Marry, Fuck, Kill, Make a single mother.
No cheating
Other urls found in this thread:
Marry Utaha
Fuck Michiru
Kill Eriri
Make Megumi a single mother.
Marry Eriri
Fuck Megumi
Kill Utaha
Make Michiru a single mother
Marry Megumi
Fuck Utaha
Kill Michiru
Make Eriri a single mother
I think that about sums up the 3 types of Saekano thread posters.
Marry Utaha
Fuck Megumi
Kill Eriri
Make Michiru a single mother
Marry Utaha
Fuck Utaha
Kill everyone else, except for Megumi
Make Megumi a single mother
i didn't watch this and don't intend to either, but blonde is the only valid answer
I was going to watch the episode on Amazon, but then it suddenly decided it was unavailable. So I guess I'm stuck waiting with everyone else.
Why do you guys fight over the girls anyway? They're all enjoyable characters.
Marry Eriri
Fuck Megumi
Kill Utaha
Ignore the rest.
>but blonde is the only valid answer
To kill? We seem to agree.
It's tradition. When Megumifags and Eririfags stopped fighting each other, they started fighting with Utahafags.
Because waifufags have to find some way to feel good about themselves.
Marry Utaha
Fuck Eriri
Kill Michiru
Make Megumi a single mom
Eriritards are cancer.
She's best girl, so you are not wrong.
Technically Utahafags started fighting Megumifags and Eririfags, and they have become the worst posters around. I guess they reap what they sow.
New OP.
Hit it on the nose
Poor Michiru, getting killed or pumped and dumped in every timeline.
Sounds right.
nah buddy you got it backwards
also eririshitters still take the cake for worst posters
Utaha attracts cancer.
Marry Utaha
Befriend with benefits Mayu
Fuck Megumi
Sell Eriri to Serbian organ traffickers
Make Michiru a single mother
Kill Izumi
No, Utahafags are without a doubt the worst.
Speak of the devil.
Marry Eriri
Fuck Megumin
Kill Michiru
Make Utaha a single mother.
>speaking the truth makes you evil
she's gonna lose right? her blonde twintails make me think she may have special tsundere advantage to win the MC bowl, but best girl status is such a huge disadvantage that it doesn't even matter. Tsunderes only win when they are shit.
>truth = lies now
Literally the devil.
user, Sup Forums does this for every harem series.
You should know by now only the main girl wins. She isn't the main girl so she can't win.
People would be lying if they said Eririfags are good and productive posters.
>delusional Eririfags don't even watch the show
It's pottery.
>TFW you don't post and talk about Utaha anymore because spergy Utahafag makes it impossible to be non-hostile and not be called a shitposter
I'm almost to the point where I'll stop coming to these threads. Animesuki has better discussions and environment than this toxic dump.
They are better posters than you could ever hope to be, shitposter-kun. And it's a fact that you started the fight against Megumifags and Eririfags. Utahafags being overly militant and active shitposters was unprecedented before you came along.
Eririfags finally got tired of having their shit pushed in fighting Megumifags so they pettily antagonize others. It's the best time to be a Megumifag.
>posting Haganai
Why is that the one time I'm ok with any of the main girls winning suddenly they lose to a side character no one cared about? I think the only other time it happened was with shuffle. Fuck shuffle too.
Bullying Eririfags for their shit taste is hardly figthing. Megumifags at least are mature enough to discuss and argue the declining quality of the main series and how the author puts more heart into KM.
I don't agree, but unfortunately Eriri isn't going to win because she isn't the main heroine of the story. It is simple as that. I don't care much about winning or losing for a series like Saekano since the msin heroine is just so passively inoffensive, so it doesn't make or break whether I enjoy it.
>i call sperging and being a shitposter ruining threads bullying people/character I don't like
Thanks for proving my point. Also pot calling the kettle black.
Yukimura didn't win. Yozora and Meat won each other so there's that.
>I can't stand being called out on my shit taste
You guys are literally the Houkifags of Saekano. Also nice job ignoring the second point.
Megumi deserves better, but Utaha must be married and Michiru must be fucked.
