Little Witch Academia

85 Hours left until episode 15 Subs

15 Hours left until episode 15 preview

Do we even know what is the next episode about? Is the summary out?

You can tell which fanbase isn't used to posting on Sup Forums when they make new threads when the last one hasn't even reached page 10. I mean, I know LWA attracts a lot of crossboarders but try to blend in, make an effort, at the very least.

Wait 8 more hours for ep15 preview

Wait 15 more hours for ep15 preview images & trailer.

Holy shit this is so cute

This is a cow. Say something nice about her!

Just watched this episode, i loved their chemistry. Will they end together or the autist screeching will turn this show into a yurifest?

inb4 it is revealed that Diana is computer illiterate struggles to hide the fact that she can't use Croix's tablets to save her life

You get your answer in the next Andoryu episode.

According to yoshi, we will get Diana & Akko episodes

>tfw no episode where amanda befriends a tracksuit wearing chav witch


This isn't a romance. You can expect some teases, though.

Wangari lewds when?


He is a minor character.

LWA isn't even that popular, you are just trying to force the rules of "generals" in /vg/ /jp/ and other similar cesspool boards here.
Sup Forums is a fast board, there's no need to wait for page 10 to make new threads.

I am getting very worried, episode 15 already and we have only seen Andrew 2 times.

He needs more screentime to properly court Akko. Those babies are not gonna make themselves.

There won't be a romantic ending to this season but it's clear his character was purely invented to give Akko a genuine love interest

Croix and Chariot are confirmed lesbian couple.

Stop trying too hard, shitposter.

Minotaurs and orcs love her!

It's pretty obvious those two are the love interests for each other and will likely have an implied together ending. Expect her to get kissed and turn as red as she did in the fountain scene.

Delusional weirdos and their "shoehorned" nonsense need to understand something pretty important: 98.5% of women are heterosexual. They want dick. Women want to see romances between women and men so they can fantasize about what they want (getting dicked by a high-status male). Princes are the ultimate high status male. Girls do not have all of these blushing or embarrassing Yuri moments and do not want them. There are a few friendships with sexual undertones and some girls even fool around with each other, but they all still usually want cock eventually.

If anything, gays are shoehorned, over-represented, and entirely forced into stories.


I'm sorry friend but that is a dolphin

The focus of the story is Akko and Diana's/Ursula and Croix's relationships. They won't waste more than an episode to resolve Andrew's story.

I'm gonna tickle loli Diana!

But they aren't about going lesbians for each other.

>Not liking 2 hot girls fucking each other

You probably a Woman or a Massive Faggot.

The folks at trigger love teasing homosexual couples but in the end they are very old school traditionalists in regards to romance

This poster is a clear example of an analblasted faggot that gets easily triggered by memes and falls for blatant baits.

you must be the best in your biology class

I love them too but I'm not expecting anything major ro happen other than some cuteness every now and then

Andrew episodes so far has been comedy gold. I hope they continue with it

Anyone have this same pic but Diana's mouth is all enlarged and distorted

Clearly a shark

I expect the next Andrew episode to be completely stolen by Diana.


Granted, however that doesn't mean it has to be reflected in all of their works, aside Luluco and maybe Kiznaiver so far.

They are just having fun. That's it.

>Women want dick


I need more Akko armpits in my life


>popular lesbian searches


>Andrew episodes so far has been comedy gold. I hope they continue with it

I doubt it since we are into the plot zone now. Next episode has to be about him and his father involved to the plot directly or indirectly (with a slight cameo in a previous episode for a little built up).


>They won't waste more than an episode to resolve Andrew's story.
Considering the progression on Akko's feelings for Andrew between episode 6 and 10 (from annoyed to obvious crush), the guy only needs one more episode to seal the deal.

Also, I think Croix might be connected to Andrew's father somehow (like maybe he's funding her research and shit), so we might get more focus on them from that side.

Dianafags and their delusions.

Kazakhstan is such a faggot country

I want to marry this bully!

Shes gay, bruh.

1) This is Diana!
2) Diana is a girl!
3) She's cute!
4) I love her!
5) Diana!

>you will never shower with hannah and barbera

this feeling makes me want to die

If she's a shark where are her anal fins?
See her snout? Very much like a bottlenose
she's a dolphin and that's final

And then when you separate places

Nothing a thick meaty rod can't change, once i'll get her pregnant she'll be all over me.

Nah. It's confirmed that Diana has no feelings for Andrew so there has to be a different reason they made them "childhood friends". They're gonna use Andrew to reveal to Akko what kind of girl Diana used to be.

Keep your sick delusions to yourself, nothing gay about saving water


Delusions. Just like when dianafags thought episode 10 was gonna have some focus on Diana. It's like you guys never learn.

I fucking hate being surrounded by niggers.

>literally ebony

Ahahaha, people who trust this "infographic", or whatever such shit is called nowadays, are beyond help.

Amanda is so sexy and beautiful. How can other witches even compete?

>you will never breed this bully
>ywn turn her into a sweet caring mother
>ywn raise a whole family of mini bullies with your cute wife

Why live?


How do they know it's women visiting these categories? Legit question.


>you'll never catch her """BEST FRIEND"""" stealing glances at her at Christmas dinner or crying in the bathroom.


>Croix mentors Akko
>Ursula mentors Diana, allowing her to reveal her identity


>he cares about implied romance in a fun show for kids

I bet you also thought Dianafags were delusional when they said that OP 2 was gonna give Diana preferential treatment and here we are.

>A tiny smaller version of Barbara
Shit would be adorable

Never mind the fact the 2nd cour PV shows Akko isn't gonna ditch Ursula.

>reading that in Sushi's voice

I wish there was a Sushi voice for google translate

>you also thought
Dianafags getting burned with episode 10 wasn't something I came up with, user. You guys are delusional. It's a fact.

>female friendly
I don't even know what this fucking means.
Is it like, strictly gentle consensual sex in basic positions with emphasis on faces or some shit?

But will it dab?

Was Diana trying to get Akko's attention or was she trying to wave,too?

She did a move cancel into nod

She dies unless you hand over next week's episode

Diana is really dead though

She'd bully you into getting more cookies

I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance

Only if it dabs before me.



I haven't watched the episode,yet. Just what happened in it to make a new wave of Akko and Dianafags surround the threads?


>show for kids

They were still right about the OP.

No such thing as kids in Japan. You're either born a 21 yo NEET or a 45 year old businessman.

The new OP. The actual episode didn't have a lot of Diana. The usual among for her character, I'd say. It's just the OP.

Oh, shit.

Why did Croix and Chario stop holding hands?


There simply isn't enough Sucy in these threads.

And Akko's VA, and Yoshimari, and Diana's VA all hyping up their eventual co operation

The OP was spoiled like one month ago.

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