I have studied the great social movements from Suffrage to Civil Rights and the great movers of social change from Marx and Lenin, to Friedan and Dworkin and from to Gandhi and MLK to Mao and Pol Pot. The common thread of all these movements which succeeded in enacting stunning social change is this: Social change is accomplished by force and power and the exercise thereof. Gladly power does not equal violence because peaceful resistance is a form of force and power. A very potent form.

Lasting and dramatic social change requires broad agreement that there is a problem and that specific objectives must be established and specific actions must be taken to accomplish those objectives. In short, if you want to change something you need broad agreement on the following:

(1) That there is a problem;

(2) that certain specific objectives (however vague) should be accomplished; and

(3) that specific and effective actions should be COLLECTIVELY TAKEN to accomplish one or more of those objectives.

Once you have those 3 elements, there is at least a fighting chance. If you don’t have all of them then you don’t have a social movement and nothing is ever going to change.

Red Pill is obviously not a social movement. It is a forum dedicated to the discussion of the problem of male sexual strategy. Red Pill acknowledges that there is a problem (#1) and generally acknowledges certain specific objectives (#2- i.e. getting more and better sex) but there is no attempt to enforce a specific objective and no pretension of taking collective action. It is simply not possible with Red Pill because we firmly believe that every man is his own judge. Therefore, the tenets of Red Pill cannot enforce or even agree on COLLECTIVE actions which will enable men to better accomplish their sexual strategy.


Or….Can it?

A little background first to set the stage. MRA’s, the Men’s Rights Activists have been clamoring for at least 46 years in the face of steadily increasing misandric laws and those laws have not changed in favor of men in the slightest amount. MRA’s agree with #1 that there is a problem and with #2 that certain laws and customs need to be changed. I have heard there was a slight improvement in police practices vis-à-vis domestic violence and custody at least in some States since the 2000’s but am not aware of a single MRA legal “victory” in the last 46 years.

In contrast, MGTOW, Men Going There Own Way, has been advocating for specific actions to be collectively taken (#3- Don’t get married, avoid women, pump and dump) for what? 6 years? The Wiki article on MGTOW is so badly written it is hard to tell (as a side note, the wiki on the “Manospehre” doesn’t even have The Red Pill Reddit listed!).

The womminz are losing their shit in a way they have never done over the weak sauce MRA’s. This is because the MRA’s never proposed that men take collective action to effectuate change and so they never even got noticed. They never accomplished anything. MGTOW doesn’t even know what the Hell they want to accomplish and the women are taking notice.

Imagine a world where the actions of MGTOW are deliberately and consciously coupled to the misandry, anti-male bias in government, criminal courts, family courts, the media, and the schools. Imagine a world where men begin to take COLLECTIVE ACTION with a SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE to improve the ridiculously unfair marriage and divorce laws, to roll back the snowflake protection customs (i.e. sexual harassment) and to reverse the entire domestic violence scam (where women commit more violence against men yet 99% of the time the man is arrested) and the false “rape” histrionics. A world where men recognize themselves as a separate and (more or less) united class rather than an isolated collection of individuals whining on the internet. Imagine a world where WOMEN ARE GIVEN ACTUAL AND REAL CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR COLLECTIVE ACTIONS OVER THE LAST 150 YEARS.

Such a world would see rapid and dramatic social change. Power is not just the ultimate aphrodisiac. Power and its use is the way to enact rapid legal and social change.

For the last 150 years, women have been steadily increasing their masculine power while retaining every single scrap of female power. Women (and men) have ignored the 6:1 in group bias women show towards women along with the 4:1 OUT-group bias that men show towards women. They have demanded to ‘fight on an equal playing field’ and even an advantaged playing field but with those bias numbers, an “equal” playing field is nothing of the sort and the unbalanced field we have today is ridiculously unfair to 90% of men. Not just unfair. Ridiculously unfair. Future generations will be laughing at how ridiculous we have been and will be amazed that Western Civilization could destroy itself so rapidly and completely.

I for one am not yet ready to give up without a fight. That IS what we are talking about. If you have one side willing to FIGHT and willing to commit violence, and willing to protest while the other side does nothing COLLECTIVELY then the side using COLLECTIVE action will ALWAYS win. Always.

