>british slag from the BBC called stacey goes to japan
Explain yourselves lovers of 2D.
>british slag from the BBC called stacey goes to japan
Explain yourselves lovers of 2D.
Other urls found in this thread:
>literally who declares war on 2D perfection
Is this fucking joke?
Stacey got arrested for getting into people's faces over there.
3D will always fear the 2D
Is this the same woman who tried to argue with the GuP artist?
Anyway, I don't know how it works over in the UK, but in the USA we're allowed to have all the loli/shota porn we want, so long as it's not based on real life events.
The UK was a mistake
Kill yourself cancerous pedophile.
>UK is a bunch of cucks
Nothing new.
Uk, especially the BBC has a long history of child abuse. Like real children not 2D children.
>m-muh pedo
>she's 17
Kanna is moe, dont try f*ck her
>can sleep on a girls lap
Based Japan
Expect a lot more of this shit by the way, the media class of the UK was embarrassed as hell by Brexit and they'll for sure take it out on the rest of the world.
they can't help it, disobeying sharia law would get you stoned to death
2d girls are perfect and there's nothing you can do about it.
>this garbage again
Check my 5
Kill yourself.
To be fair unreported rape in japan is a big problem, but it's still a situation of people living in glass houses throwing stones.
I actually watched this 'documentary' earlier.
>her condescending face the entire time
>'you need to do more than go after actual abuser's who are producing actual content! Its wrong for you to focus on the cause when you could look better by treating symptoms!'
>that legs
Im amazed by the fact that she's 29 but got the face of a woman pushing 40.
Then why are you starting a thread about some stupid 3DPD whore, poser?
To be fair unreported rape in japan
are you ok?
>unreported rape
>big problem
if its unreported, how do you know?
>unreported rape
That's a big problem everywhere, not only in Japan.
May The Queen come back in power and stop
this cuckery.
Shouldn't you be studying the Quran?
Pure anglo genes
From stacey
Brit women don't age well.
>caring about what some 3DPD ganga has to say
Please go.
It's too late for us in the UK. Learn from our mistakes.
>unreported rape
That's a universal problem. How come britbongs forget about Rotherham?
White women in general age like milk.
What are you even saying? Do you think that everyone in the thread is one person or something, get some rest user.
>unreported rape
Heh, unreported murder.
We have a paranoid autist here who declared war on doujin, mainly yuri ones, because they "degrade" the characters.
What, Stacey's gonna use her big black cock on Japanese children?
Is the British woman on the left?
>if Japan has higher rape rate
>"You must copy our laws!"
>if Japan has lower rape rate
>"Hahaha nice unreported rape, dude!"
Fucking libtards
Brits were a mistake. They should get nuked
She went to japan to stirr shit and even got arrested over it.
When olympia rolls into the picture you can expect more of "white journalist women being shocked by sexy 2D" bullshit so it's better to start fighting it now.
I always wonder if these women who persecute men for fapping to loli know that there are women who masturbate to shota too.
So you are just new.
May she commit sudoku
You're also forgetting the women who draw brutal loli rape/gore like Chemical Janky.
>Japan is #54
See? Loli/shota porn is dangerous and should be illegal!
Yeah, I'm just saying the 1.7 in 100k figure isn't accurate, but even if the actual rape count is 5 times higher and the UK count is unchanged it still makes them look hypocritical as fuck. Never mind the failing to protect their own people from terrorists while crusading for "acceptance".
When do we nuke brits and leafs?
So the country that let Jimmy Seville rape hundreds of children over decades, and where members of parliament apparently organized child sex slave rings, is judging Japan over drawings?
>good at talking dirty but pretends to be pure
Just like my Chinese Cartoons. Based pure gyarus.
>These cartoons are dangerous for our children! What? What do you mean I can't keep importing horny men from the middle east? Racist homophobic shitlord!
Fucking libturds I swear.
>I should order the remaining Bakemonogatari-Region A-BD's before Sharia law is enacted in the U.K.
>when she is 18 I'll marry her and she'll have my children
What a cool guy.
God, you write like a women.
It's not the same with child rape. They end up in hospitals. They can't just claim it's shampoo bottle accident.
It's a fact that Japan is an incredibly safe country.
You are not making any sense, are you ok?
Not just the country, she belongs to the same fucking network that covered it up for years
Blame women. They ruin everything.
>shampoo bottle accident
Is this really a thing?
>that one guy disarms her argument and states that they should go after people who commit crimes instead of people who could be loosely associated with them through mental gymnastics
>her only response is to look like an angry slovenly brit
sasuga 3dpd
Her ilk is too far up their own ass to see shit.
>he didn't read that doujin
As expected from a shitposter, just fuck off and never post in my board again.
The far left matriarchy ruins everything. There are upstanding antifeminists calling them out for their grandstanding bullshit.
british women are so awful they spurred the men to colonize whatever rocks they came across
Than stop writing like a fag.
Sup Forums thread have no place on Sup Forums. Fuck off you redditors.
>slovenly brit
The fuck does that mean
Fucking britbongs.
Why didn't you listen.
Today I will remind them.
Shit, that's a good point. I hope someone has already called her out on that.
Sup Forums has disavowed Trump
>Chemical Janky
Thanks for the tag senpai
You're gonna have to give me the name of that doujin so I can confirm
I hate this woman so much
It was hilarious watching them flip their shit over the syria missile strikes.
>source: some fucking feminist who went to japan maybe 2 times in her life
That pic looks more like reddit than anything
>Muh pol boogyman
This documentary is absolutely ridiculous.
Rage and seport.
BBC was a mistake
Sup Forums threads do not belong on this board
How does that even make any sense bro, lolis are halal as fuck
>thread clearly about anime/manga and their content
>bitch went on a tirade against the GuP author
>thread made to talk about these things
>hmmm, there's some political connotations here and the tone of the thread contradicts my personal views, REEEEEEEE Sup Forums GET OUT!!!!!!
I know you're probably a false-flagging Sup Forumsack but you seriously need to learn what is and isn't "on-topic"
I really wish you people would follow quote chains before posting kneejerk reactions and making yourselves look retarded.
Control your autism and stop getting angry on the internet over nothing, you dipshit.
>So I've just been kept by the police for the past two hours, they held us against our will
Do Brit police just tell you to bugger off and not actually do anything? Since when is being detained a matter of compliance? And I thought Jap police were useless
i think it's time to annihilate the Brits
They don't want free speech either, they want only their speech heard and everything else banned.
Aren't most artists who draw loli doujins women?
Nice redit spacing, you can go back now.