Megumi has that effect. Eriri and Utaha knows it and are seemingly okay because it's someone like Megumi. If it was some other girl, they probably won't and would go yandere or something.
>least popular
>worst taste
>constant shitposter
Utahafags are literally the Houkifags of Saekano.
>second point.
Hello pot calling the kettle black.
I wouldn't kill Michiru but this is overall the most sensible. Megumi is THE wife material.
You couldn't say it better
Worst bait ever. Eriri is miles better.
Nope. Utaha is not only the second most popular girl, she most people's second favorite and she was never as hated as Eriri or Megumi.
>pot calling the kettle black
Saying this doesn't prove, argue for or support anything you want to say against that argument.
>least popular
>worst taste
>constant shitposters
Sounds like Eriri.
I guess I'm okay with this.
>Eririfag painfully samefagging at full force
This is why you shouldn't start threads enabling them.
That's the only choice left so it is what it is. I personally wouldn't want to kill Michiru as well. And yes, Megumi is the ABSOLUTE wife material.
Marry Megumi
Fuck Utaha
Kill Eriri
Make Michiru a single mother
You CAN'T argue with this.
Nope. Utaha is not only the least popular girl, she barely had fans liking her more than Megumi and Eriri. People knew she was worse, but didn't care to hate her until now thanks to you.
Yes it does, shitposter-kun. Utahafags never discuss the plot or characters at all, so you can't complain first.
Utaha > Mayu > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi >>> trash >>> Eriri
The Utaha samefag is strong in here.
Eriri > Megumi > Mayu > Michiru > Izumi >>> trash >>> Utaha
Would you like her more if she was nicer and had a better body?
>what I want to believe
Megumifags are the Charfags of Saekano.
Utahafags are the Laurafags of Saekano.
Eririfags are the Houkifags of Saekano.
Utahafags argue civilly with Megumifags about the main series and how KM is better. With Eririfags that would be impossible because they're too blinded by autistic rage not to shitpost whenever their girl gets insulted.
>what I want to believe
My circular logic > your circular logic
Megumifags are the Charfags of Saekano.
Eririfags are the Laurafags of Saekano.
Utahafags are the Houkifags of Saekano.
>Utahafags argue civilly
Nice delusions.
>shipped Ami with Ryuji
>shipped literally anyone or anything except Chihiro with Keima
>shipped anyone with Rito, still ended up in nothing
>went from shipping Marika to Tsugumi and then fucking doormat in Nisekoi, all lost
>shipped farmer girl with Seiya
>shipped anyone with Tsuna
>shipped meat with Kodaka
>shipped Kururu with Ikki (FUCK air gear)
Don't worry user, I've been losing ever since i stepped on the 2D world.
There are subs already
Well, at least in spanish. I'm surprised they have it faster than english
Marry Megumi
Fuck Eriri
Kill Utaha
Make Michiru a single mother
>they are at it again
My reality > your delusions
The way Eriri was hated in S1 was very similar to how people hate Houki. The way Megumifags and Utahafags brofisted and were united against Eriri was very similar to how Laurafags and Charfags behaved in IS thread. The comparison is apt. Also, refer to the threads discussing KM and show me one that wasn't civil.
Marry Utaha
Fuck Megumi
Kill Michiru
Make Ema a single mother
Wasn't this supposed to end or something?
>this is what I want to believe because of controversial incident at episode 9 causing trolls and shitposters to jump wagon
>ignoring the fact Eriri was one of the most liked at the start and still had more fans than Utaha despite what happen that blew over after some time
Nice lie.
Megumifags never cared about Utaha and Utahafags, and now they hardly like them. Keep trying.
The show or the shitposting?
>random houki and infinite stratos meme comparisons out of nowhere l
Did the already worst harem fanbase drop to lower level? Is that even possible?
Utaha was the most popular at the start and then Megumi overturned her, meaning some Utahafags converted to Megumi and retained Utaha as their second favorite, and this was shown constantly in every thread. Eririfags were never anything but a vocal and annoying minority that supported a girl that the rest didn't care about and instead disliked for several reasons.