What does “collective action” look like in the context of the gender wars? I propose the following:

I have a soulmate
Feels bretty gud senpai

NO NEW MARRIAGES. More than ½ of marriages fail and the other 90% are miserable. Even when they don’t divorce the men, which happens about 85% of the time, in the vast majority of marriages the woman completely controls the sexuality and men have absolutely no power except the power to walk away with the clothes on their back. This lack of male power is a HUGE turn-off to women, and it is extraordinarily distressing to men. When one side- the wife- has all the power and especially when she really doesn’t want all the power despite what they collectively say, then there is not marriage. Until this changes nobody should be getting married. Ever. Not to Western Thots and not to Asian princesses. Pump em and dump em or plate them, don’t even date them. Be a Sugar Daddy with a renewable short term contract, not a trapped Beta Husband with a blood soaked contract written in dollars. Abundance is the only power men have in a modern relationship. We use it by keeping our options open and refusing to give all of our commitment to a single woman. DON'T GET MARRIED. HASHTAG : BOYCOT MARRIAGE

NO INTERACTIONS WITH WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE OR IN SCHOOL. Everybody knows not to fish in your own pond (right) and all about the sexual harassment shit women have been pulling for the last 30 years. Now with the Me Too movement you would have to be a complete moron to associate with any woman in the workplace or on Campus. Don’t invite them to lunch. Don’t invite them to the after work gathering. Invoke the “Pence Rule” and if you must have a meeting with a woman ask for a chaperone and/or a witness. Make it a point to leave the door open to your office. Don't be afraid to tell the women exactly why the door is staying open. "A man needs to protect himself these days" is all you need to say. Meanwhile, don’t comment on a woman’s appearance. Don’t compliment them. Don’t even talk to women unless ignoring them would make you seem autistic. Do your job, work hard, study hard, but be a ghost.

RECLAIM MALE SPACES. We need to FIGHT to retain and reclaim male spaces. Women have no inherent right to butt in on our golf groups or our fishing trips. Plan trips WITH MEN ONLY and deliberately exclude the women. They will whine and cry. So fucking what! Spend time with OTHER MEN and learn and trade notes. Leave the women at home more often. Reclaim male spaces.

STOP RELYING ON WOMEN FOR VALIDATION. Men have always relied on women for validation. All of us have mothers but today, older and older men continue to rely on the women around them as if they were their mothers. I think this is because with women holding all the power, it certainly looks and feels like most wives ARE mothers and most husbands behave like children! How could it be otherwise when infant boys are raised by women, often without fathers, and learn from a young age to be compliant to women in authority; when they were schooled by women from awareness to puberty on how to be compliant to women in authority. Once not so long-ago men were men and women were women. Women could always use their feminine wiles and had great power over the children, over her husband and over society. The queen could always whisper honey or poison into the ear of the king. The system of power commonly called “the patriarchy” where Men held at least titular power worked because men are genetically programmed to protect and care for women. Women are NOT programmed in this way and giving them equal or even greater power means that men are imprisoned by their genetics to protect and serve women, while women are empowered by society to dominate and abuse men. The solution does not require a violent overthrow or reducing women to the imaginary chains of the patriarchy. The solution is to stop relying on women for validation; stop worshipping at the altar of the sacred vaginal orifice; stop serving women!

KNOCK OFF THE WHITE KNIGHTING: There are 4 things God should have never created

a. Cockroaches, b. Mosquitos, c. Spider Mites, and d. White Knights.

All are blood sucking killer parasites who damage and destroy whatever they touch. The behavior needs to be called out and challenged. On that note….

6. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING: Unlike the same anti-terrorist catchphrase, this doesn’t mean report bad behavior to the authorities. This means if you hear or observe bad behavior SAY SOMETHING. No this is not a call to break Rule 1 and 2 of Fight Club. DON’T TALK ABOUT RED PILL. However, it is a call to be a man and speak up when you see some bullshit that a woman is doing. When you hear a gob of misandry such as “you know how men are” the response should always be some version of “much better than you know how women are.” When the women are talking smack about, I don’t know, let’s pick Harvey Weinstien, everybody’s favorite creep and how he is a rapist pull out your phone and show them a pic of Harvey and his “Rape Victim” a few years later and almost 2 decades before she reported it as “rape” in a tweet. Feel free to be an asshole: "Yah, that’s how I call in a rape charge. I tweet it 20 years later. K." Don’t take their bullshit the least bit seriously. Stop being afraid to correct sisters, cousins, and female friends. If they want to get pissed that is their right just as it is yours to amuse yourself with their insanity rather than nodding your head in agreement.
They will freak out but so what? Remember, NEVER argue with a woman but have fun with it. Troll the shit out of them. Get them pissed off. I have asked more than one group of girls how many of Harvey’s rape victims wore panties to the 2:30 a.m. meeting to discuss her career. They freak out, trust me but it is hilarious

MAKE THEM FEEL SOMETHING. Let them know you are on to their shit and laugh at their antics but call them out on the insanity. Don’t stay silent any longer. Say something. They will get pissed off but that feeling is more likely to get you laid than White Knighting. A lot more.

