Why can’t blacks hold down jobs?

Really, what’s stopping them from working?

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Half of them have IQs below 85.

Laziness and chimp-outs when confronted with any sort of criticism, no matter how well intended.

African american eomplyment is going up fast under Trump

The Tim Hortons I go to has had the same black fellow working their for the past 6 months. Personally I'm proud of him and tell him that everyday.

Laziness and room temperature IQ.

I live next to a black family. The son, who is a full grown adult - mid twenties 6"4', refuses to find a job and is constantly arguing with his parents about such thing.




>Half of them have IQs below 85.


>Personally I'm proud of him and tell him that everyday.


>be niggers
>have incredible employment rate in america
>support abraham lincoln
and that's when it started going downhill



They get paid unemployment benefits and government assistance if they give the illusion of trying to find a job. Bonus points is they can sue for being fired off they are black.

they're quite literally too stupid

there was a black guy who came to work with us at certain place that sold pizzas

he took the pre-packaged cold salad and stuffed it into the hot-bag with four large pizzas

i sincerely hope i don't have to explain to you why that is dumb as fuck


there's something cathartic about watching these whores get what they deserve.

>mfw the nigger guy dancing in the first one

They need a good ass beating by a white man!

social engineering
same reason todays white people are so weak

keep the people down to stay in power. blacks used to have strong christian families and shit, they used to be hard workers. now they are shit, white people are shit, even todays jews are lazy and not half as crafty as they used to be. everything decaying along with civilization itself, we're all falling apart.

blame the deep state or the establishment, or the top jews, whatever you call them. and blame yourself and parents and your parents parents for being totally fucking asleep at the wheel

Why can't racists think?



I have a theory on this.

The immigrants we got from China/India were the hard working/smartest of the bunch. They brought over a generally strong/intelligent gene pool.

Black people were taken over as slaves. Instead of coming over on your own initiative, you were forced to the US. The ones that were captured were also probably not the smartest of the bunch.

This effect is compounded with racial and cultural differences resulting in what we see today.


>African american eomplyment is going up fast under Trump
which will drive down birth rates, it always does

i dont even get why racists hate trump. he may not be racist himself but he gets shit done for white people. like employing minorities so they breed less and reforming immigration

the niggers that ''all white women are dying to be with''

They are not fit for a civilization built by people with higher iqs.


You really think I want to be in a Black ethnostate with people like this?
t. Black guy with a job and degree


user, why are you trying to make me so angry?




Are you out there telling the world that it's reasonable for us to want to separate ourselves?

>milk dumped on her head and she doesn't even notice she's so absorbed into the smartphone
this is so pathetic


Who are/were the African intellectuals who were not victims of slavery?


because the ones in africa are a beacon of civilization

>(((taken over as slaves)))
After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax, the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.






One would assume it was their owners. The Atlantic slave trade did not enslave a bunch of random villagers, they purchased slaves for resale in the Americas, primarily Brazil.

Lack of abstract thought


me too. probably a lot more of us on Sup Forums then people think.
>living in a world without white people
not even worth it, if you go to space please take me with you white people

That part I get and understand. I personally just don't want to live with other Blacks who refuse to get their shit together and resort to shit like this.


A compelling counterpoint! Well refuted my friend!



responsibilities like showing up on time, doing a halfway decent job without stealing anything or getting anyone killed.

exactly, so many people act like slavery was a white invention well who the fuck did they buy the slaves from.

meanwhile the barbary slave trade, you're not taught about that in school. the whites were slaves once too, in northern africa. and the barbary slave trade was A LOT bigger then the american slave trade by far



oh God, sterilizing nigs would be a service to them





3 things you can't give a nigger

a black eye,

a fat lip,

and a job

What is the Great American Dream?

a Nigger swimming back to Africa holding a Jew under each arm

A vicious cycle of shitty upbringing. They’re not taught a proper work ethic or the concept of work-reward because their parents (usually just a mom) suck at being a parent, because her mom sucked at being a parent, and so forth. Black youth have 0 positive role models. On top of this they’re usually in improverished areas where there’s a lot of drugs, so they turn to that instead since 1.) it’s easier to make money off of and 2.) it’s glamorized in their music and by their peers.

