Danberu nan kiro moteru?

A healthy manga filled with healthy routines for a healthy living!

It's an off-week, no new chapter until next Thursday, but here are the previous two chapters as we collaborate! Let's light a beacon.



Translation hub

Let's get started!

Other urls found in this thread:


Chapter 18 now, chapter 19 following.










Still trying to figure out a good nickname for the new girl

Husky Ruski
A broad from abroad
Foreign Exchange Student, FES with a fez
Soviet Stalker
Tsundere Tsar

If you've got ideas, lay 'em on me








End of Chapter 18!

Danberu threads have been dying rather quick lately. Something happened? Did this mango lose momentum on Sup Forums?

On to Chapter 19!

No, no. The last couple chapters were missed by our TL is all. Since this manga only doles out a chapter ever two weeks, and there's literally our one TL and rakuen's typesetter producing 100% the western product, it can be easily delayed.

It normally only gets a thread every chapter release, which is every other Thursday, so when thread is made every week without new content, I can see people not getting quite so exuberant.

I'm betting it will pick up excitement when Volume 2 goes on sale, which will be probably next month!






Translations are moving slower? Updates on Batoto aren't as fast as they used to.








And that's Chapter 19!

Thanks user

I'll try to keep the thread bumped, today, in order for our TL to find it and post his work! After that, typesetter friend has his material to lay out two chapters at his leisure!

And here's a sneak peek into next week's chapter, for those so interested :)

Any way I can help, bro

Thanks, OP.

Hime is mai /fit/fu.

Thanks for replying.
How many people are at Rakuen? I've seen shit ton of series TL by them.

No clue! Ask the TP when he pops his head in. As the general OP of these threads, I kinda just make a thread here on Sup Forums every-other-week and help QC when the same user who translates swings by and drops off his translation. The typesetter from rakuen sees the thread, takes the final edit and brings the work over to the group site and batoto. Basically, 100% of the east-to-west work is done in these Sup Forums threads by two completely unrelated dudes, an anonymous TL and a rakuen TP, just working out of love for the series.

And you've got excellent taste.


>Viva la revolucion?

Deep, man. That's deep.

Seemed to have been a common theme in revolutionary propaganda of 17th / 18th century Europe.

Nurturing the new nation or something like that.

What's her name?

シーナ ホイト
Shiina Hoito

So...Sheena Hoyt? I can't say I know enough Russian to find a slavic equivalent.

If anyone wants to come up with names for
>シーナ ホイト
>Shiina Hoito
please, by all means, name 'em ITT
Here's her profile. She's Russian.

The closest thing I can make up is something like Nina Hoito.
Shiina meas tire in Russian

In an arranged marriage to a Syrian oil baron's son

ジーナ ボイド
Ziina Boido

I can't say I know enough Russian to find a slavic equivalent.

If anyone wants to come up with names for
please, by all means, name 'em ITT
Here's her profile. She's Russian.

I screwed it up by calling her
>シーナ ホイト
It's not. It's
ジーナ ボイド

I like you know your stuff to find that relation but it's Ziina Boido. Xena Boyd or something. My fault.

Putin's daughter is hot

Gina Void 17-years-old, seeking boyfriend.
She attends the Sambo class from the Moscow branch of Silverman's Gym.
She came to Japan to win the Arm Wrestling competition, thinking the prize money would pay for her travel expenses, and she could explore a little bit. She was known for being undefeated in her home country.
After losing to Hibiki, she decides within a few days to transfer from Kremlin West High School in Moscow to Koyo Women's High School in Japan as a study-abroad student.
She loves and respects Prime Minister Putin and her motto is, "anyway, do your best."

Zina is ok.
Boyd sounds retarded, but whatever. Just don't make it Bayda

Void makes her sound like a Kengan Ashura crossover.

Well, dang, there you go. I know enough Japanese to read the characters but not correlate meaning so hey, neat stuff.

Anything more Russian than "Gina Void" ?

There's two KA crossovers (1 new, 1 old) in next weeks chapter. It's the Professional Wrestler Superstar and machojou's sister is referenced again.