7. CHIVALRY IS DEAD. We didn’t kill it. They did. They want and expect us to lift their bags and open their doors when it suits them and they want muh equality when it suits them. It is either/or and the women have chosen. Stop helping women. Don’t stop to change their tire. And yes, don’t help them get their bags down from the overhead bin (as I related to the hysteria of The Blue Pill and the dismay of many Red Pillers in a recent post). It goes against our very instincts but women want to treat men like servants and second class citizens, make false allegations with no consequences, change the rules of society and relationships and they have. We have not responded and I believe at a minimum this needs to be a response.
Men cannot just sit back getting kicked in the face over and over again. Stop it already.

Now I am not saying be a clueless douchebag in public. I recently told the story of me deplaning and (initially) refusing to take down a woman’s bag in the overhead compartment. She was an adult woman with fiercely butched hair and business slacks. It wasn’t my problem and you motherfuckers and bloops can shame me all you want. I have no duty to twist around in an awkward position and help an adult woman I don’t even know.

Chivalry is dead but human decency still exists. I do not believe these principles apply to wives, lovers, female friends, sisters, mothers, and other female relatives. Nor do they apply to the aged, young or infirm. On the same trip we loaded onto a packed bus at Disneyland and several tired women were standing while I enjoyed my seat and I wasn’t moving to give it up until I noticed a young woman holding a 4 y/o little girl and both were leaning tiredly against the post. I stood up and offered my seat to the child and she gratefully sat down on the moms (?) lap without saying a word to me. No matter. Hopefully the reader can see the distinction. Adult woman wants my seat? I don’t think so. Big girl can stand as easily as me. Why I heard women are MORE sturdy and have MORE stamina than men! I am happy to test that claim.

But if a child (of any gender) or a little frail old lady is tired and needs my seat? Of course! Without any expectations.

Conclusion: There can be no social change without broad agreement that there is a problem and that specific objectives must be established and specific actions must be taken to accomplish those objectives. MRA’s pointed us in the direction but took no COLLECTIVE action. MGTOW has shown us the collective actions but no direction. The Red Pill is a unique forum that contains both MGTOW and MRA flair. Both groups are “Red Pilled” and both are pursuing the enhancement of male sexual strategy. We must draw from the lessons and experience of those groups in the singular goal of rolling back the misandry in our society and the cruel advantages that women have in relationships, family courts, and reproductive rights. This is the ultimate solution to ‘male sexual strategy in a world increasingly dominated by feminism.

No change is possible so long as only men are affected. Nobody cares about men and certainly not the fulfillment of male sexual strategy. If men kill themselves by the tens of thousands nobody cares. The focus will be on the women who commit suicide even though it is 1/12 the number of men. If men are homeless by the millions nobody cares. The focus is on the few hundred-female homeless. If men lose their children by the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS nobody cares. The focus is on women. Always. Nobody cares how many men are destroyed and die horribly. As a species we are not programmed to care. We are programmed to protect and favor the eggs. Sperm is cheap. Eggs are valuable. Women have value because of a wet sloppy hole between their legs and need to bring nothing more to the table.

However, this genetic predilection also provides SOLUTIONS by showing that THE WAY TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM IS TO MAKE THE WOMEN SLIGHTLY UNCOMFORTABLE. All the MRA arguments fall on deaf ears because nobody cares about men. Nothing is going to change if it only hurts men. The body count of men is not important. What is important in this and every society is the comfort and security of women.

Therefore, we need to begin taking away some of this comfort and security. WE NEED TO CONSCIOUSLY START TO MAKE WOMEN UNCOMFORTABLE.

That’s it guys. We don’t need to go on a rampage. We don’t need to even commit violence. We probably don't even need to protest. We just need to stop taking it on the chin and we need CONSEQUENCES for the collective actions taken by women in the last 150 years.

