She sees your number of books read this year
She sees your number of books read this year
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Lolita was the only book worth reading. Everything else pales in comparison.
>still no Infinite Jest anime
Come on Japan.
I used to read somewhere between 2-3 books a week, and did so far years, but I stopped reading entirely when I gave up trying to be a novelist.
literally 0
Unless you count LNs, which I've read 2 volumes of
>she actually namedropped Pynchon
the absolute madwoman
>giving up on your dreams
This isn't like my anime at all, except some of them like the ones about being a NEET or a salaryman
>49 is his most accessible book by far
>she still gave up
the fuck?
Writing makes me feel suicidal so I stopped after years of constant suffering.
Reading English stuff in Japanese is rather pointless.
I feel you lad. Can't get any better than perpetually reminding yourself of how much of a failure you are every waking day.
Because you obviously forced yourself to write while being depressed, so you created association Writing = feeling like shit. Try to write when you're in a good mood.
Doesn't do anything. Writing ruins my mood. I'm on depression and anxiety meds. I've tried therapy and hypnosis. I used to exercise daily and that never lightened my mood either. I don't really enjoy doing anything. I just sleep all day and then do nothing on the internet because doing anything else makes me want to die.
It doesn't help that I still have the vocabulary and eloquence of a middle schooler, even though I used to read through several books a week and religiously studied some of my favorite authors, like Herman Melville and Gene Wolfe. I'm terrible with words.
Actually doing something means sacrificing how perfect it is in your head.
Your writing probably does suck, it'll probably still suck even after a while. But one day it'll suck less and people will want to read it.
I know that, but knowing that doesn't make me feel any less suicidal.
I think it's around 15 or so, I've been slacking a lot. Been meaning to read more science fiction too.
What are your /lit/ goals this year? Mine is to read all of Proust this summer, just need to get the last two books then I'm set.
I recently found out that Steinbeck kept a journal while writing. He talked a lot about his self-doubt which is kind of inspiring because I feel the same way. Maybe you should check it out and consider keeping a journal?
>reading pure text in 2017
>there are people who haven't given up on their dreams
Come on now, just give up already, it isn't like your dreams are going to come true. That kind of thing just doesn't happen in real life.
please be bait
The only thing I've read so far this year is The Metamorphosis
I hated how back when i was teenager and people always complained that young people dont read books anymore and when i mentioned that i read comic books it somehow doesnt count.
My plan was to read 60 books this year
I'm at 6;_;
It doesn't count user.
books aren't comics, they are right
obviously it doesn't mean that they're inherently woth less though
I liked this show. Haven't been reading much though.
You have to be 18+ to post on this site user.
I read Lolita last year. It was a very interesting experience. The book did a good job of helping me understand the mentality and thought processes of a pedophile, which in turn also helped me to understand the anime community better.
>i read comic books
I know this is bait, but imagine being the kind of person who thinks The Very Hungry Caterpillar is basically the same as 1984.
>not a single book
I don't think this semen slurping hobbie is for me.
>read a book
>suddenly start writing posts on Sup Forums in affected, cringeworthy prose and get called a semen-slurping faggot
>I've read six
What were they out of curiosity? I do like reading and try and at least read around one hundred or so pages a day.
I recommend Nabokov's short story collections
I often wish I could stop using the internet entirely; do something with my life instead of sitting on my ass everyday jerking off to anime porn and stuffing my face with popcorn and coffee. Maybe it would help me be a better writer. Not in the sense of having things to write about, but to pick up on speaking mannerisms and they way others conduct themselves. I've done nothing but confine myself to my room since I was 16 (I'm 25 now) and every word out of my mouth, and every sentence produced by keyboard, is just an echoing of the paltry vocabulary I've used since I was in my mid teens.
Sheesh, i read 60 in about 3 months.
>Bram Stoke's Dracula
>shit pacing and shit ending
read oscar wilde then
what a wordy faggot he was
>he says while posting a fucking Love Live reaction image
I think the most productive I have ever been in my life was when I couldn't afford internet for a period of six months
Did something say PALE in comparison!?!?!?!
Who the fuck cares? Living is a scam, enjoy it how you want.
There is no greater meaning to life if you leave your room. Just more problems, and some meagre fleeting happiness that isn't really worth the investment.
>half of two regular books
I used to read. I was a huge reader. But now all I do is read manga.