>Anything more Russian than "Gina Void"
I vote for Zina.
>Kremlin West high school
Top kek

Uh oh

Berserk is appearing soon.

ジ is as much "zi" as it is "ji"
If anything, it's a little more emphasis on the hard start of "j", especially considering it's in katakana which is all loanwords.

So, while Zina might sound a bit more Russian to us, it's meant to be Gina.

It's also reminiscent of being a geminate consonant, so yes exactly. More emphasis placed on the consonant. It's Gina.

Void is a space pirate from Zebes.

>So, while Zina might sound a bit more Russian to us, it's meant to be Gina.
So be it.


Oh this time of the week. Almost home. Gimme a bit

You're a wonderful guy

Is that her stand, [White Russian] ?


>Ziina Boido
Probably Gina Boyd, that's a Scottish last name though.

This guy seems pretty convinced it's Gina Void since he's pulling information from somewhere.

And I can say I'm willing to agree with either Boyd or Void, since I've definitely seen ボイド and it was always "Void" in English.

I don't quite get it. Zina is a legit russian name. How is japanese pronunciation of the russian name relevent in a localization?

this is the good part of 4-chin, the non-cancerous stuff that makes putting up with garbage worth it.

>the "cute girls lifting cute weights" joke is actually a real thing

If Zina is a legit Russian name, common enough like Hibiki, Akemi, Satomi, then sure. Gina, however, is very definitely a common "foreign" name for a Japanese person to know and I frankly have never seen "Zina" before. Plus, do a google search of ジーナ and see what turns up.

Yeah, that's kinda what I like about $chanz; it makes projects like this a community thing. It starts here, gets revised here and without need for fame or recognition, it gets "proper" publication with another affiliated group. Rather than yell at any one group, as niggerstream is known for with their localisations, we can hash it out here until the thread dies. Like now with "Ziina" "Zina" "Xena" and "Gina."

The gym in this manga is too glorious to be real in real life.

I don't think a gym trainer or gym coach this enthusiastic exists in real life.

Someone like Coach would not be content to remain a mere city gym coach and would probably be an Olympic athlete.

Did you guys like settle on a name or something?

>ジーナ ボイド

As a Slav, I can help a little. Her name should be something like Zina Void. Zina is a normal Russian name tied to Greek legends. And her last name is literally "Void".

Making it a "z" sound over a "j" sound certainly is more unique, foreign and allows future "Warrior Princess" jokes. I'm fine with that if others are.


>asked for this in a thread
>someone pointed out this manga
>have been following it ever since

I need more /fit/ manga and anime in my life.

You're gonna make it


Working on it now, but I'm using a textfile instead today

I love you

let's take a break in the steam, bra

HnG uploaded another chapter of Kengan Asura today, too.


Fuck I'm gonna lift for her and my /fit/fu Akemi!

Okay I have to go somewhere, but here's 18. 19 later if thread's still up or next week


There's a russian pornstar who goes by Krystal Boyd.

Amazing. Thanks for the work, friend! There will of course at least be a thread up next Thursday.

Will QC immediately and post when done.

>Zina Void

I endorse this, and want it made official, until the manga author himself provides us with the proper romaji or russian spelling.


Almost done, will post shortly, Chapter 18.

I hurt my wrist like 3 weeks ago and it still hurts when I lift something heavy. Am I fucked?

Stress fractures are real. Tendinitis is real. Never know. If it's bad news bears, get it checked out. Swollen? Bruising? Limited ROM? Don't make it worse.

Not swollen or anything and I only notice it when I lift something heavy.

Page 1
[The day of the Arm Wrestling Tournament]

[The strongest people from each branch of Silverman's Gym are gathering.]
[They're mainly "heroes" but...]

QC: The translation specifically names "heroes" as "male participants" so instead of lengthening the text box to show it, I changed it to "heroes" for the classically male power fantasy and seeing if people disseminate the difference of heroes and heroines given it's about Hibiki. Plus, they're supposedly very powerful, given the illustrations, as heroes tend to be.