Rollo teaches us that in order for male sexual strategy to win, female sexual strategy must be DEFEATED. Right now it is late in the 4th Quarter, down by 6 with less than a minute to go. It is the 101st Airborne surrounded at Bastogne. It is the German Army surrounded at Stalingrad. It is time to FIGHT and TAKE COLLECTIVE ACTION. It is time to martial our forces and unite to weaken this monstrosity called feminism.

Gentlemen, if we do not hang together, then we shall surely hang separately.



Is the pic for real??

Yes. Check the citation if you want...or even other data sources that say the same thing. Most White countries have been below replacement rate for a long time.

This is nothing but MGTOW subversion lol. MGTOW is making the world burn by doing nothing. It displays ultimate power. You want to burn the world more activelly and therefore water down the display of power.

How can you have white children without marriage?

EZ. Same way blacks have children without marriage.

It's TRP not MGTOW. It's saying stop being the Untermensch and become enough of an Ubermensch to get sex and children, but avoid the marriage jew until the laws change.

Oh wee! Are tradcucks getting desperate or what? Trying to lower the price of the thing I dont need to buy but the thing that must be sold as high as possible for them to live.

that was an unusually badly written reply.

not sure what's "tradcuck" about refusing marriage but still reproducing.

Come on who are you trying to fool? You are a subversive tradcuck. You have to understand that MGTOW is the nobility and your shit doesnt work on it. KYS

>I have studied the great social movements from Suffrage to Civil Rights and the great movers of social change from Marx and Lenin, to Friedan and Dworkin and from to Gandhi and MLK to Mao and Pol Pot.
so you basically read shit?
get out

Reparations was a stupid idea when black people called for it, and it's stupid when men call for it.
If you're solution is "what if we get ALL men to act like victims" the only result will be an increase in anti-male behavior
Also, remember
Women outnumber men.
Especially as eligible voters.

Daily reminder that in a traditional society mgtows would get married.

We NEED to change divorce laws. Even an incel would have luck with that

Imagine beeing beta bob.
>be beta Bob
>make lots of money
>girls still dont want you
>marry a roastie and have children
>roastie roasts and divorces
>you keep your assets and repeat

Is there a faggier group than MGTOW?
> reclaim male spaces
Like glory holes or gay bars?Just admit you love cock, jesus christ the lengths some people will go to if it means denying they are gay

Daily reminder that we are not MRAs. We are here to kill not to negotiate. Change all the divorce laws you want, it only enhances the MGTOW display of power through your open desperation.

are you a bot or a pajeet? because once again, your reply is barely comprehensible. i am not a tradcuck and not MGTOW. either way, good effort and keep practicing, you'll pass the Turing Test someday.

> implying the civil rights movement didn't successfully improve conditions for blacks (well, up until the jews crashed their culture in the 1970s with rap music and crack cocaine).
> implying appeasement (of the honor-less accountability-less eternal female) is ever an effective or morally justifiable strategy.
> implying civilization won't collapse if women keep being the majority of voters and nothing is done.
wew lad
I'm not asking for reparations, brainlet.

Subversive shit like you always lacked imagination. Untermech is your replacement for not a real man? Really? You cant come up with something original can you?

I only care about white babies you (((cucktow)))

based germany knows what is neat.

dude, keep in mind this board has an AVERAGE IQ of around 125. If you're gonna shill, at least put up some decent subversion. this ad hominem is almost sad. but not really. lol shill.

> we are here to kill
Sup Forums is a board of peace
> implying changing divorce laws isn't what MGTOWs want
wew lad.

New type of shill beauty with venomous material the image contradictory to the material..

So? 1 man can impregnate multiple women was it not? Are you saying your dick doesnt work?

I knoe you are baiting but no. I would either cuck a married man or destable society to single moms

You are asking for reparations, you just don't get it.
Men haven't had their rights taken away by law.
Divorce law is perfectly equal in most states
Child custody law is perfectly equal in most states.
You're basically asking for legally enforced favoritism to make up for judiciary bias of previous people.
Rooting out bias is all it takes.
Also, your divorce stats are laughable.
50% of marriages don't end in divorce and never have. That 1/2 ratio was new marriages to new divorces. Not existing marriages to existing divorces.
The ratio means married immigrants are left out of the successful marriage stat entirely. As well as spiritual, i.e. non officiated marriages.
In the us, it's closer to 28-32% these days

Pol is a board of whatever. MGTOW is a real thing that will kill you by doing nothing.

