So what's the protocol for fapping in theaters? Last time when I saw Kizu 2 during the lewd scenes I was sitting in the back corner. The show wasn't sold out so there was no one around me and I just shot my load into my popcorn bag. I looked at the ticket info for Kizu 3 and every seat around me is sold. Should I just try my best to be quiet and not disturb the others while I do it? I'm really worried that the people next to me will be annoyed by the empty popcorn bag rustling.
the protocol for masturbating in public is to not masturbate in public
Unless you are in Italy
Fuck off, creep.
Just go for it. If you're lucky they'll help you out.
Theater manager here. We've had 16 year old workers have to clean up after filth like you.
Fucking kill yourself.
Ask Paul Reubens.
Iunno, ask Pee-Wee Herman. But it should be common sense, right? If there's people around you, don't fucking do it.
If you really gotta go to the toilet. It's not worth a public indecency charge/registered sex offender just to get your shit off to anime tiddy
Why not just slip a tenga egg into your pants so you don't leave a mess everywhere and it actually feels good.
Won't that bulge be noticable?
ITT: plebs who don't understand the thrill of masturbating in public areas without getting caught
What the fuck is wrong with you. Please apologize to your parents and then die.
What the fuck dude
That's hot. Do you think they tasted a bit out of curiosity?
Trust me, no one is paying attention to YOUR crotch area unless it's making noise
No, now you'll just have a normal sized crotch.
I mean, I fucked my ex at a movie theater once. And call me a massive coward if you want, it was the most stressful boning experiences I've ever had.
I feel you.
So how did you lose your right hand?
The stress is the whole point.
Who the fuck goes to a theatre anymore. It's 2017 and the jews have destroyed that pleasure as well. They're just fucking gross.
Fuck off
Hole in the popcorn bag.
I can meet you there and we can jack each other off.
Post loot.
Spunkcorn, a non-dairy popcorn topper all can enjoy.
>old hag shinobu is only good with shotaragi
>old hag