Guess whats happening tomorrow?


corean scans?

Elf rape?

we're finally purging the elves?

No,were getting a new chapter!

I know that I may sound like an edge lord, but I expect tragedy and Laius to leave the dungeon in tears.

Right or wrong.

Marcille did nothing wrong

Elven easters?

Marcille is finally going under the knife to fix those fat ears?

All female elves are whores.

You shut your mouth

we need anime adaptation guys

Kuroinu will be forgotten and trashed into the thrash for a superior elf show where a better elf like Marchi is in?

Why are her ears so deformed? No wonder she has self confidence issues.

Her ideal self is actually knife eared. Her fat ears probably indicate that she is quite ugly for an elf. Doesn't help that she has WIS as her dump stat.

>no wonder she has elf-confidence issues


>Doesn't help that she has WIS as her dump stat.
>Sorcerer dumping points into Wisdom
There is a very special place in hell for "players" like that.

sharp ears are the symbol of maturity/beauty
her mom has sharp ears
the young elves have round ears


Have you ever seen an elf male in the series?
All the round-eared elves are halfbreeds.



Jesus' Crucifixion.

The dank elf is an elf (male).

Clearly male elves have pointier ears and female elves have rounder ears.

Either that or female elves have the points of their elves snipped at birth for cultural reasons.

so marsille's mom is actually her dad?

Jesus gets rekt?

Shes a female you dindun

I thought it was Respawn Day not crucification day??

Imagine if your last tabletop character was forced to join Laius's party.

I see someone smoked crack during Sunday school.

The Dank sorcery is repeatedly referred to as "him" and "he" - the elf clearly identifies as male.

Elves can self-pollinate.

Id wish my friends played tabletops

I thought that too but anons think that its just translators fault

Seems to be a pretty good party?

Elfs are like lions. Males only exist to stop other males from encroaching on their territory/harem.

well that may be just the translation
i checked the raw for chapter 12 where the sorcerer is called "he", and the raw doesnt mention he or she at all

Looked like a guy in the picture version.

When will the party find the legendary blade cuisinart? That thing dices and slices anything apart.

This doesn't look like the clothing of a high ranking female in a royal court.

they already have an adamantite cooking knife and frying pan

marsille also calls him/her a child, she's clearly not a normal adult elf, even though (s)he must be hundreds of years old

The elf is getting eaten by a giant frog?


This thread has too many bullies, this isn't okay.

Its a genderless slut.


My 19th birthday?

Happy birthday, you child.

Happy birthday, child-user.


And The Blender of Greater Destruction!

They choose him and he because is also valid as neutral.

Happy birthday fag.

Post boipucci.

It would have been nice if Dungeon Meshi was in the OP. I was about to make a thread.

Senshi is kind of special in the head, isn't he?

>The Dank sorcery is repeatedly referred to as "him" and "he"
Does Japanese have gendered pronouns? Not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious. If it doesn't, then we know nothing about the Mad Sorcerer's gender.

A Dungeon Meshi anime would be neat. Everything up until the red dragon should be enough for 12 episodes, right?

>12 episodes

I remember when animes were 26 episodes.

>They always ask themselves "could I?", but never ask, "should I?"

There's no such thing as "should" or "should not". If you can, if the laws of the universe will allow it to happen, that is enough.

Did someone cook something?

>t. Robert Oppenheimer

so if I can shove a blender in my asshole? I should do it?

You know the answer, user


Guess I'll be fapping.

Happy birthday, elf-faggot


Eeeeh? Min'na, arigatō!

The knife is mithril, right?

>all samefag

>implying any of these plebs played Wizardry

Happy birthday kiddo

Stay away from Sup Forums. You still have future and youth.

Listen to this man This is vital. I bet you think I'm joking.

leave while you're still young