No MGTOW couldnt care less about changing divorce laws. I dont care about the accessories of the things I will not buy.

> men only spaces
> hates women
> nah, I am totally straight
lmao This is why everyone conaoders you guys closet.cases.

Am I baiting? Do you care about white babies or no? Go ahead champ. MGTOWs are not stopping you.

Yes pretty much

All kikes must die and women aren't helping shit

Yeah but img single roasties is not gonna work.Even roasties arent this stupid


> incompetent shill keeps being an incompetent shill
here is a poem for you:
- pajeet has small peepee
- marriage planned by daddy
- since pajeet is too poopy
- to attract a real lady
- he works almost for free
- while she gives succ to me!

I'm just gonna keep dumping images.


it's a shill, ok to ignore him and stay on topic if you want.

yeah...TRP is a weird mix of angry incels, based Sup Forumstards, disgruntled angry men, and Cultural Marxist subversives. This text, well...I can't think of a better solution to fix marriage (and thus civilization) than some sort of strike by men. This probably plays into Cultural Marxist hands, though...since they're simultaneously shilling extreme Feminism elsewhere. FWIW, this is a repost from a TRP moderator who isn't overtly a Marxist shill but might still be one...hard to tell.

MRA's haven't achieved shit, these days the only winning move is not to play. Marriage is an inevitable state sponsored rape for the man.

Im sorry what was that? Your dick doesnt work you say? Chad is that not you?

>"I'm going to prove how radical, socially aware, counter cultural and different I am..."
>"... by shirking marriage, having casual sex, watching porn and playing video games all day"

All this redpill MGTOW shit seems like self delusion.

They go on and on about how bad divorce and the laws are and how marriage is impossible, but the fact remains, there are still huge numbers of men getting into traditional marriages, having big families, and promoting traiditionalist values.

There is also a huge number of men (and women) who would rather follow the hyper individualist hedonist meme, going out, drinking, having sex, and wasting their money on banal, basic bitch shit like "travel" and eating out every night and useless degrees.

This whole mgtow mindset seems to be pushed by men who belong in the former camp who don't want to change, but at the same time, feel guilty for being so basic. They want to project this "counter cultural" image while living a cliched braindead millenial lifestyle.

Re evaluate your beliefs.

>I can't think of a better solution to fix marriage (and thus civilization) than some sort of strike by men

What was that tradcuck?

peckerwood racists baka

looks again, but it's really there
are you fucking kidding?
you can't know that much about her if you cite her as someone you have studied. lol.

>Men haven't had their rights taken away by law.
>Divorce law is perfectly equal in most states
>Child custody law is perfectly equal in most states.
hahahahahahaha. Christ bless these low-IQ shills, for the butthurt they are about to receive.

paternity fraud is 100% legal.
infidelity is 100% legal.
alimony is typically awarded regardless of "fault" (i.e. woman cheating).
child support calculation protects the woman's standard of living, not the man's standard of living...meaning that the woman gets to enjoy the benefits of marriage (money, security, children) while the man is deprived of what he got out of the marriage (sex, childcare, possibly housework)
women often accuse men of spousal abuse to get the outcome they want.
women with custody are often getting banged out by abusive Chads and the kids end up getting abused as a result. evidence shows single fathers are MUCH better than single mothers.

what part of "until death do you part" was not clear?
what part of "to have and to hold" was not clear?
what part of reasonably expecting to marry a virgin woman (as has been standard for basically all of human history) was not clear?

shill, tell your boss that if he wants RESULTS he should issue an IQ test to prospective shills and only hire ones that score at least 125.

You want to solve mens issues?
3 parts
Build robots
When robots mean men don't die in wars, or terrible jobs, society will stop seeing men as disposable
2 don't chase skirts. If men only date (and fuck) women they think are potential mate material, women will act like mate material. How do you think beta males became so common? Women started dating/fucking whoever due to feminism. They lowered their standards, and men lowered to meet those standards.
3 raise your daughters right. When a daughter has to weigh a decision because it's not what her father would be proud of, she's far less likely to treat a man poorly.

As a bonus: don't do drugs. Fucks over everybody

Society can see men as disposable as much as it wants. Men are not seeing themselves as disposable because of MGTOW and society shits its pants and sends rats like OP for laughable subversion attempts.