>Make Ema a single mother
Delete this.
Do you people want a resume of today's episode? I've watched, with subs on my language
>my narrative is the objective truth because I don't like your taste
IS threads aren't this bad because Houkifags (exceptions like ESL-kun aside) have accepted that their girl is the most hated and least popular and they don't try to blame and fight Charfags or Laurafags for that. Eririfags will never accept their status in this fanbase and will continue causing problems for everyone.
>I'm a moron and you can't stop me
I'm only throwing his retarded logic back at him. The autistic Utahafag is that retarded and cancer.
Nope. Eriri was most popular, followed by Utaha, then Megumi. So your logic doesn't work at all. Utahafags slowly faded and were mostly overshadowed, but Megumifags became most numerous, with Eririfags behind. All the fighting speaks for itself. Megumifags and Eririfags barely cared to talk about Utaha, much less cared enough to direct their attention hating her, but it's not like she didn't get fair share of her own hate. Even then Utahafags barely spoke up.
The present now makes it even clearer Utahafags = Houkifags.
>most hated and least popular
Sounds like Utaha
>Eriri was most popular
This was never true at any point in time. It only takes one autistic Eriri sperlorg to derail a whole thread so that's not a valid argument. Megumifags talked all the time about how they also liked Utaha and ranked her second, and so did some Eririfags. While people had genuine problems with Eriri as a character, Eririfags tried to divert the heat by attacking people (mostly Megumifags and now they're obsessed with Utahafags). That makes Eririfags very much the Houkifags of this fanbase.
>literally what I want to believe
When are you going to stop making Saekano threads bad and ruin it with your shitposting? Why can't you just accept that Utaha is the least popular and most hated?
This thread proves otherwise.
See This thread that has many people liking Utaha? Okay. Also, call me again when Utaha gets hate as intense as the hate Eriri got in S1.
All of you are wrong
least popular is clearly michiru, there basically are no Michirufags.
Mist hated is pretty clearly erieri because she gets flack from Utaha and Megumi fags. Its 2 VS 1. She's certainly not least popular though.
Waifu wars are to be expected but now we have to put up with this extremely autistic shitposter arbitrarily comparing everything to IS? Simply epic.
It's only you and maybe another Eriritard who get bothered with the truth and try to deny it even more autistically.
That is the truth. You'll have to deal with it.
Megumifags were just as autistic and derailed fighting Eririfags, but at least they had people who liked them more, which is more than you can say for Utaha's almost non-existent fanbase. Megumifags and Eririfags fought a lot, it only makes sense to put Utaha second, but they still didn't give a damn about Utaha and hardly ever talk about her. Most of the shitstorm happened because of Megumifags and Eririfags who were vocal and numerous. So in fact, there is no valid comparison between Char, Laura, and Houki then.
But it is valid now since Char = Megumi, Laura = Eriri, and Utaha = Houki. And good job ignoring how Megumifags true feelings towards Utaha nowadays are. They clearly don't like Utaha at all.
Utahatard is cancer.
> Marry
>I'm not wrong, all of YOU are wrong!
I guess you imagined all those people agreeing with you, huh? How sad. Take your meds.
>extremely autistic shitposter arbitrarily comparing everything to IS?
He does the same thing in Rakudai and Asterisk threads.
Why are you the only person bothered with the truth?
>being this ironic and cancer
Megumifags talked about Utaha sometimes when they weren't putting up with Eririfags' nonsense, so not really. Utahafags didn't participate in waifuwars but they posted about their girl as well. Again, I like how you ignore that you Eririfags can only attack other fans, while those other fans can attack your girl and her fans equally for being bad and cancer. Thus you're undoubtedly the Houkifags of Saekano.
Awesome irony. Anyone who isn't retarded and new would know that Eriri is the least popular and most hated main heroine.
>NO you, Utaha is the least popular and most hated, not muh Eriri
An argument a child could make. Congratulations.
>being this butthurt at the truth
This except I would kill Utaha and fuck Eriri instead.
This is the correct answer