Page 3

[Sakura Hibiki]
Why're you guys not joinin' in!?!?!
[Uehara Ayaka]
No way, no way. I didn't stand a chance of winning if I couldn't even beat you.
[Tachibana Satomi]
I'm going to decline too...

Then there's Akemi...!
I didn't think that she'd catch the flu...
[Souryuuin Akemi]

I wanted to participate...

Maaan, this is rough. I gathered fewer people for the women's division than I planned...
Normally from here on, we would be following the official rules* and put you in a different category, but...
>*Aside from weight division, it's also divided by right and left hand.
Seriously no other girls?

Page 4
There's only two people in the women's division, including you, Sakura-san
(Left)[***a Void] (Right)[Sakura Hibiki]
Immediately the final round!!!??

If Souryuuin-san didn't pull out, we had planned on doing a three-person round-robin, too...
There were three people MAX!!? Can't you try harder advertising this!!?

Hey hey, Sakura-san,
think about it.

If there are fewer participants, then you'll get closer to victory, right?
Y-you're right!
I'm gettin' closer to the home theater set!
There probably isn't a girl who can beat you in the first place.

I wonder about that?

Page 5
Okay, now let's hold the women's division final!!!!

[Zina Void (17-years-old)]
[Looking for a boyfriend.]

>A serious looking girl just came out...

Page 6
Zina Void. Born in Russia. Currently attending Kremlin West High School, an orthodox arm wrestler who won 5th place at an arm wrestling tournament in Moscow"
>I'm not getting her personal history at all...
>It's way too local

Anyway, she's pretty experienced in arm wrestling.
Looks strong, too.

>...so what if she's experienced!!

>I'm definitely getting that prize money!!
[Hibiki is the type of person who gets motivated when she gets greedy.]

Page 7
Women's Division Final!
Sakura Hibiki, from the Silverman's Gym in Kubukukuri Town!

And from the Silverman's Gym in Moscow,
Zina Void!

What did Machio-san say...? Russia's filled with champion arm wrestlers.
She might be tough...

...I won't lose.

I need that money, no matter what it takes.
>This girl...! Does she have a reason?

I'm gonna have to cover my budget deficits going from Russia to Japan.
>It was more expensive than I thought.
Ah. What a surprisingly basic reason.

QC Note: This is the first time we've seen/heard where the story takes place! Kubukukuri Town!

Page 8
Okay, the women's finals!!!"
Let's begin!!!!!

In arm wrestling, there are two very different styles of offense.

Page 9
The over-arm (hook) and the hanging-arm (top-roll). This can be further subdivided, but the major ones are these two.
[Zina Void (Looking for a boyfriend)]
I'll explain them each.

First, the over-arm.
It's a technique where you enfold your opponent's wrist and attack by covering it from above.

Competitors who overcome their opponents with strength like to use the over-arm.
Huh? "Tell us what you like about Japan?" Okay... The fact they have 4 seasons? Why did you ask me that just now?

Back to the conversation. The second one is the hanging-arm.

Page 10
Try to pull on your opponent's thumb and use your whole body to pull it towards yourself.

Imagine yourself pulling on your opponent's arm and shaking up the triangular structure between their shoulders, elbows, and arms.
If you cause disorder in that balance, they won't be able to use their strength well.

Force them into a position where its hard to utilize their strength, and defeat them...
That's the hanging-arm.

My specialty is the hanging arm.
There are a lot of people who misunderstand this, but you can't win in arm wrestling with arm strength alone.
Huh? "What's my favorite Japanese food?" Do I have to answer that now?"

Page 11
Technique is essential to win in arm wrestling!
What's with that stereotypical Russian image!!?
And aren't you taking too long with the explaining and reminiscing!!!?
[Arm Wrestling strategies are applicable to regular arm wrestling, too. Try them out and be careful not to get injured!]

Page 12
>Is she the same year as me?
>She's got some bad luck.

>I've never lost to a girl my age.
>I'm gonna take that prize money, with thanks.

Are you two ready?
>Also... why did the referee strip his clothes off?
>Some Japanese rule?

Okay then...

Page 14

Th......this strength...!
It's like.......!!!

The eternal...
Russian tundra!?