Do you not know anyone who's been divorced?
Alimony? Not very common anymore, and no state has it mandatory. In fact, some state flat out ban adulterers from getting alimony.
If you think the government should arrest people for violating the terms of a contract, and then having to go through termination clauses, you're just spiteful
Child support changes state to state

You clearly aren't religious, so why are you wanting the government to enforce a religious based oath when people get married?
You realize the ceremony isn't what makes you legally married, right?

Mgtow has nothing to do with disposability of men.
I don't mean emotionally disposed
I mean literally dead

I mean that too. I need to give a shit about society to care that it deems me disposable.

watch as I ignore the shills!




> Watch as I ignore heterosexuality

Trying to flood your own shill post. Just sad..

>Every man is his own judge

>Muh society
Litteraly 50% of society is conspiring against itself? Genetics can't make a sexist society. It is functionally impossible.

>Some shit about social change theory
Defining change as action with power is functionally meaningless. Just replace that whole part with W = Fd and see if the logical jumps make the same sense.

I agree on this. Government should be reduced to the point where the gender of those involved irrelevant. Marriage law based in contract law. Etc.

I'm saying mgtow is unrelated to being disposable
If you realized you weren't while discovering mgtow, great, but it's more likely you just were going through a general empowerment phase, as mgtow is very much not about the value of each life, hence why it avoids creating more

shills are a spook.


lol trying to combine disposability with reproduction. Tradcucks are so desperate their anti-mgtow is getting ridiculous.

Men are naturally more prone to die
We're genetically prone to defects
We're more likely to die from any number of things than a woman is.
We have shorter life spands
Nature put us as disposable, because it's a necessity
But it's not 6,000 bc anymore, and science let's us get closer to balancing the scorecard
Mgtow, unlike mra, is a sham designed to remove men with resentment towards women from society, so they can become radicalized and promote abuse.


Men are naturally more prone to die if they give a shit about a society that deems them disposable. If they dont, then everyone else is more prone to die, especially if they made said men angry.

You sure about that roastie?

>MGTOW bad, MRA good
Sorry I meant tradcuck roastie

You do what you want but I would like a single person to build a family with because it would be the most stable amongst other choices. As usual this is (((them))) attacking the core civilazation itself , family. Just because it is not working right now due to this or that doesn't mean we should abolish the husband , wife and kids triangle.


Two things
One, there's a reason men are physically superior to women in like a dozen ways
We outperform but have shorter lives as a result. Our testosterone alone proves this.
Two, mra was a specific, legal only movement, spawned primarily by fathers.
A very, very different group.
Hell, now even some women are mra, because the legal system kept their own fathers out of their lives
But you will never find a mgtow that isn't a man who's been personally, negatively impacted by malicious treatment from a woman they trusted.

Im sorry tradcuck rat who shows his true colors only when called out says what?

Nice..... now how do I subvert theses forced social change lunatics?


I have yet to find a single one of these 'women are shit' fellows who is healthy, well adjusted and had a nice childhood. They're always bitter and confused and angry, and don't realize their women/marriage allergy is literally natural selection weeding them out.

I don't mean to be overly dickish, and share your annoyance with modern women (especially whitey), but they're all we've got. Find your sack, and work to detoxify one of them

yo I'm going to sleep right now but repost this thread in like 12 hours and I'll try to read everything and tell you why you're wrong

>A presumed large number of people vs each not well abjusted person individually

That shit doesnt work anymore even without MGTOW. Well abjusted in a shit world means you are shit. And non-existent birthrates means that your kind is the ones that is much more easilly counted, not the other way around.


there is NO problem....its forced onto society as are all these leftist social conflicts.

In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:

1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.

2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.

3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.

The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.

(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.

MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.

The reason MGTOW is such a threat is because it is men threatening to go their own way generally. Not only with regard to women, but in all aspects of society. Its the same ideology as libertarians which seeks to reduce government size and influence, become financially independent and beholden only to the common law.

If men largely start MGTOWing, government will become less relavant - and thats a threat that is not welcome. Hence the anti MGTOW shilling.

I see others as bluepilled betas blundering dick first into shit situations with women because they have no self control and I pity them


nope we ,males, must use every chance to hook up with a female. it is the sigle largest motivation to acheive all else in lfe...especally the early male life.

if men go their own way, government will become stronger you idiot
Any time a population has checked out of society, the government has had to step in with authoritarian measures.
Mgtow is kids taking their ball home when they start losing.
God forbid they stay and improve

This Jew - I mean this guy - makes a valid point. If we just don't breed, and go extinct, how can ((they)) take advantage of us then?

