequently relied upon. Akane also joined the track and field team, and Takumi has been thinking about her ever since. He, of course, has never told anyone about this. However other than Akane, it seems that others vaguely notice.
>Blue is a girl m8.
a tomboy
>you will never be this alpha
Is she a cake?
I wonder if these have any meaning.
They seem to be between lovers, but what if they're actually characters from the show.
Are they translated anywhere?
Maybe they'll get together but everyone makes fun of them for some stupid reason so they kill themselves together.
Probably, if she's actually flustered by that.
>Dazai blown the fuck out how will he ever recover?
Dazai should try to kill himself desu senpai
I really like the idea of other people having a positive effect on someone's art, be it writing, painting, or music. Gives me the warm fuzzies.
I just watched the first episode. Why are the two mains retarded?
he's cuck guy. Bizon's son
My favorite show of the season so far. Good thing it's original anime so it'll have an actual ending.
I quickly did this episode's, contact name is "bride".
Thanks for today
>Don't sweat it
>I was super nervous
Dad was really drunk
Thanks for keeping him company
>That's nothing
>I'm used to them
>Drunks, that is
He seemed pretty happy
>Thank god
>While drinking
>He cried a bit
For real?
>She's my pride and joy, he said
>I told him I'll make you happy
You did?
>...In my heart
I'll be in your care
Pretty cute.
Thank you, user.
That's super fucking adorable, user.
Either this is prophetic or it just goes with the LINE theme. Cute.