Slavers literally selected for physical strength and docility. You mixed in 28% European and you still ended up fucked.

Modern African "refugee" immigrants are selected by resourcefulness and aggression.

What could possibly be the outcome?

Muh hard work. White male neet here. You need to kill yourself if you think work is a virtue. You are a natural born slave and nothing more. Who told you you can have an opinion? You want some lashes to get off or what?

And your countries youth idolize these monkeys. Copy their behaviours, actions and imitation their culture. If the uk is lost to muslims then usa is lost to low iq savages

>a black swimming
thats where it stopped making any sense
we have different ankle bones, great for jumping, shit for swimming

i'd rather be good at swimming, i have not once managed to jump my way out of a difficult situation

>That part I get and understand
What I'm asking is if something like race comes up do you openly tell everyone we're, mostly, very good. And that whites who want to be around other whites are reasonable and not evil?

find another dream


The Steak and Shake 1 block from me has had the same black guy working there for 4 years, but he is rude as fuck and I dread every time I see him. I think it's because he's willing to work the graveyard shift which is primarily drive-thru customers so they aren't exposed to his lack of social skills.

>current year
>choosing to become a wagie

Unless you're well educated or in a decent trade or own a business, you are better off being a NEET. Yeah you get half the money in neetbux but you have infinitely more time than slaving away mon-Fri.

I intend to work only untill the summer and then hit the neetbux again, study part time, maybe do some odd jobs.. and live the life. We can't afford houses or even cars without bowing to our Jewish masters, and our boomer parents sold our futures to the lowest bidder.. so fuck it.

Negro kids are encouraged to hit each other on the head, if their parents ain't doing it.

Causes typical Negro behavior later.



brotip: black women have tighter vaginas because they give birth to babies with smaller heads
tighter even then asian vaginas, which are actually quite wide at the opening but too short for a fullsize dick. just use birth control, i am concerned that whites are breeding below replacement rate

Different black guy here,

I am. It's really hard because I live in a liberal shithole state and people think I'm crazy for being right of center. I think it's working though, since I'm a really nice reasonable person.

thats y the 2 jews




You know the absolute funniest part that liberals can't critically think about?

>blacks have the highest unemployment rates; we need to get them jobs
>illegal immigrants aren't taking jobs away; they're doing jobs WHITES don't want to do
>looks like we need more shitskins in white countries

It's not actually funny, it's enraging every time.


I havnt been able to work since Sept 2016. Id rather be working atleast 30 hours a week to have more money then I do now and not be so bored


Based Chinaman trying to help but it's falling on deaf ears

a white guy called me an uncle tom once and i almost chimped out on him. true story. was trying to explain to him the un agenda for replacement migration to erode nationalism in preparation for a one world government. and he just thought i was basically hitler for saying germany would not be germany without the germans.

it's just common sense fuck. theres nothing even racist about it. i think i've gotten through to a lot of white people though because they think its racist not to let me speak or something


HAHAHAHAHA, fucking idiot



Yeah, something along those lines. "I don't blame them," is something I once said to describe that.

Good to hear you're talking to them. They certainly wont fucking listen to me.

You think you have a choice? What am I supposed to do? If a single black remains in a white population we will get what happened in the US all over again. If you were medically non-Jew guaranteed that you couldn't have descendants/produce sperm/etc. then I wouldn't have a problem.

Although I'd rather you have your own non-nigged ethnostate and I could come help you defend your sovereignty with military force from the sand nigs and other savages. Hell you could even visit white land, but no staying.



>a white guy called me an uncle tom once and i almost chimped out on him.

Props to you for not giving into your instincts. That shit pisses me off too, but I've learned to have a sensible chuckle at whites when they do this and then watch them blow a fuse when I accuse them of racism for thinking I should act a certain way because of my race.


>Personally I'm proud of him and tell him that everyday.

Advanced autism.