It's just crazy enough to work

Good post

>Source: My tradcuck ass

Scarecrow cannot do anything if the ravens are not scared.

yeah but this will win everytime......everychance you lads get you should be talking to a female.
the only cunts that should listen to MGTOW threads are old cunts like me.....if you under 40..ignore this thread....talk to females at every opportunity.

People get married before they even know how to love themselves properly. One cannot truly love until they find and integrate that which is lost inside and there are a lot of emotionally lost people in the world today. Too many people go into partnerships and fail to see that their life partner is the best mirror they will ever have. They know you well and you can see all of their emotions play out as they respond to life and to you. This makes it hard to stay with someone when you constantly feel like they show you what you really are. Most people blame the partner when they dont like it and bail.

Sort your internal messes out anons..if you are balanced and truly love yourself you will have all you need to recognize the same in a life partner. You wont need a partner to complete you in any way. You will choose a partner because cocreating a life with them is more fulfilling than alone.

If you continue to live projecting all that is wrong in your life outwardly onto the world and everyone else, you will only see those same issues projected back to you. Walking away from the opportunity for love with a partner isn't the answer. Loving yourself completely first is.

> I have yet to find a single one of these 'women are shit' fellows who is healthy, well adjusted and had a nice childhood. They're always bitter and confused and angry, and don't realize their women/marriage allergy is literally natural selection weeding them out.
> Literally man up
OK sounds great! Instead of fixing an unfair, broken system that fucks over all men who aren't top-5% and also self-involved bullies...I'm going to find my sack and get a woman and...wait, why would I stop at one woman? Women are attracted in binary, either many are interested or none are. You know what? I wholeheartedly embrace this excellent post you made! I'm going to enjoy the process of natural selection, as good men (engineers) are ruthlessly culled from the gene pool in favor of selfish extroverted low-IQ sociopaths. Time to see how many virgin women I can break, and how many good betas I can cuckold! God, it feels so good being empowered! It's a rush of energy knowing that I am free to take care of ME, and as society breathes its last gasps women will gravitate even harder to assholes like me, as I unapologetically take what I want and, more importantly, enjoy the experience of crippling good people just because I can. I might even use some engineers to do this on an industrial scale -- think Tinder for innocent girls and married women where everyone's guaranteed to get an STD! Hmmm....I just LOVE thinking about other people crying helpless tears as I fuck their dreams into infected scraps...again, 100% legal to do. Hahah! Is this what women meant when they told me I should "do what makes me feel good" and to "love myself first" and to "take care of ME"? I think so! Oprah was right...I am full of myself, and it's wonderful! I enjoy sacrifice...just like what the Aztecs did, and what their descendants the Mexicans do today...except I will choose MENTAL torment that is 100% legal. Haha! I am free and I choose my own pleasure! Let the blood run, for I shall bathe in it.

If only you had the ability to see what your thoughts look like user. The body is mostly water. Pic related.

>don't start a family or continue your lineage, be sure everything dues with you
>okay if you insist, be a deadbeat dad leaving your child to single mom hell
You're playing a zero sum game. I'd be on board but men and women physically need each other, you can't bank on artificial fucking wombs.


ur water crystals r shit bro

wtf is this new autism

tfw water crystals look like the Star of David and/or the Saturn Hexagon

Well they certainly look that way depending on the frequency of the thought energy applied. And they arent mine. Scientific fact. Google the rice experiment. You can prove this out in your very home. You may not care to hear it but all the negativity people generate even if it is LARPing affects them energetically. Same would be true for neutral and positive thoughts. Wise anons would apply this knowledge carefully.

forgot pic

The connections you point out aren't trivial user. Your almonds are firing up. Have you studied esoterics or sacred geometry?

Why is carbon so important?
What is a Merkaba?
Why is 6 the number of man?
What is water a great conductor of?
What did Tesla say about everything in the universe? What were his thoughts on 3,6,9?

Blessings user!


And I'm not Jewish. I accept no labels. I'm not a follower. I'm a conductor. A facilitator. A bridge.

No, I actually agree that water seems to react in such a way. I was mocking the angry little fellow's internal water crystallage