Herman Melville is the greatest writer of the English language, btw.
>dude whale biology lmao
Oh man! You guys crack me up!
I'm working on a little something-something but I can't promise that it'll come out this year! There's still a lot of kinks that I gotta sort out!
I'm feeling really good about this one, though!
Not William Faulkner or Pynchon, Melville is alright though.
Against The Day was better than Gravity's Rainbow and V was godawful. Haven't read Mason & Dixon yet.
Debate me.
I tried reading it and was bored to death. Didn't make it past their road trip.
Blood Meridian anime adaption when.
Finally a worthy successor to Genocyber
I am nearly 30 dammit. I am just still angry that they dismissed comic books. Not every comic book is capeshit
>Comparing Blood Meridian to Genocyber
I'd say Blood Meridian is more like Tenshi no Tamago from a visual standpoint, considering how much gore is in it American Psycho fits the comparison better.
So while on the subject of literature, what are some novels you'd like to see adapted into Anime? I think Kobo Abe or more Mishima would be nice but I Am a Cat, I'm surprised it hasn't been attempted yet. Seems very fitting for anime.
I miss this show
What would a date with either of them be like?
But there is great comic books too like hellboy
He'll put out something new soon, r-right?
He is probably still digging through 19th century encyclopedias to entertain us with new obscure slang references.
>No new book since Bleeding Edge came out
I'm getting worried about him, hoping he's working on another door stopper along the lines of Mason & Dixon, Against the Day and Gravity's Rainbow. I don't see him writing anymore after his next book.
>Mfw Pynchon was the one who made cuckold popular again
I honestly would not be surprised.
I just hope he isn't dead.
I dont read books. they are for kids
Pynchon would still write from the afterlife.
Sixty-Nine by Ryu Murakami, with all necessarily music licenses.
>he says, posting on an anime board
And it was zero last year.
And it was also zero the year before that.
He looks almost exactly like my cousin.
wow what a nerd
okay name a single book worth reading as an adult
I will wait
The Bible
I think I'm on my 8th of the year.
If you don't think this would be the tightest shit then get out of my face
>dismissing an entire medium while watching anime
Kill yourself
>bring book to work to read during break
>everyone thinks I'm studying in my spare time because they cannot possibly imagine enjoying reading a novel
Then again, I work as a machine operator on night-shift, so maybe I'm just in the wrong profession
we had to read this shit in school
a fucking waste of time
yet you fail to name a single worthy book
if you dont like anime go fuck off to /lit/ kiddo
It wouldn't be a huge jump in logic to think that you are studying. People do that if they go back to school for instance.
Anime adaption when.
Should be good for at least 100 episodes.
>yet you fail to name a single worthy book
I hope you realize that pretty much every single anime you ever watched has been influenced by literature
terrible list
anime is objectively a superior entertainment medium than books so reading books for entertainment is inherently stupid. the only books I might consider worth reading are educational ones
but yeah do whatever you like. if you enjoy books, good for you. unfortunately I dont
>anime is objectively a superior entertainment medium than books
weeeeeeeeeew lad
Why are you guys responding to obvious bait?
Is something wrong with me if i don't find books entertaining to read?
That is correct
t. millenial who rejects every medium that doesn't stimulate at least two senses
anime has more tools available so it is inherently superior
a book only as letters, an anime could technically copy every single book simply by printing the text and nothing else. so anime can encompass everything a book can do. but in addition to that anime can do much more, have animation, sound and so on
meant to quote
same goes for you
>anime has more tools available so it is inherently superior
Literally the other way around
The less senses a medium uses the better it is
Books are more flexible as far as time goes. A chapter can be as short or as long as you want but an episode has to end in 24 minutes.
Wow, real life must be the worst shit ever, it uses ALL senses at the same time!
>so anime can encompass everything a book can do
That's really not true but it doesn't shock me that there are people who honestly believe that. Prose and poetry have qualities that don't carry over to other mediums well in a lot of cases. There's no way something like Moby-Dick could be turned into an anime without much of its meaning and artistry being lost with the transition.
That's true though.
I have no idea what you're trying to say, considering that real life isn't a medium
according to your retarded thought process being deprived of all senses is the best entertainment of all
so you believe books are art? kek, that explains everything
>so you believe books are art?
not him but how is that even a question?